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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The storyline details the collapse of government in China, making an outside conflict(perhaps with Russia) more probable. And the collapse of Chinese government isn't improbable itself after my understanding. Its a huge country with many local minorities tied together.
  2. sparks50

    City Map?

    You can still find it+afghan village here: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/opx.7z
  3. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It only existed for us once a developer told us about it :p Dragon rising Storyline: I find it cute how the map starts by highlighting Washington DC, before its dragged to China. It reminds me of where every location in the Team America film was relative to America :D whOuoMB15jM
  4. [58943] New: Added mouse smoothing to game options
  5. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yes, someone should make an Firefox addon or something that just auto fills these fields, I'm getting tired of them.
  6. Here you go, torrents: http://www.gameupdates.org/details.php?id=3740 http://www.speltorrents.se/download.php/1418/bf2patch150.exe.torrent Dont expect super speeds though, many leechers and few seeders. BTW with the patch you no longer need to have the DVD in the drive to run the game. I hope we wont have to wait long for the PR 0.87 hotfix.
  7. Now, If I only could find a working mirror :p
  8. Anyone know what changed from 58926 - 58930?
  9. sparks50

    SLX Mod WIP

    I have a tiny request, could you pack the addons in @SLX/addons to speed and ease up for beginners the process of installing them. Great mod! :)
  10. sparks50

    Damn FRAPS

    Read this: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=132460 Thats what helped me getting better quality. But I think you need a better program than Windows movie maker to export in the best formats like H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4.
  11. Heres the changelog. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/bf2_2142/archive/2009/08/27/battlefield-2-update-v1-50-is-almost-here.aspx Im looking forward to try the booster packs(thanks EA) but I am admittedly more of a Project Reality guy than Vanilla. The RAM and widescreen fixes sounds nice though.
  12. sparks50

    When driving a truck and a motorcycle....

    The motorcycle one is definably a bug. Not so sure about the truck one, could be intentional.
  13. Personally I would rather have it the current way, I think it makes better usage of my widescreen monitor.
  14. Anyone know what kind of scope is on this SCAR? http://www.armaholic.com/pfs.php?m=view&v=3-arma2_arrowhead_ingame_shot_14.jpg
  15. I agree, Addonsynch is a much more powerful tool(and faster to use when operating different mod sets) It can even automaticly download the needed addons for a server, if the specific server supports this.
  16. NWD has some good Acog reticles. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83779
  17. sparks50

    Red Dawn: Endgame Arma 2 Trailer

    The videoprovider doesn't work for me, neither on latest Firefox or IE 7. The Youtube trailer looks good however.
  18. sparks50

    Why dont you use the ingame voice chat ?

    I havent experienced any VON problems(not related to bad mics etc) after they fixed it. And the direct chat + vehicle chat is invaluable in practicality and immersion. For clans, it doesn't necessarily have to replace teamspeak, but it is a great supplement to it.
  19. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The TAB targeting system from OFP seems to have survived. I especially noticed that the Javelin seems to function just like the ARMA javelin, except for the mounting animation and a Javelin-like HUD. Come on developers, we want it properly. bqv56svMF58 BTW, there goes the "every weapon system is operated like in real life" lie.
  20. Thats probably right. I'm surprised arma2.com and bistudio.com hasn't added a presentation page of AO yet.
  21. INTRODUCING Tiny, very white white-guy Known for hes role as large macho African American Now returning in Bohemia Interactive "Operation Arrowhead" In the role of angry fundamentalist muslim
  22. I dont see any new changes in the changelog, I wonder what changed?
  23. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Can someone reset the thread poll? :(