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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    In more cheerful BF news(though I know some people have problems with PR too). 0.9 of PR is about to be released, and thats where youll find me, not on this console beta thingy :D http://www.realitymod.com/
  2. Apparently taking features from VBS 2 and integrating them into Arma 2 is not a simple drag and drop operation, because VBS 2 has been tweaked to such an extent by BIA that the code doesn't share so many commons with the Arma games any longer.
  3. sparks50

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    Voice over net fixes! I hope this brings VON to the state it was in Armed Assault after patches :)
  4. You are putting words in hes mouth here. Theres a lot of spam and speculation here. And this isn't making it better.
  5. There are plenty of gameplay footage, though of course from an early stage. How about doing some research first? :) Ill be kind now and search it up for you. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7774 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6957 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7731 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8949
  6. sparks50

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    Dice has hinted towards mod support, so lets hope for the best. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3176866
  7. sparks50

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    Yup. They are kind of misleading though, they sound very scary and dangerous, but when it all comes to it, you can take about 30 hits before you go down(unless you are shot by a sniper rifle, which strangely kills you in only one shot)
  8. sparks50

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    I really dislike how the aim is sort of slowed down and not properly connected to the movements of my mouse. The destruction engine thing is great though, I love how you really have to differentiate between cover and concealment. Not even behind a house are you safe. It really adds to the gameplay. I wont be buying this game though, PR 0.9 on the bf2 engine is what I am waiting for :)
  9. In my opinion, the mission maker should himself be responsible for creating the balance he wants. This can be done in in many ways, like giving one side more of something, or giving a tactical advantage of some kind.
  10. sparks50

    ACE2 Medics/corpman dont heal?

    The ACE 2 thread is here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=92466
  11. There is a perfectly good search function that quickly answers most of the questions here. But respect to those who spend so much time answering questions.
  12. Haha, gotta try out this new way of air support :p Thanks for all your hard work modders and testers!
  13. sparks50

    Game of the year 2009 - Game Page

    http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/program/10214249039-16.01.2010-12:00-2-game-page.html?search=arma+2&deid=3725 Look at the poll to the right.. Meaning "What is your preferred gaming platform?". PC got 76%, ps3 and 360 shares second place with 7% each (!) I know PC gaming is pretty big in Czech, but this is pretty surprising.
  14. Proper sources or it did not happen. What I have seen is only a few forum users imagining things and then treating it like a fact.
  15. sparks50

    Heard something about Dynamic Combat Module?

    The simple way to use it is to go from the main menu: single player/scenarios/my missions/new mission/04 combat. Then you can adjust a few parameters etc. Any Island works(if you are lucky with the chopper landing)
  16. MW2s popularity doesn't matter if the people who like MW2 doesn't turn up for the vote. Perhaps the best indication of this vote being invalid is Killing floor being on the the first place. I checked Steam Stats. Killing floor were being played by 4 000 people. MW2 124 000. Now read this front page article on the Killing floor main website: http://www.killingfloorthegame.com/2010/01/05/we-need-your-vote/ Case closed. We also had a similar topic about the poll on this forum, urging people to vote for Arma 2.
  17. I don't want to spoil anyones fun here, but I seriously doubt that poll has any relevance to what the average gamer thinks. Its a small poll, and thus vulnerable to groups mobilizing and thus getting a good position.
  18. To give, Press G key, drop whatever you dont want on the ground, have a buddy pick it up. If your teammate is an AI, you can select him and make him walk to the things you dropped on the ground, and press 6 (action) while having him selected. You should see an action for "gear"(this will only show if a pile of ammo/guns/gear/ammo crate or other places you can store stuff in is nearby). use the menu popping up to interact with hes gear. Getting ammo is pretty much the same procedure reversed.
  19. sparks50

    Artist of ArmA2 music?

    Theres a interview of him over here if your interested. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91688
  20. Glad to see the wiki hosted on devheaven. http://ace.wikkii.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2
  21. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Your not happy with your 25km view distance? :pet6:
  22. A group should move at the speed of the slowest man in the group, your fault for running too much despite being warned by the breathing. The stamina is pretty good, but it is not idiot proof: you have to slow down yourself when warned, because the ideal solution of limiting player speed is not possible. Dont run full speed unless your life depends on it, and use transport when you can safely. If not, keep a low tempo. Alex: same here with the buggy weapon loudness. Sometimes a shot is fired by an enemy far away, and it feel like its just nearby.
  23. sparks50

    Bullet velocity - inaccurate ?

    I vaguely remember that someone found that there was a significant delay in the dust/smoke effect reaction in Armed Assault.