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About stegman

  • Rank
    First Sergeant


  • Interests
    Playing ArmA, talking about Flashpoint, risking my job by downloading addons from work and saving up
  • Occupation
    I'm in charge of an IT helpdesk!

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    ARMA, Guitars, Mass Effect, Beer

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  • Biography
    I have been a HUGE fan of the ARMA franchise, probably long before many of you were born.

    I totally fell in love with Operation:Flashpoint (AKA OFP, AKA arma:coldwareAssault) when i had a free demo on a CD on the cover of a PC Gamer magazine! 
    (I know right? old AF or what?)

    After dipping in and out of Arma for many years it's held a very special place in my heart and is probably my favourite game series of all time ever.
    I also love the Mass Effect series but for different reasons, but nothing can hold a candle to ARMA in my eyes.

    I'm also trying to learn to play the guitar...i'm not very good.

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About Me

I have been a HUGE fan of the ARMA franchise, probably long before many of you were born.

I totally fell in love with Operation:Flashpoint (AKA OFP, AKA arma:coldwareAssault) when i had a free demo on a CD on the cover of a PC Gamer magazine! 
(I know right? old AF or what?)

After dipping in and out of Arma for many years it's held a very special place in my heart and is probably my favourite game series of all time ever.
I also love the Mass Effect series but for different reasons, but nothing can hold a candle to ARMA in my eyes.

I'm also trying to learn to play the guitar...i'm not very good.
