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Everything posted by petek

  1. Worked a few weeks ago and now just get a spinning circle icon... Cheers
  2. Nope - still not working for me....
  3. Will try again. Just downloaded an update so hopefully... cheers
  4. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    I've not found one yet mate - I'm in the same boat with 21 years in! Cheers
  5. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Hi - has anyone found a way to remap mouse button 4 or 5 to work? I always use sights with my thumb button and so far cant remap? Cheers
  6. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    your doing better than me mate - I still can't load the bloody Island! 😉
  7. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Has anyone worked out how to open the map and start doing anything? I seem to just open in the middle of the sea? Cheers
  8. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Yeah I think maybe releasing a basic guide to Workbench may have been a good idea.... think most people are very used to playing about in Arma editors ..
  9. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Hiya Now I have the editor can anyone simply tell me how to open the Everon map and start messing around please? Been a while since I've done anything in 3Den and am very rusty! thanks for any help guys
  10. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Cheers mate - you're a star!
  11. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Thanks mate but not showing up in my steam library under Reforger... any ideas? Cheers
  12. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Hi - I'm probably being dense in all this excitement.... where exactly is this? Cheers
  13. petek

    New informations or announcement soon?

    I've been with this game from the start.... please God don't lose track of what makes it unique..... quality sandbox editor and a decent modable AI etc.... I have always been exclusively single player and no AI etc.... would make me finally have to walk away..... I really hope it doesn't come to that.... Cheers guys... fingers crossed....
  14. I'm late to the party .... Welcome back - always liked you're work mate.
  15. Hi BIS - nice surprise for Christmas - thanks! The new static M2 seem very easy to destroy and the shield appears to offer no protection. cheers
  16. petek

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Hi No mods and Vanilla branch. Saw a youtube walkthrough and they didn't seem to have the same problem...... strange
  17. petek

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Anyone else having issue with fire effects not showing up? I keep getting burned as all that shows is heat haze? cheers
  18. petek

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Cheers mate
  19. petek

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Hi all - I'm currently on the Dev branch - anyone know if the DLC will drop onto that too or do I need to switch to "normal"? cheers
  20. Thanks zukov. Weird.... I don't seem to get that outfit either in editor or arsenal. EDIT - found them as uniform items.... Doh!
  21. Am I missing something? Where are these new guerrilla clothes? Cheers
  22. petek

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    "for the spetznaz only this ? not even a Ifrit /t14 /Tempest repainted in green/russian camo?" If that's the case that's pretty "thin". Even if the plot is along the lines of "a few Spetznaz infiltrating the alien site" or whatever it doesn't give much option other than infantry only scenarios...... I too was hoping for some quality reskins of existing assets and an associated Faction (even if not used fully in the campaign)
  23. Hi I've pre ordered so I assume as it nears release date assets will be added to try? At the moment it's the ones listed in first post in the editor but will the rest eventaully be accessible in arsenal/garage? cheers
  24. petek

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Well I've pre-ordered but please BIS don't take this as a vote for the small content/direction/assets etc.... I buy this purely to support BIS future development and continued bug fixes. There's much feedback on what the community wishes from future development/Arma 4 etc and this isn't the topic to reiterate that. I bought GM for the same reasons and that mostly served to remind me that AI still can't reverse a bloody tank 😉