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Everything posted by mamasan8

  1. Something happens when I get into a town and suddenly Im getting major slowdowns, 8 FPS or so. CPU-cores run at 80%, both of em (they never go any higher). GPU on the other hand is idling, 0% utilization for the most part, spikes to 15-20% for a splitsecond then idles again. Just when I need the GPU the most, thats when the engine uses it the least. Something bogs down the CPU completely. It doesn't matter if the game can draw 10km and show an accurate picture of all the planets rotating around earth if it is unplayable. That's just bad design.
  2. mamasan8

    Where is the Game?

    The assumption here would be that what is in the game now, the base, works very well. The failure is that it does NOT work well. Basically, we are getting a Beta with no content. Crashes, slowdowns, low FPS. I have a mission with 30 AI fighting in a town. FPS drops from 60 -> 10 or 20 FPS instantly. So no, not even SP works. Just for reference, I bought the Alpha. Never played it, it was just such a pile of dung. In Beta it started to be playable. For me, BIS has always provided the base product. For the good product, I turn to mods. But when the base product deteriorates to this standard...no mods can save it.
  3. mamasan8

    Mantle, SteamOS and Arma 3

    Try Wine http://www.winehq.org/
  4. mamasan8

    ArmA III is a good game!

    Eurotruck simulator 2. With and without trailer.
  5. mamasan8

    Performance Help

    Particles...smoke grenades...if I throw 2-3 of those and particles are at anything above Low...major slowdown! No, its not your system, its the game, especially in multiplayer its just cowdung
  6. mamasan8

    Unrealistic weapons damage

    It's even worse when you see him getting hit 3 times, he turns around, aims for 0.2 seconds and headshots you. 1 shot should incapacitate at the least, second/third shot definately kill.
  7. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151794-ArmA3Mark-Benchmark-your-ArmA-3&p=2432217&viewfull=1#post2432217 Going by that, you might gain 1 fps...
  8. This bug only happens in dev branch, at least til yesterday, dunno if BIS patched Stable yet. But yeah, its frigging ballsac-annoying! Imagine getting a gun, fitting it with a scope and a silencer (which only took you 3 minutes!!) and now you want ammo and rightclick ammo only...SURPRISE!! It's scrolls to the top and VOILA! You just equipped another gun...Now you get to do it all over again. Congratulations!!
  9. mamasan8

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hopefully it doesn't have that annoying scrolling bug in it, when viewing a weapon box (returning to top of list every 3 seconds). If there are any performance-enhancements in it, I haven't noticed any.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but the way I see it is this: All assets used on the map are loaded into your system memory, RAM. Only what is needed is actually drawn by your GPU and exists in your GPU RAM = View Distance. So if something is outside your area of engagement/action, it only exists in system memory. It is not processed (unless specifically needed, AI vs AI-warfare for example). It still isn't drawn. If you are not near it, your not loosing any performance (unless it is something the CPU needs to process). Of course the game isn't drawing the whole island all the time, we would have 1 Frame every 5 years.
  11. mamasan8

    ArmA 3 ATI optimization

    45 FPS? Good luck getting anything over 10 FPS in Multiplayer
  12. Its a Windows Feature, has been in Windows for ages. Nothing the BI Devs can do about that.
  13. mamasan8

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    I haven't gamed with a resolution of 1024x768 since Quake 2 days. Expecting that to happen now? Hahahaha....Ooooh, HAHAHAHA!! The game is badly optimized, especially online. Latest devbuild is no improvement, I tried yesterday.
  14. Its not your computer, its the game (and its engine, same things in Arma 2) To make it longer. Try the following: Terrain: Low SSAO/Clouds/Caustics: Disabled PiP/HDR/Dynamic Lights: Low FSAA: 2x or Off Rest on High (except for maybe Objects, play around with it.) View distance: 1000 Object distance: 600
  15. mamasan8

    High Command - Problems and Thoughts

    This is just in general about AI driving, has been like this since OFP IIRC. Put the AI driver in 'combat mode' (7-2) and they will drive all over the place. Doesn't matter what car/tank. They don't stick to the road, they drive backwards, forward, its just chaos. Aware-mode is much better.
  16. The best servers in my experience are the ones with 10 people or so connected. Arma 3 seems to suffer from same problems as Arma 2. Just tested arma2 online today. Same FPS as Arma 3, the game hardly uses my GPU at all, it stays at 20-30%, same as Arma3. I run high settings in arma3, very high in arma2. I fired up Metro:Last Light and GPU utilization was 100% or close to the whole time. Everything turned on/on highest setting, getting 20-30 FPS. Is everything done on the CPU in Arma-series?
  17. Nice idea about the Team Killers. Also block their chat. One thing that ran rampant in Arma2 was artillery strikes. How to stop those other than by kicking/banning the player, I don't know. Arty strikes isn't something a player normally can do out of thin air but hackers could. Scroll-wheel-menu: The most used options should ALWAYS top the list. 'Put explosive charge' should always be near the bottom. Top-list: Get IN/OUT (when applicable)/Switch to AT-launcher/AA/Sidearm. Bottom list: Put charge/mine/Blow it up. Maybe also keybinds for 'Ride in back', 'Get in as driver/gunner/commander' (if these don't exist).
  18. mamasan8

    infantry movement - floating / drifting

    How is your mousemovement? Is it also delayed and floaty? If so, your graphics settings are set too high. Try lowering shaders, SSAO, generally try anything until it goes away. Has been a problem for me in Arma since the first was released.
  19. mamasan8

    Solution for FPS lag spikes

    No change, dualcore 3.2 Ghz AMD II X2.
  20. mamasan8

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    This has been the issue ever since the original OFP. Performance is subpar, no matter what. Once hardware catches up and makes the game playable, it is so old and looks like crap, I DON'T WANT TO PLAY IT ANYMORE. 20 Fps, that has been what I've gotten in all these games online, ofp1, arma 1,2,3. At one point I had the best graphics card released at the time, it made very little difference. Arma 3 looks good at ultra settings but it doesn't matter when it is unplayable online. Online is what I play 99% of the time, Coop online. I ran some Splinter Cell:Blacklist yesterday, at highest settings. FPS was 20-30, GPU utilization around 50% or more the whole time. (Seems I'm CPU-bottlenecked but I can't upgrade coz then I have to buy everything new.) Arma 3 is stuck at 20-30% GPU utilization. Every once in a bluemoon it goes to 50-90%. Graphics settings from Low to Ultra mean nothing in terms of FPS, I get the same, online.
  21. Maybe its down to the script the server is running. If its ACRE or whatever. Last night I was playing on a server where I got hemorhaged when shot. I stopped it with a bandage. Then used mophine. I don't really know what it said ingame because it was a french server, I don't speak french. But my view was still shaking like crazy and it wouldn't go away. Also my grenades flew 100 metres into the air. When I threw a nade normally, it exploded in the air because it flew so far and never wanted to come down to the ground. My point is: Try another server, try without addons/scripts.
  22. Get guns from armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma3_files_addons_weapons&s=title&w=asc&d=0 I'm running R3F and FHQ packs, did in beta, they still work in Final version of the game as well. In addition to a few sniperrifles (m107, AS50 etc). R3F http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20128 FHQ M4 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19218 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20393 Now, the vanilla-guns ingame...I'm usually a sniper and the snipergun currently in-game is just...useless. It's less accurate than an assault rifle. More bulletdrop at ranges over 100 metres. It does less damage. 3 shots to the body to kill anything? I mean, whats the point? I might as well whip out the pistol. Probably deadlier.
  23. Shift is my button for Turbo and it is not the same as Hold Breath (right-mouse button). Shift is bound to turbo, w+shift - car fast forward and chopper-raise (altitude up). No, I never zoom when driving. Other things I haven't mentioned: I was driving over open terrain(up and down hills), freelook mode on. Don't know if that affects anything.
  24. Oh, not sure if this is the right forum to post under but... First, while I was driving a quadbike online last night, my guy started breathing really hard, as if I was running. I was using Turbo occasionally, when the terrain permitted. Is this by design or a bug? Seems a bit weird. Second, when we pick up a gun and then want to attach a scope/supressor or something else, why can't the game detect what gun we have equipped and only list the compatible attachments instead of me having to guess what works? This could be expanded to ammo too, only show what ammo the gun uses (and grenades/satchels but not ammo I can't use, no RPGs if I dont have a launcher, no 40mm grenades if I dont have an M203 etc). Only if we click a button, say "Show all" will we get the list we get now.
  25. Added to feedback tracker, links for convenience. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14317 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14316