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Everything posted by klamacz

  1. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, thanks for report, I tried it on both internal and public versions and couldn't reproduce. They do waive weapon once (at the moment of switching combat mode) and they keep engaging. If you can, send me your mission ;)
  2. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Good day everyone. So, next step about AI driving is tracked vehicles. As far as I would like to, they will not be part of 1.66 update. But you can try experimental version on dev branch already, by using command useAISteeringComponent true; // true to enable, false to disable, default False Mind that steering parameters for tanks etc are Work-In-Progress.
  3. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Soon. Thank you for the report, yes the speed is too high, I will look into it.
  4. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    New driving routines are a feature which needs to be enabled per vehicle. All vehicles inheriting from Car class should retain the component and use the new driving system. Thanks to that, mod can use inherited, standard values or override some of them if needed. Some mods I've been checking worked just fine. If you have specific vehicles in mind or you are modding your own and have problems, please share your feedback, here or PM, thanks ;)
  5. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Aren't you remote controlling commander at this moment? I checked it for drivers and seems to work just fine. Retweaking in progress, sorry for inconvenience. Zig-zagging can be lowered by lowering the speed of vehicle (waypoint limit speed or limitSpeed).
  6. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Awesome, thanks a lot. Yes, fix for the main issue with reversing at 0:46, with few other improvements going to be on dev soon. As you can see, there is a piece of path underneath, with two segments going in opposite directions, which is the main reason. Also, proper offsetting from central line of road is slowly incoming.
  7. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Ad 1: yes, this will work with any vehicle having AICarSteeringComponent, be it vanilla or modded. By default all entities inheriting from Car would have it. Ad 2: As much as I would love automatic repro missions, believe me when I say, that PID datasets wouldn't help much with it. In the end, failed test needs to be reviewed anyway, there are too many factors, which will not be represented in datasets.
  8. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    AIDriving debug should provide you with info: - current path of vehicle - current steer point as red circle on the path, during reversing violet marker on path - debug informations about most of real time parameters, like safe speed, wanted speed etc - 3 graphs, speed, steering and convoy - those are PID result graphs which shows how AI controls the driving process (green line is wanted value, red is current value, blue is wanted change - you can also call them Setpoint, Input and Output respectively) The most useful, from mission maker purpose - if you see strange AI behaviors, going out of the road - this diagnostic will provide you with knowledge why that happened, what path was created and if the problem is in the path or driving itself. In case you find problematic situations which you want to debug and/or report here, diagnostic will provide very precise info for us on what was really happening. Making a video with diagnostic enabled, for our internal purposes is great way to diagnose your issue. If I could ask you to not spam youtube with them, that would be awesome though ;)
  9. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    It was a bug, because "disableAI" command should disable only AI abilities not player's. Therefore when player is driving the same vehicle, it should be perfectly movable, which was just fixed, thanks for reporting. Yes, the collision avoidance for the same subgroup is limited by design, but in some cases it can be an issue. The last waypoint problem, thanks for report, if you have some mission on hand, feel free to send me by PM. Will check it out. Thanks
  10. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I'll look at adding AIDriving to diag exe (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Diagnostics_Exe)
  11. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Yes, thanks for checking out the tanks, but they are not updated to use new AI driving, YET. Also, thank you all for the bug reports and feedback. We do read all of them, and take them into account, even if you don't see immediate effect in dev branch changelogs ;)
  12. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes. It is first fix for cases when unit on the shore would spot the diver too easily. I've seen good stuff incoming, #praiseOukej
  13. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    In this example, the order of vehicles is wrong. Formation sets the order using order of creation of vehicles (ID of vehicle is assigned when its created). In this mission, APC should be the last in column, even just putting him a bit aside so other cars can overtake easily helps. In your first mission, with Prowler it was the same case. Prowler has to be the last. Or created in editor as second. Thanks for your missions. This third one is really problematic, tight city streets. I will look into what can be improved more.
  14. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    All your feedback is welcome, with or without repro or with many or little details attached. It's just going to be less useful. Also mind, that reports with ambiguous description will not be processed before reports with full description. As for recent changes: Mainly improvements around convoy behaviors, good place to test is Apex mission 2.
  15. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Such issue needs a repro mission, there are too many possible reasons for this behavior.
  16. klamacz

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Continuous improvements to convoy behaviors. Please leave your feedback here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191515-ai-driving-feedback-topic/ Small change to how accurate turret gunners can be. Applies to all turrets and is dependent on AimingAccuracy subskill. Both SetUnitPos and stance commands should now work for fleeing AI, and in few other cases (different combat modes, cover). As requested somewhere in https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150499-ai-discussion-dev-branch/
  17. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Thanks for feedback. Moral Fiber uses old driving now. I will let you guys know, when it's updated.
  18. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Hi best players of the world. Since rev. 137926 there were few changes and tweaks under common name: So yeah, convoys. Still WIP, if you spot critical issues, please let me know. Also, experimentally, there is new function vehicle forceFollowRoad true; // does what it says, vehicle can only steer on road network
  19. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Thanks a lot :) Best community ever. Short description: AIAiming - shows vectors (lines) of AI aiming at known target AIBrain - general informations about AI brain, combat mode and fsm state AIDynamicError - shows value of dynamically calculated AI aiming error AISkill - shows value of skill, plus global coefficients, as set by difficulty mode AISuppression - shows value of suppression
  20. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Second thing, before I forget, in diagnostic exe, you can now use AISkill, AIAiming, AIBrain, AIDynamicError, AISuppression diag modes
  21. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, one can inherit from Suppression Component and change its values. You need to create new AIBrainType or alter default one. Example here, I tried to comment it as much // global config class to store AIBrainTypes class CfgBrains { // default brains, only soldier has components by default class DefaultSoldierBrain { class Components { class AIBrainSuppressionComponent; }; }; class DefaultCivilianBrain; class DefaultAnimalBrain; // new soldier brain, inheriting from default class MyNewSoldierBrain : DefaultSoldierBrain { //class Components; class Components : Components { // override default component class AIBrainSuppressionComponent : AIBrainSuppressionComponent { // maximum level of suppression maxSuppression = 1.0; // decrease time from max level, worst for skill 0, best for skill 1 worstDecreaseTime = 20.0; bestDecreaseTime = 0.1; // default suppression range, if not provided by ammo type SuppressionRange = 1.0; // weights of different danger causes CauseHitWeight = 0.5; CauseExplosionWeight = 0.15; CauseBulletCloseWeight = 1.00; // default 0.15 // threshold to change behavior (use smoke grenades for example) SuppressionThreshold = 0.7; }; }; }; };
  22. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I just tried it with custom cars and config values works, they are properly inherited from base Car class. Problems with pickup not driving at all could be related to any other bug reported already.
  23. klamacz

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Only in new driving, well-known and loved flags can be disabled too. Another tweak to pathfinding costs. Aimed at improving usage of roads.
  24. klamacz

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Convoys are under reconstruction. I could share my test missions with you, but then you would be playing what I am playing, and finding same problems I already found. You guys and gals are amazing in finding ways how to break it (which is still not too hard), and already in this topic there was number of repro's which I didn't have on my list ;)
  25. klamacz

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Costs of travelling through different areas were tweaked to suggest AI drivers to follow roads more.