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james (J)

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Everything posted by james (J)

  1. yer the walking and grenade throwing in arma is a mess
  2. hi I just completed the A2 OA tutorial on grenade launchers and it confused me a lot. the iorn sights/optics in the game where ether missalined, nonexsistant or too confusing to work out. can anyone please explain how to use the optics/ladder sight on grenade launchers?
  3. has anyone else had trouble geting the steam vershion working?
  4. has bsi confermed that thay will be selling the new dlc on steam?
  5. hi in arma OA when I am walking and throw a granade it plays the throw animashion twice befor throwing the granade. are ther any fixs for this thanks james
  6. james (J)

    help, granade double animashion

    are thy planing to fix this in a nother pach? are thay planing to do any more paches?
  7. james (J)

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    will I be aboul to use the iorn sight?
  8. james (J)

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    will there be a red dot sight on top of the susat sight?
  9. james (J)

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    i have a retail copy of arma 2 can i buy the DLC from steam and use it without regstering my arma2 with steam?
  10. james (J)

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    dlc should be small and cheep
  11. james (J)

    Mapfact.net releases Editorupgrade

    dose this work with OA?
  12. i dont know if this is the right place for this.. ... but has anyone else noticed how rubbish the throw is for grandaes in OA. is this a bug or have thay done it delibratly? J
  13. james (J)

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    when im walking and i throw a granade unit im playing as dose the throw animashion twice
  14. james (J)

    rubbish throw for grandaes

    i feel a bit silly now :/
  15. hi would a AMD Phenom™ II X4 820 Quad Core processor 2.8 GHz and a ATI Radeon® HD5670 run arma2 ok? james
  16. hi iv just installed arma 2 and as soon as i click the start up icon arma2 stops working and needs to be closed. i tryed updating arma2 with the latest pach but the pach broke too. can anyone hellp? i did try serching the fourm for somthing to help but found nothink my pc specs meet the reqiaments: Intel® Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz 2.0 GB ram Vista GeForce 9600 GT thank you james
  17. james (J)

    help! arma 2 wont start

    im a bit of a noob when it comes to computers. i fouund this page on direct x (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/resultsForProduct.aspx?displaylang=en&productID=9C954C37-1ED1-4846-8A7D-85FC422D1388) but i dont know which one to download. i do know that my pc dus not suport directx 10 or 11. Im confused because there are 2 types of direct x 9 on that page.
  18. thank you both veary much i didnt think of that and I didnt understand the error ether but anyway thank you
  19. hi im trying to write a single player description.ext but im stuck and need hellp. when i try to load my mission it crashes to desktop with the error mesage bellow this is my description.ext so far. if anyone could hellp me solve this i would be thankful (i have looked on the wiki, the arma editing guid and i serched the fourms but i could not find anything hellpful) // ====================== Description.ext =====================> Debriefing = 1; OnloadIntro = 1; OnLoadIntroTime = 1; OnLoadMissionTime = 1; Saving = 0; // === Titlecut ==============================================> OnLoadIntro="YourMessage";// onLoadMission= A R M E D A S S A U L T // End Of File thank you james
  20. james (J)

    the ArmA title music

    dose anyone know where I can get it? thanks james
  21. james (J)

    the ArmA title music

    thank you