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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. Yes, but this one I actually care about enough to get annoyed :p
  2. On a sadder note some a-hole seems to be already spreading the game via torrents.. :(
  3. h -

    Project RACS

    Is that the old Sa-8 I think it is? :) Looking nice, never believed it would survive this long.. :p
  4. No problems here this far. Running without addons and in SP, don't do MP so wouldn't know about it. Played for 2-3 hours last night and had no problems, no crashes or anything. Win7 Ultimate 64bit Q6600 @3.2Ghz 4Gb RAM ATI 4890 1Gb
  5. h -

    South Park using ArmA sounds? XD

    Even the latest and greatest movies today use the same car crash sound that was used in OFP. Stock sounds from some SoundFX library.
  6. Notepad++ is for girls, men use plain old vanilla notepad.. ;)
  7. h -

    New beta build 71548 up

    IMO the repro mission is missing one vital step, comparison with another type of vegetation to see if there's any difference :p I myself do get 10-12 FPS drop initially when the camera "drives" closer to the trees but none when the zoom happens.. But all the trees tend to affect the FPS in some way.. One thing with the red trees and bushes is that they all share one peculiar thing: they all seem to have massive model bounding boxes compared to the green similar size trees/bushes.. Dunno if that's even relevant, I'm no modeler.. Just noticed this when using kinda of a boundingbox "volume" in some scripts, then compared for example the red tree model t_acer2s.p3d and the big silo in Chernogorsk (Ind_SiloVelke_02.p3d) in O2 and the tree bounding box covers half of the 2D area the silo covers.. Anyways, after some tests this new beta is pretty sweet, since the introduction of exThreads 7 on my PC things have been very smooth and now this thing seems to have wiped basically all of the "LODding" problems there may have been left.. :)
  8. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything special. Pretty graphics does not a good game make.
  9. Jup, getting the same errors and that's exactly because the requiredAddons and list arrays are not defined correctly (using 1.05 + CBA)..
  10. Zipper, your config is rather odd.. Instead of for example units[]={}; you use units = "{}" Why? Never ever seen anybody do that, not sure that even works like they are supposed to since for example units, weapons and requiredAddOns are supposed to be arrays, not strings.. :confused:
  11. There has to be something wrong with your UPS or it is way underpowered, of course it should be able to keep the PC running when HDD is used because it is supposed to shut down the computer if the power outage lasts too long (or give you time to shutdown manually) and depending on your PC/OS it can take a while..
  12. h -

    Which is the best anti-virus?

    Not sure you just mean plain AV or the internet security kind of things but I've been using F-Secure (as both) for years and of the ones I've used it has always been the best for me. +1 It's actually probably the worst I've used..
  13. h -

    New Beta Build 71195 Up!

    Just do what Mr. Big Dawg says above, by ignoring I meant pressing the "installed correctly button" :p EDIT: Hmm, maybe I should actually say something about the beta itself.. Performance seems to be in an upwards trend, although the difference between these two newest one and .70951 isn't really noticeable unless looking at the Chernogorks FPS test where these newest raise the figures with 1-2 FPS.
  14. h -

    New Beta Build 71195 Up!

    You don't need to jump all those hoops, just ignore the message. It's some Vista/Win7 "issue" when a install doesn't fill the registry with enough crap or somesuch. Haven't deleted the beta folders myself, just renamed for easier jumping betwen versions when testing..
  15. h -


    Quite :p Especially when selling the symptom costs you which kinda is the exact opposite of selling... :rolleyes:
  16. h -


    You can sell them off though..
  17. h -


    Damn addictive game. :p Although it's designed a bit wrong, if you have a disease that has no symptoms at all so it's not even a disease really, just a virus/parasite/bacteria that does nothing (like so many found regularly on/in human body) and still governments start closing schools etc to prevent an infection (which of course leads Madagaskar to close their damn port and it's basically gaem over at that point.. :rolleyes: ), and manufacturing a vaccine for a something no-one knows is there.. :confused:
  18. h -

    New Beta Build 70709 is up!

    For comparison, mine are: Win7 Ultimate 64bit Q6600 @3.2Ghz 4Gb RAM ATI 4890 1Gb (OC'd)
  19. h -

    New Beta Build 70709 is up!

    FRAPS works just fine here..
  20. Option 3 best here. Textures load fast like in the few previous builds and basically stutter free. 0 and 1 almost identical, both stutter quite a lot. With option 1 textures load faster than with 0 though, seemed to load pretty much the same as with option 3 (but had the stuttering). PC specs: Win7 Ultimate 64bit Q6600 @ 3.2Ghz 4Gb RAM ATI 4890 1Gb (OC'd) Abit IP35 Pro motherboard
  21. h -

    Question about Steam

    Great.. Not that I care about the mentioned game much, but if other companies go that kind of DRM way and actually produce a game worth buying I guess it has to be left un-bought then.. :(
  22. I can easily consider myself as a newbie in a sense that I haven't played either A1 or A2 extensively like I did OFP just merely because all my time goes into modding so the rare cases I play I need to kinda re-learn things but it doesn't take me too long to be able to "finger" the keyboard while commanding and I don't need to look at any menus. Nor do I ever feel any need for any radial command disc.. One thing that could be useful would be to have macros so that you could bind certain number combinations under one button each but that doesn't really help because I don't think there are many keys left to bind. :p I do it with one hand so I can be either moving in some direction (like strafing sideways) or firing back at the enemy (as in using the mouse) while simultaneously ordering the team. I don't use WASD for moving btw..
  23. +1 I don't see anything that would make such a huge blob blocking your view any better than the current system (which is fine IMO). You do realise that the second you add such a radial that is mouse controlled you lose the control of your character thus having to go the fail ways of "the other game" because in combat you have to be able to command your team while you yourself are also moving and perhaps even engaging targets.. I can't think of one good reason why the current system should be replaced.
  24. h -

    Question about Steam

    I'm a relatively new Steam user, and I was very very very critical about when it first surfaced and years after that, the reason I got into it was when I bought MW2. At least here I don't really see big difference in game prices, the few I've checked can be a couple of €'s more expensive (I don't check the prices unless the particular game interests me so I don't know if that's a trend or just some anomaly). I have only 3 steam games though, and those just because the games I wanted to buy were out of stock where I do all my game shopping. Haven't had one single problem with Steam this far. That I/O bug was news to me, but then again I see no reason to run steam at all unless I'm playing some game so never really noticed if I also suffer that. [edit]Well, had to check that really quick and it actually does that.. No more "Steaming" until they fix that then..[/edit] Hmm, now to think of it, I also had a question about Steam and the DRM stuff: do games like the latest Splinter Cell that has the Ubi's idiotic DRM use that same DRM when downloaded from Steam? Just curious..
  25. :D That's one of the dumbest things I've seen.. ..this week.