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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. E.G this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=120480

    Not sure if it will keep those guys away, but there will be no encouragement for them either.

  2. G'day old man.

    How's life down under? Awaiting summer? :)

    I just wonder if you have got on to AA2, more precisely editing? It's almost just the same as in OFP, but with some stricter rules according to scripts.

    I ask just because I need a little help :) It's about detecting players killing civies, and then jail them. How would you do that in OFP?

    And thanks to you, and and your loosers island you introduced in some WGL missions, I've implemented the same in a mission I'm working on.

    One issue in AA2 is yoy can swim off the island :( But, luckily, as always, there are some twists in my missions :)


  3. Hei Sjaba

    Litt sen til å svare ser det ut til, forumet skulle hatt en stor rød skjerm for å markere nye meldinger :)

    Regner med påmeldinger ikke er stengt enda, selv om det er litt for langt fram i tid for meg til å si om jeg kan delta eller ikke.

    Har forøvrig sett litt på Nopryl, er det mulig å joine dere for et spill i ny og ne? Dere bruker de samme addons (+ litt til) som oss (Comrades in Arms). Besøk oss gjerne på ciahome.net fra tid til annen, og aller helst, ta med noen kompiser til våre coop's hvis dere er interessert.


    Overlord [CiA]

  4. Hi tody

    Don't know if you found a server to play on yet, but I would like to invite you on my server. Your Pilot skill tease me, since the rest of us have worn out piles of boots during our years in OFP/AA2 :)

    We are a few "older" coop guys messing around on my server pretty regularly (3-4 times a week). We mainly use CWR2 mod with Thiskk island and KuiKs Winter Pack. If you are interested, filter my name in server browser. Server is/can have password, so remember to show passworded servers. It should turn green if you have correct mods.

    Pay extra attention to first line of MOTD, it's TS3 connection details.

    Best regards


  5. Hi Zipper

    I don't care about your "underpowered" signature, but I have one question:

    Why don't you (moderators/administrators) remove posts/treads started by the "hack-seekers"? It seems to me, that severals are trying to get hold of latest anti-cheat material.

    Why not just delete those posts?, nothing new under the heaven anyway.

    And this is not ment to be any sort of complaint about how you run the forum, just a suggestion.


    Overlord from CiA

  6. Olleh Down Under

    Just set up a WGL server for you guys hanging around at Anguis' place, server name is TacOps WGL, 30 slots. Will be open for test until around 19:00 CET Sunday.


  7. Howdy old friend, in for a quickie (mot as you pay for on the streets :) )?
