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Everything posted by dunedain

  1. Well it should be an arcade game, If I remind well Tactical Ops was a really good alternative to Cs on UT99.
  2. dunedain

    Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

    Well I bought Red hammer gold upgrade, Armed Assault "505" and ArmA: Queens Gambit "505" despite of their ugly box art ... So I guess I don't mind.
  3. dunedain

    Future Expansion engine additions (Survey poll)

    - +1000 for animation and physics improvements. That's something that bothered since the Ofp days, even if it has been a while without I fall through a house while climbing stairs. And also the lack of accurate animations particularly reloading, well everything that needs interaction between objects and hands. -The sound engine is also really cheap, that bird "quik!!" when I'm flying my A10 ... Let's hope OA will fix that. -Ragdoll and dismemberments, well some may be against this but when it's well done it can be a good addition to realism and immersion, see Red Orchestra. To me it's also a bit annoying how it feels the same when you hit something with 12.7 caliber or 9mm. -No more hit-points damages. -Would be a revolution if the engine could handle caves and undergrounds. -Firing from vehicles, already in VBS2 1.3 though. It's not like we're asking the moon, all those features have been standards for a while now. Would be great to see BIS working on others parts of the engine that on the graphics.
  4. Well I use CSM2 with ACE_SM, I like it but I'm not testing anymore other sound mods ..
  5. dunedain

    Petition for ArmA2 WW2 Expansion

    This. I voted no, I think I've played way enough games featuring WW2 last decade, I would rather want others wars representated, I'm also really tired of US equipment same goes for Soviet era weapons but that's another story.
  6. Looking forward to the pre-order on Amazon.co.uk .. I really need to buy this game before the euro lose all its strenght. :D btw 40$ seems quite expensive to me, same price the pre-order of Arma2 was charged on amazon uk actually..
  7. And also because people don't wanna lose their hearing playing a video game.
  8. Well not me, even if I've been a faithful fan of BIS work since 2001, I won't pay for DLC why ? -Have to buy DLC online, from where ? Steam, BIS website ? while I'll buy a hard copy of OA. -Buying a 30€ addon is better to me than to pay a few bucks several times for DLC with small contents. -Makes mp even more messy with all those different addons. -Is that profitable for BIS to sell DLC while community is releasing great stuff weekly ? -How would it be secured ? you know that you can install Red Hammer and Queen's Gambit by just copy/paste of PBOs from the CD ? The only publishers which have successfully released DLC are those who made modding impossible on their games ... So like I said before I'm quite confident BIS won't charge their DLC.
  9. Did you actually read something or you just saw the words DLC and BOYCOTT in the same topic and thought would be fun to dress up you white knight costume ?
  10. Well I'm against DLC you pay for, I'll rather buy an addon for 30€ that brings much more than paying 10 bucks for a few units and missions.. I don't think this would work with Arma considering the huge amount of free contents weekly made by the community. Besides this would produce even more mess than currently with all the diversity of addons used on servers. I don't even know how they would do that through Steam ? BIS website ? Even RH and QG were simple Pbo working the exact same way as every community made free addon "note that I paid for those even through I knew". More and more publishers are making their game unmoddable to avoid competition with community made stuff and sell their DLC "Activision, Ubisoft, The Creative Assembly and so on...", BIS can't do that since modding is what make their games so good. I'm sure they're aware of that, and the DLC they're talking of in this FAQ is probably the exact same we're used with BIS.
  11. dunedain

    Question about Steam

    According to jmccaskey from Valve people are over reacting on this I/O bug.
  12. dunedain

    Question about Steam

    Well personnaly I think Steam is great until publishers start to put others DRM beside Steam's, worst being when it stops you from using the offline mod, Steam has the only DRM I tolerate, others don't get my money. Plus that it's really nice to have all your games in one unique account and that you can download them from everywhere. :) Games are often much more expensive than on retail but it's all up to publishers to lower their prices and there is regularly special offers. However it's really annoying how games are usually more expensive in the Euro zone than in US or UK, also there is different prices depending on the country you live in and France is probably one if not the one to pay the huge bill. :(
  13. Pre ordered Arma2 for 32£ shipment included, quite good price. Just waiting for OA to be avaible on Amazon.co.uk to do it again :bounce3:
  14. Well it depends of which publisher you get your game from, I bought Arma2 from Amazon uk and got the game with French English and others languages. The earlier version of Arma2 published by Morphicom was for the german speaking countries, obviously why English wasn't in.
  15. dunedain

    do other countries get offended?

    Personnaly I'm a "bit" well totally offended with the massive anti french "racism" particularly since the after 2003, "our choice to not invade Irak with the coalition", it was a really bad time to be french online back then. So now I get a bid annoyed with people calling us surrender monkeys ect.. ect.. Even in movies, when in Hollywood it appears ok to steal french heroes such as Jules Brunet "Nathan Algren" or that American ship in Master&Commander that is now a French American made ship, plus all those anti french jokes in US movies, jokes on google and so on ... All this is really irritating by dint of .. Well that has the merit of making me much more interested in my own country history and there is nothing to be ashamed of, even the fall of France when about 300 000 casualties were accounted French side, a tragic defeat indeed but no cowards in French army there .. I would not like, if German, to play all those games with allies killing dozen of German soldiers, that was the Nazi germany of course but all those people were Germans and not all evil spirits... As an example, in Brittany, Germans "not the SS" had a good reputation during the occupation, my grandfather sometimes talks of the war when he was a child and while the allies were annihilating our cities those soldiers were helping getting everyone in shelters. Just do not mix the SS and the German Army, especially while the British Expeditionary Force before the German invasion had a very poor behaviour towards French citizens same goes for Allies during France invasion and occupation. Well and who's the problem ? people think they are guys fighting for their freedom, who just want their country to be one again... It's not like Britain was wanted there first or that you're blamless.
  16. dunedain

    Best Tactical Shooters for PC

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 UK forums.. Well most of the game listed here are way too old for the average guy you'll find there.
  17. dunedain

    Best Tactical Shooters for PC

    Well first seeing Graw, R6 Vegas and Dragon Rising here is completely outrageous ... Well secondly they're all really different and I won't try to tell which is the best. Still that right now, only H&D2, SWAT4, Ghost Recon, RavenShield and Arma2 are the tactical shooters I still play regularly with Project Reality and Red Orchestra.
  18. dunedain

    WarFX Particles

    I really like this addon, I use it all the time. So thank you Opticalsnare. :)
  19. Well I bought Ofp back in July 2001, was online during the gold age of CTF leagues "I was an FLS then an MSC". Unfortunately I broke my CWC CD a couple of years ago, when I got nostalgic and wanted to play it again, it was a bit exhausted I guess, I really felt bad afterwards ... :'( Still play Arma from time to time on my laptop and Arma2 on my pc when I'm home, but it never gets close from the good old days when in an evening you could play dozen of CTF, fun maps "race, tricks" zombie maps "nogova virus, theyhunger" and some "serious" coops with frenchies from ofp.info and my team .. :o Games and especially tactical shooters were so epic back then. :bounce3:
  20. dunedain

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier trailer.

    Wait what ? :( Ok I played those, decent games like both R6 Vegas but still they're shit compared to the 2001 Ghost Recon and Raven Shield ... I ain't even sure I could call those, "sequels", tactical shooters .. :mad: Rainbow6, H&D, Ofp, Ghost Recon, SWAT .... Sweet memories. :butbut:
  21. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Understandable, but there is people here who enjoy and respect modders' work... Even if personnaly I regularly check the Pr forum, some here may like to see some updates coming on this thread.. :(
  22. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Great update. I really hope you won't mind the attitude of some bear here. I've been playing Ofp since 2001, join the online community in 2004 when my town got the ADSL, and back then many servers if not most were running on PVP games. Something I really miss, since the release of Arma. So thank you, looking forward for the release.
  23. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    You can also add Mark XIII "HiFi SFX" who just joined the Pr Arma2 crew. :)
  24. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Looking forward for this mod. Project Reality is trully epic on Bf2, back on Ofp I was mostly a pvp player so I'm really happy they want to bring back some interest for pvp on Arma2. :)
  25. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Well .. people here are not new to this game.. It's just I never saw this shit on ADDONS & MODs threads before, just how immature and disrespectful people can be out there.