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About Depechivo

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  1. Depechivo

    Can anyone help me????

    This is last update issue - all old scenario configs didnt work. You should republish addon with this scenario on new game version or recreate scenario config if republish doesnt help.
  2. Depechivo

    ARMA Reforger Scripting

    "Assets\Campfire_burning.et" very strange path, first once - slash is wrong, second one - prefab is Assets folder. All prefabs in "Prefabs" folder. Try this "{899360C930DA3EE3}Prefabs/Particles/Campfire_burning.et" On future: right mouse click -> "Copy resource name(s)" on prefab to get path to it Check logs and use checks in code: Resource resource = Resource.Load(prefabResourceName); if (!resource.IsValid()) { Print("Cant load prefab"); return; } And very strange design to use "modded" class. Create own component and attach it to GameMode or player.
  3. Depechivo

    AI Task Scripting - Help Needed

  4. Depechivo

    AI Task Scripting - Help Needed

    This is Arma Reforger section. Arma3 uses SQF scripts and Arma Reforger uses Enforce Scripts. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:From_SQF_to_Enforce_Script
  5. Depechivo

    Getting started with scripts

    https://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/external-data/arma-reforger/ArmaReforgerScriptAPIPublic/classes.html https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_Reforger/Modding/Tutorials/Scripting
  6. Fix this problem with that function: protected override bool HandlePlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer) { Print("--- HandlePlayerKilled---"); return super.HandlePlayerKilled(playerId, playerEntity, killerEntity, killer); } P.S. "OnPlayerKilled" was mod function, but World Editor ignores "notnull" in override functions when u try to create it from "Script+" menu in details tab.
  7. Depechivo

    Spawn layer script

    Try to use flags. targetEntity.SetFlags(EntityFlags.ACTIVE, false);
  8. I tried like this, but it doesnt work too: class GameMode_Editor_Full1_Class: SCR_GameModeEditor { // user script // code here override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer) { Print("--- OnPlayerKilled ---"); super.OnPlayerKilled(playerId, playerEntity, killerEntity, killer); } override void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { /* code here */ super.EOnInit(owner); SCR_BaseGameMode gameMode = SCR_BaseGameMode.Cast(GetGame().GetGameMode()); if (!gameMode) return; gameMode.GetOnPlayerKilled().Insert(OnPlayerKilled); } }
  9. I try create OnPlayerKilled override from GameMode_Editor_Full by pressing "+" in Script section, but World Editor makes: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, Instigator killer)" and in SCR_GameModeEditor we have: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)" that why i have error when compile script (Overloaded function 'OnPlayerKilled', argument 'killer' is not compatible with prototype argument type or spec 'Instigator'). How can i unlock function modify in script editor to add "notnull" in created function or make another actions to resolve this problem?