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dayz better than most AAA games

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  1. dayz better than most AAA games

    Ai strategy

    I completed the game mode conflict arland,and i gotta Say,its boring as hell,like the ai's do Nothing,they do not Patrol with BTR'S or Cars the streets,they do not drive supply Trucks to other bases,they do not capture any objective back,can you tell me how i should feel entertained in only and only conquering objectives as a singleplayer? No defending,no strategy,Just going there and shooting all i see,i Hope that the game Will at least add this feature because singleplayer Is too boring at this point,i cant really play multiplayer so i gotta stay singleplayer Forever,i understand that this Is a test bed but come on,we all know that arma reforger Is the First milsim realistic game on console,its unique,why making this opportunity slip away?
  2. dayz better than most AAA games

    ai strategy of attack

    Will the ai's be able to capture back objectives? Like the game gives you a timer and the timer tells you when they Will attack that base and from where,like they come with BTR'S or Cars to assault and capture the base back,Will that be implemented? And Will the ai wonder around patrolling the streets? I know that the Road blocks are a way for patrolling by the ai's but seeing a btr wonder around or a supply truck protected by 2 Cars would be so cool,like an objective that teels you to ambush a truck or steal a truck,Is that being considered?
  3. dayz better than most AAA games

    Power of the M2 Browning

    Ak,M16,M4,Pkm and all the other reforger guns have Power,i feel It,i see It,i hear it. But the M2 feels wrong,when i fire It,It feels lifeless,dead,too calm. I feel like handling a normal assault rifle,the Normal american LMG249saw feels waaaay more powerful than the .50 cal M2B. Maybe im wrong,maybe im the One that its Just strange and its Just talking about an useless suggestion or feedback but,my senses do not betray me that commonly in gun game mechanics. So now i end up needing to explain my self,how should the M2 feel if im this "wrong about guns" or "picky". First of all,i would add a overheat system to the M2,its impossibile to shoot it infinitively without problems. Jamming Is another important feature that i would like in the game and to the M2,its realistic and makes you in Battle more anxious of the fear of your gun jamming. Smoke,smoke its reaaaally few when firing the machine guns and Lmg's,i dont feel the heat of the gun and Fire Power exiting. Terrain powder,when you shoot something Powerful,the terrain trembles a Little bit and moves some powder in real life,id recommend to add a mechanic that when you shoot the static M2b on the ground,powder should rise. Realistic Powerful recoil,when i shoot the M2B in the normal Little armed american car with to roof,the car doesnt completely move if you remove the hand brake,i can understand the humvee that weighs a LOT,but the normal light car with no roof should move when firing the M2 above It if you dont have the handbrake on. Sound,i dont Hear the powerful M2B when firing It,yeah you couldve made a record of a real M2B but the sound doesnt feel right and powerful,as i said,It feels supressed and lifeless. This Is all,these are all feedbacks and suggestions for the M2B,i Hope my suggestion Will be at least take in consideration,and if It Will get throwed in the trash can,i want at least to hear why It has been refused,thanks.