@Blackheart_Six I'm new to modding and wanted to create a modified version of Combat Ops for my friends and I to play on.
I wanted to add some simple stuff, like a couple of vehicles at the starting Hideouts and a couple BTR's at the military bases around the map. I loaded up the editor, opened up Coop_CombatOps_Eden and placed a vehicle. It then had me create a sub-scene because Combat Ops is read-only. I did that, and after adding what I wanted, I saved the project and published it on the workshop. After trying it, however, it's clearly broken as it spawns me in the water with no character. I was wondering if creating a sub-scene caused this issue or is there something else that I neglected to do that caused it. Basically asking is it possible to edit a pre-existing scenario like Combat Ops.
Edit: I was using SCR_MissionHeader instead of SCR_MissionHeaderCombatOps for the mission config.