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Majestic Madman

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Everything posted by Majestic Madman

  1. Majestic Madman


    You can use this to convert into a mm:ss format too MM_fnc_SecondsToClockFormat = { params ["_TimeInSeconds"]; _mins = Round ((_TimeInSeconds/60) - 0.5); _seconds = _TimeInSeconds - (_mins * 60); If (_mins < 10) then {_mins = format["0%1",_mins]}; If (_seconds < 10) then {_seconds = format["0%1",_seconds]}; _output = Format["%1:%2",_mins,_seconds]; _output; }; If you want an on screen counting timer, you can use a hint like above. Or you could create a RSC Display or use titles to position and customise it exactly to your liking. And could also tie that into an bar or that moves too.
  2. Majestic Madman


    Purely for time delays, I used two options: _Delay = 30; // Example 1 - Sleep Sleep _Delay; // Example 2 - WaitUntil _EndTime = time + _Delay; WaitUntil { If ( Time > _EndTime ) exitWith { True }; false; }; Sleep is good if you only have result. Waituntil is great if you need to be able to get out of the timer, such as the C4 being disarmed or destroyed.
  3. I've made attack dogs. Everything works on local hosts or singleplayer, but the agents won't move to a position when they're being create and directed on a dedicated server. Created a simple script for the sake of test: This runs in the init.sqf for testing so I get 2 dogs, one for the server and one for the client to observe the behaviour. The 3 move commands aren't required, but just showing that the server doesn't work with any of them mm_fnc_SpawnDog = { params ["_pos"]; // Variables ============================================================= _Class = "Alsatian_Random_F"; _Anim = "Dog_Sprint"; // Create Unit ============================================================= private _newDog = createAgent [_Class, _pos , [], 0, "NONE"]; _newDog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; _newDog setVariable [ "AgentObj" , _newDog , true ]; // Behaviour ======================================= _newDog playMoveNow _Anim; // Indicator ======================================= _Class = "Sign_Arrow_Green_F"; if ( isServer ) then { _Class = "Sign_Arrow_F" }; _Indicator = createVehicle [ _Class , getPos _NewDog , [] , 0 , "NONE" ]; _Indicator attachTo [ _NewDog , [ 0 , 0 , 2 ] ]; _newDog; }; Sleep 3; _Player = allPlayers select 0; MM_TestDog = [ _Player getRelPos [ 15 , 0 ] ] call mm_fnc_SpawnDog; WHile { True } do { _PlayerPos = getPos _Player; MM_TestDog setDestination [ _PlayerPos , "LEADER PLANNED", true]; MM_TestDog moveTo _PlayerPos; MM_TestDog doMove _PlayerPos; Sleep 5; }; The client dog (Green) starts running north (Expected Behaviour) then turns around and heads straight back to the client. The server dog (Red) keepings running north ( Spawns facing north, and setting the run animation keeps it moving indefeinelty ) but will never turn or re-direct. It also doesn't matter if I use an absolute position [ 0,0,0] , [ 10000 , 10000 , 0 ] etc. Edit: The server logs show that the server isn't actually applying the move commands, rather than it just being desync between client and server Server Side Logs: 11:50:51 Agent Destination Player: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Madman) REMOTE 11:50:51 Agent Spawn Pos: [7212.9,3036.77,0] 11:50:51 Agent Created: Agent 0x2c500180 11:50:51 Initiated Move From | To: [7212.9,3036.77,0] | [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] 11:50:51 Agent Position: [7212.9,3036.77,0] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 15 11:50:52 Agent Position: [7212.9,3038.36,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 16.5959 11:50:53 Agent Position: [7212.9,3041.58,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 19.8105 11:50:54 Agent Position: [7212.9,3045.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 23.3823 11:50:55 Agent Position: [7212.9,3048.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 26.9541 11:50:56 Agent Position: [7212.9,3052.29,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 30.5259 11:50:57 Agent Position: [7212.9,3055.86,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 34.0977 11:50:58 Agent Position: [7212.9,3060.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 38.3838 11:50:59 Agent Position: [7212.9,3063.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 41.9556 11:51:00 Agent Position: [7212.9,3067.29,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 45.5273 11:51:01 Agent Position: [7212.9,3070.87,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 49.0991 11:51:02 Agent Position: [7212.9,3074.44,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 52.6709 11:51:03 Agent Position: [7212.9,3078.01,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 56.2427 11:51:04 Agent Position: [7212.9,3081.58,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 59.8145 11:51:05 Agent Position: [7212.9,3085.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 63.3862 11:51:06 Agent Position: [7212.9,3088.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 66.958 11:51:07 Agent Position: [7212.9,3092.3,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 70.5298 11:51:08 Agent Position: [7212.9,3095.87,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 74.1016 11:51:09 Agent Position: [7212.9,3099.44,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 77.6733