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Everything posted by Necropaulo

  1. Necropaulo

    Script calling MP

    Hi PierreMGI, thanks for your reply! Sorry for my previous message, I wrote it late last night ^^' I think I understand now! I suspect a conflict between remoteExec that I used to call the script and the execVM in the script itself. That would explain the problem I encountered. I use the Simple Conversation script to call my subtitles and tracks, everything works fine in SP but in MP, when the trigger is triggered, the tracks are played as many times as there are players present, so with 3 players, 3 times at the same time. So I went back to a simple execVM to call the script, so I could be sure that each player would only hear the sound once. Exemple of one my script : Brief1.sqf I use a trigger to call it: OnAct: [] execVM "Sound\brief1.sqf"; Everything seems OK, I'll do some more tests, but I'm on the right track! Have a good day !
  2. Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with the MP again. In my mission, I planned a helicopter crash, called by a script. In SP everything works perfectly, but I'm not sure how to make sure it works in MP. My chopper is called heli1, its pilots heli1D and heli1G and my group Grognon. Just before the crash, I force a change in time and weather via two triggers: for time: OnAct for weather : OnAct Then, the chopper passes a trigger to call the crash script: OnAct Maybe using remoteExec is better, but i'm affraid it didn't work well with a multiple "same script ate same time". Crash.sqf Does this seem like an appropriate way of proceeding, or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your replies!
  3. Necropaulo

    Scripted helicrash and MP

    Thank guys, i'm still working on it ! โœ… Weather and time skip : check in SP and MP, with BIS_fnc_setDate and BIS_fnc_setOvercast โœ… Effect, landing and new respawn : check on SP (still testing in MP) I will explain the global script when i'm sure it is ready to play ๐Ÿ˜Š
  4. Necropaulo

    End Mission Trigger Query

    To complete that answer, you can custom "end1" in your description.ext : When you will use : It will call your custom class end1 Good to know : you can use a simple trigger to call it, BIS_fnc_endMission do the job, no need to use trigger->endmission
  5. Hey, i think you can do that with a waypoint directly but i haven't test it. I do this in one of my script : First, you need to create a variable : _groupMembers = = units yourgroupname; //stores members of the group Second, you need to unassign vehicle and Eject group member only : { unassignVehicle (_x); (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];} foreach _groupMembers ; // where _groupmembers refer to your group variable created previously and _x is using insteed of "this" Your OnAct on the waypoint should be that : _groupMembers = units yourgroupname; (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];} foreach _groupMembers;
  6. Hey everybody, today's problem made me crazy since this morrning ๐Ÿคฃ I'm using Virtual Arsenal on a mission, but when i open it, the camera is behind some object, so i'm trying to change the camera position when opening virtual arsenal, but i can't find any way to do that ! I use this to open the arsenal in a NPC init : [this,"Armurerie", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3","_caller distance _target < 3",{},{}, { ["Open", [true, player]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; },{},[],2,0,false,false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, this]; I've find an old topic with this kind of line : I try to insert it in my initPlayerLocal.sqf but it cause some error Same with this try : Some one have an idea to help me ? I just wanna center the view on player, not stuck behind an object ๐Ÿ˜…
  7. After some tests, i confirm that Harzach's solution is fine to solve my problem ๐Ÿ˜Š and, by the way, thanks soldierXXXX too ! I add this in my InitPlayerLocal.sqf : Where "85" is the angle in front of my arsenal, maybe this will help someone else : [5,170,18,[0,0,0.85]] // 3rd person from back [5,85,18,[0,0,0.85]] // 3rd person from right
  8. Thanks to you two, this is finally working ... I don't know how i can miss that ! really thanks ! ๐Ÿ˜
  9. Ho, i certainly miss something ^^' thank for answer ! I've exactly the same issue than the old topic, i supposed i need to put it in my initplayerlocal but with your answer, i start to understand my error ๐Ÿ˜Š The part concerning the initplayerlocal.sqf is this one : This save the cam to re-open with the good angle. So i suppose that i need to set BIS_fnc_arsenal_campos_0 somewhere else, but i really don't know where. In my holdaction ? EDIT: after soldierXXXX answer I use that in my InitServer.sqf This seem to work, when i close Arsenal then go back in, my camera is good, but at the first opening that's behind the wall ๐Ÿ˜… Am i missing something again ?
  10. Hey, actually your script affect only one unit, the unit call "Dude1". With this script, you need to named every unit in your mission, it will be really reaaaallllyyyy long ๐Ÿ˜€ You can try something with allUnits, it could be a way to do it easyly. I'm not an expert, so i'm not really sure this is a good way to solve your problem ^^' Edit: there is a few information in this topic :)
  11. Hey everyone, first, thanks to all ! This forum is a treasure of knowledge ! ๐Ÿ˜€ I'm on a mission (SP/MP) and i wanna use COS to spawn civilians around Altis. This part is easy. But i wanna give them a little interaction, so I tried to put a HoldAction on every units spawning with COS. I cannot figure how to make the civilian stop moving during my script, then get back on his path, does anybody have a solution ? At the moment, i do it like this : AddScript_Unit.sqf (from COS) This one works, but civilians continue their path during my script. For your information, I call this one : intero.sqf Two parts with disableAI/enableAI don't work, I thought i needed to put them in the AddScript_Unit.sqf but I don't know how. I hope i was explicit enough ! Have a good mission making to all !
  12. I'm looking to make civilian more immersive, so first solution seem better to me, but thank, now i can I see how i can do it with my HoldAction script ! Have a good day ! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  13. Big big big tank you ! Your lines do exactly what i'm looking for ! I haven't think about playerInitLocal, but it's a really simple way to do that ! Thanks again !
  14. Just this morrning i've try some line to do this kind of stuff, i hope this will help you this select a number bewteen 1,2 or 3 : selectRandom You can add number as you need. I've use this to make random answer with an action in my mission, it's work SP/MP, i use it with Simple conversation script by R3vo My script look like that : intero.sqf
  15. Even 1 year later, i think it's a really good question, so this is the way I add voice with this script : 1. Create your voice file -> .ogg (I use Audacity to create them with the good format) This part is the harder, you can rec your voice but it's not easy, i prefer use generated voice by AI, but hard to find a good one ๐Ÿ˜„ 2. Insert your voice file in your mission Create class in description.ext 3. Create a specific script to your mission : intro1.sqf 4. Compil your script in the init.sqf 5. Use a trigger to call your script This method seem fine on SP and MP, and I use it a few time. Keep in mind that your voice file need to be similar with the duration of the Fn-SimpleConv script, so you will need a few test before having a good one ๐Ÿ™‚