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About MinervaArts

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  1. Hi guys, I'm currently working on a script that will allow a player to shoot another unconscious player and then revive him immediately. I already have the revive system ready, but I haven't found a way to make it so that only the player who was shot is revived. Do you have an idea how I can make it so that the code is only executed on the player who was hit? I have already tried to rebuild a taser script but didn't really get anywhere. Thanks for your help!
  2. Thanks for your help. The way you wrote it, it worked 🙂
  3. As written in the previous post, I already tried this but I think I screwed it up somehow. Can you tell me how to execute a script with remoteExec?
  4. Thanks for your help 🙂 When I run the code in the initServer.sqf it works as it should. I want to execute the script in an extra script at the end of the round though. I already tried to execute the script with "myScript.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; but unfortunately it didn't work that way. How can I make the script run only on the server at a certain time?
  5. Do you mean like this: _ctr = true; while {_ctr} do { if (!alive p1) then { _ctr = false; profileNamespace getVariable ["GW_scoreData_NS", 0]; GW_scoreData_NS = GW_scoreData_NS + 1; sleep 0.2; profileNamespace setVariable ["GW_scoreData_NS", GW_scoreData_NS, true]; sleep 0.2; //{hint str GW_scoreData;} remoteExec ["call", 0]; sleep 1; if (GW_scoreData_NS == 2) then { "Blufor has won!2" remoteExec ["hint", 0]; sleep 0.5; hintSilent ""; }; }; };
  6. _ctr = true; while {_ctr} do { if (!alive p1) then { _ctr = false; GW_scoreData = profileNamespace getVariable ["GW_scoreData_NS", 0]; GW_scoreData = GW_scoreData + 1; sleep 0.2; profileNamespace setVariable ["GW_scoreData_NS", GW_scoreData, true]; sleep 0.2; //{hint str GW_scoreData;} remoteExec ["call", 0]; sleep 1; if (GW_scoreData == 2) then { "Blufor has won!" remoteExec ["hint", 0]; sleep 0.5; hintSilent ""; }; }; }; I have tried around a bit with the namespaces but somehow I can't come up with a solution. I used the following script for testing: I run the script to test in the initServer.sqf so that the values are stored in the server namespace. When I reload the mission, the script should read the current value and increase it by one. After the second reload, the second if function should be executed. Does anyone have an idea where the error could be?
  7. Okay, thanks. Do I have to run the script in initServer.sqf then? But I think the initServer.sqf is re-run after every mission restart, which would probably reset the points. I use TADST for the server and I saw that there is a menu for server site scripting. Do you have experience with this or know if it can be used for this?
  8. Thank you for your reply. So I check as long as the server is running if a game was won. If this is the case, the respective team variable should be increased by one in the serverNamespace. If one of the two teams has reached three points, the one team has won and both are set to 0 again. Do you think this would work?
  9. Hello guys, I am looking for a method to save and edit data across mission restarts. We are currently scripting a round based multiplayer game mode. After each round, the mission is restarted and a winner and loser team is determined. Now we are looking for a way to track the won rounds per team and the team that has three points first is the winner. The problem is that with each the mission restarts, the variables are overwritten. Does anyone have an idea how to achieve it so that the points per round are counted regardless of the mission? Thanks for your help