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Ramsen V

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About Ramsen V

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    Private First Class
  1. @opusfmspol Thank you for your explanation, I did check out those examples before, but looking at the examples 4 - 6 has got me thinking, I'm not sure if it will solve the issue because it is, as you say, default engine behavior, I am not on Arma now but will try a few more things later. Thx. @pierremgi I do apologize, I should have not confused everyone by mentioning the rest of the code which is not really relevant in this case. My high command code and the Orbat Icon are activated after the map click is made which is where the problem lies. The reason I mentioned the code was because (as a player commander in AI driven vehicle) I wanted to try and stop the vehicle after the default map click move command activates, which I want reserved for the onMapSingleClick script command and the Orbat function/icon. EDIT: Sorry forgot to mention this is a single player mission. Anyhow, thanks for the mission event handle 'mapSingleClick' I will try this and few more things later when I'm back in the editor. It may not be possible because, as the guy above said, it is default engine behavior so I may not be able to get round it... Thank you both again. Cheers.
  2. Try this perhaps? selectPlayer delta_4
  3. BUMP If it is not possible to cancel the mapClick move order for vehicles please let me know. The only way I can do it is the usual way, which is to select the driver and command him to stop using the menus! I think there is a commandStop script command I have not tried that yet? I may try that latter when I'm back on Arma. Also I need to double check that the code is not running within the onMapSingleClick code otherwise it will not work unless passing the params before hand and then using _this select. But again any help would be appreciated as I'm still stuck on this at the moment. Cheers.
  4. Ramsen V

    VLS Multiple Strikes

    In the context of the code maybe so, but your code is the more intelligent way and the way I would choose! I was trying to think of a way of creating t1 > t18 by converting them to strings, edit with text format then convert them back again and the use a forEach loop, but this would require much more code and you reduced all of it to just two lines! Genius!! lol The only thing I could not understand from chatGPT thingy is the top line? Why this? for [{_i = 1}, {_i <= 10}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {code}; Why could one not do: for "_i" from 1 to 18 do {code}; or _val = 18; for "_i" from 1 to _val do {code};
  5. Ramsen V

    VLS Multiple Strikes

    I would do this maybe? _targetArray = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18]; { west reportRemoteTarget [_x,90000]; _x confirmSensorTarget [west,true]; vls1 fireAtTarget [_x,"weapon_vls_01"]; sleep 30; } forEach _targetArray; You mean... 'it' gave me this.
  6. Evening all, In my mission I am the commander of an APC vehicle and I use my own High Command system I created and also make use of the Orbat module but if click on the Orbat Icon or click on a group I want to activated for my high command (using onMapSingleClick) the vehicle I am in starts driving there!? I have tried: _veh = vehicle player; _veh move getPos player; // Did not work. {doStop _x} forEach crew _veh; // Did not work. {_x doMove getPos player} forEach crew _veh; // Did not work, crew exited the vehicle, got back in and continued to drive to my 'map click' _veh setFuel 0; // Worked, but as soon as I set the fuel to 1 again the vehicle just drives to the mapclick i done ten minutes earlier! {_x disableAI "PATH"} forEach crew _veh // Worked, but same as setFuel 1 above when enableAI "PATH" is set. I just cannot stop the vehicle from moving to my map click? It's like a map click move command overrides all other commands? So, a seriously annoying issue that I really need fixing so as to be able to access Orbat or use onMapSingleClick (for my high command script) without the vehicle moving to wherever I clicked!! Any suggestions or solutions welcome. Thank you for reading. Cheers.
  7. Many apologies, I was checking the same Zamak that had no ammunition which was why the <null> was showing. I have crossed out the erroneous observation so it should no longer confuse anyone. Anyhow, all is working with this now. Thank you again.
  8. Thank you for your reply @Harzach That was exactly what I thought but then, after your post, I saw my mistake... if (isNil _ammoClass) should be if (isNil "_ammoClass") in quotes! ....I forgot the quotes! Anyway it is all working now ... interestingly the getArtilleryAmmo code also shows <null> if no gunner crew are present too. Cheers. SOLVED
  9. Afternoon, Probably an easy fix but I cannot find the correct solution/syntax: _ammoClass = getArtilleryAmmo [_veh] select 0; // (_veh is a Zamak MRL with NO ammo left - so obviously no ammo class - this is purposely set for this fault test.) systemchat format ["%1",_ammoClass]: // Returns <null> as expected. if (isNull _ammoClass) then {_ammoClass = "null"}; // Do not know how to check the variable? Error: _ammoClass undefined variable of course! So how can I check that _ammoClass is <null>. I have tried, isNil, isNull and tried setting the variable _ammoClass to nill before the check, however, whatever I do getArtilleryAmmo just overwrites the variable regardless. So any help welcome. Thank you for reading! Cheers.
  10. That is perfect and exactly what I needed. I was completely unaware that that webpage existed, many thanks! This is likely a probable cause - the environment sounds in the editor do 'pause' when I tab out; I will certainly try this -nopause option and see how it goes... (NOTE: This solved the issue.) Note, though, that it is within the editor (not the game) when it happens. It is something about 'Entities' but if... or when... it happens again I will try and take notice of the orange banner error, however it disappears very quickly! Thank you both for your help. SOLVED
  11. Two issues: Prairie Fire Mortars/Arty/Smoke Grenades etc. First, as the title relates, I cannot get the Prairie Fire Mortars, Artillery, Smoke Grenades (or anything else of this type) to fire. I have to substitute the mortars M29, M2, Type 63 and Type 53 with the Mk 6 Mortar from NATO/CSAT The M4 Scorcher is a substitute for the artillery. I substitute the PF smoke grenades with the vanilla smoke grenades. I suspect it's to do with the ammo classes for all of these? For smoke I use the vanilla "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white" for mortars (the Prairie Fire 60mm, 81mm and 82mm variants never fire.) For arty I use "6Rnd_155mm_Mo_smoke" And as mentioned previously the vanilla classes for smoke grenades. Forgive me, but I cannot remember the PF classes nor have the time right now to look them up - but I had previously tried them. So what's up with this? Why can I not get the PF shells to work via script? If you can get them to work what Ammo classes do you have that's working? Any help welcome. Eden Editor Is Trying Its Best To Deafen Me! Sometimes when tabbing between folders/scripts and then back to the Eden Editor I intermittently get temporarily deafened by a seriously loud warning in my headphones! An orange banner sometimes shows at the top but I'm so angry at the occurrence that I never really get to read it... something about 'entities' or something? Someone on this forum must know how to get rid of that warning - aside from reminding me to take of my headphones when working in the editor!! So please help me, as I really do not want to go deaf!! I mean imagine never hearing your child's voice again or the sound of the chirping birds in the rustling trees... the sounds of the calm sea... or the sounds of your ARMA AI Tank Commander saying 'Target that man' for the 6th millionth time in a single mission!... I could not bear it... so please help! Cheers.