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Everything posted by JCataclisma

  1. JCataclisma

    Alleged"s/Bailing_outs finds and stuff

    People here taught me A LOT regarding addAction, especially. It has that "Local Execution" characteristic, so it's kind of "exigent". One of the best tips someone gave me for multiplayer is to try to add the action on the object and activating it by checking if the player is nearby. As most of my scripts are related to give several different stuff to vehicles, what I do is: 1.) add a building called "workshop" in the editor. 2.) add the lines bellow in both initCommon.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf workshop addAction ["<t color='#f0cc0f'>EXECUTE script</t>", { [] spawn { execVM "code\scripts\myScriptForVehicle.sqf"; }; }]; Once the player gets close to the workshop, the addAction will appear and the script will search whether the nearby vehicle is one of the specified ones for changing. But, as usual, I am pretty sure guys here have MUCH better solutions for multiplayer. I won't dig further into them because all my "experience" in MP is inside APEX/Invade & Annex framework, which deals with it in a quite different approach. That also does the trick for giving the actions to the players themselves as well. So let's say I want a new action for any player, I can just ask for them to go to the workshop and execute different actions there to receive their benefits - just like a menu/index. ;;;;;;;;;; Edit: Maybe you find some better stuff in my other topic, regarding using addAction to board some mounted sentries on vehicles. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction
  2. Currently testing slight different versions for both Gen.Police offroad trucks (pickup and communications classes).
  3. Decided not yet throw the code here because it's still VERY messed up, and not so friendly-called outside Invade & Annex framework. Will try to update it here until end of Sunday. https://rumble.com/v3bynoy-arma-3-apc-marshall-with-camping-site.html
  4. In case someone else wants to have some extra fun with the Huron, here's some files which act both as a "map" for the correct numbers of each passenger/crew and as a complete script with a lot of extras as an example. ๐Ÿ˜Ž The number's order looks messy? Hey, I didn't choose them; "Just probing, brother." ============================ 'C' means must use 'lockCargo' / 'T' means is 'Turret' / '-1' is default for the Pilot. [T0] - [-1] Copilot - Pilot - [T1]-------[T2] Door Gunners - [C 1]-----[C 6] Regular Passengers [C 9]-----[C 7] Regular Passengers [C 2]-----[C 8] Regular Passengers [C 3]-----[C12] Regular Passengers [C 4]-----[C10] Regular Passengers [C 5]-----[C11] Regular Passengers [C 0]-----[C13] Regular Passengers [C15]-----[C14] Ramp Can Shoot-from-vehicle ================================
  5. Cargo positions for unarmed Orca - (typeOf _x in ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"]) (nose) [T0] [T-1] //Copiloto - Piloto; [C2] - [C1] - [C0] //Front seats, looking backwards, back-to-back with pilots; [C7] - [C6] //Middle seats, looking outside, DO NOT have shoot-from-vehicle feature; [C5] - [C4] - [C3] //Back seats, looking forwards
  6. Hellos, guys! I came with this one by collecting and changing a lot of great tips here in BIS forums. The idea came as a "counter-part" for unboarding helicopters by doing rappel. Using these vanilla "pier ladders" props attached to vehicles, players will still be able to grab and escalate them, although the ladders' damage is automatically disabled. There are also some neat surprises inside the scripts. They are currently only for Eh302 (probably Mohawk as well) and GhostHawk, but you can easily modify the "attachTo" numbers to suit them to ANY helicopter or vehicle. It works greatly for both SP and dedicated MP, but in my case I added an addAction to a workshop building placed in EdenEditor, and by clicking the action with the specified vehicle nearby, player will call the script and add objects and an array of new action to the vehicle. The script will search for the vehicle's class named at its beginning. Or you can probably just copy it all and paste it in the debug/dev panel. It's worth note that unaware players will probably fall down the ladders if they just escalate them until the end - they should pay attention when getting close to the boarding doors and MANUALLY click the action to board the vehicle. Have fun! ๐Ÿ˜Ž =============== P.S./Edit: those checks for locked cargo or turret at the beginning are meant to avoid a repeatedly execution of the script upon the same vehicle, which would create A LOT of new actions for the pilot at every execution. ========================= For EH-302: For GhostHawk:
  7. These are for WY-55 Czapla (probably the same for Hellcat) Front/Nose // seen from above; ([T0])---([T-1]) // Copilot / Pilot; (C 1)----(C 0) // external shoot from vehicle; (C 3)----(C 4) // seats at floor (middle); (C 2)----(C 5) // Back seats;
  8. JCataclisma

    Haul Cargo

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ Well I don't know about VistualStudio, but I only use Notepad++ and it was literally "a game changer" once I found out about setting it up to deal with files - SQF especially - always in C++ as default - and even more especially because I AM RUBBISH at coding.
  9. JCataclisma

    Haul Cargo

    My guess is that when using "isKindOF" or "typeOf" you need to add the class/array inside " " . Besides, you have an extra "x" in _ammoXbox there.... Also, it seems like you have a double-"of" ๐Ÿ˜ So try this: If ((_ammobox isKindOf "reammobox_f") I am used to have all those errors when using autocomplete without selecting the hole word, so it's most likely due to that you have a reminiscent "x" from "box" and an "of" from "isKindOf". ... Taking another look, it seems like you are telling that only the stuff AFTER the "&&" needs to be closer than 9 meters. So, another change that might help: If ((_ammobox isKindOf "reammobox_f") && ((_ammobox distance _playerscar) <9)) then May I ask whether do you use any active language in your text editor while writing your scripts? especially if you activate C++, it will instantly show you if there are any missing or unused (), [], {} , etc.
  10. Yeah! ๐Ÿ˜‰ His video's got all the stuff, or just click on Gunther's profile there. I'd rather point you to that discussion because there are some new/different ideas from others there, which might help to adapt it in your case - or not. ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Whether you don't mind about trying a different script, Gunther's got another version of it, still working and up to date: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/242793-trigger-to-disable-ai/
  12. Improved "Container version" ๐Ÿ˜Ž (video's in Brazilian Portuguese [PT-BR]) https://rumble.com/v3cf57o-arma-3-container-de-acampamento-movel.html
  13. Following Joe98's idea, you can improve it with something quite similar like Gunther's easy-and quick scripts for teleporting - so you would teleport away, let's say, a vehicle named originalVehicle and put on its place another one named replacementVehicle - which would be hidden very far away - and vice-versa. If that helps, here's Gunther's howTo: Also, take a look at this very recent post regarding replacing red portable lights with green portable lights: maybe you could use the same style to replace a class of vehicle for another ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. JCataclisma


    I think the closer I have seen to such a thing was this, from one of Gunther's huge-work compilations. But it seems like it does not include the ammo you desire:
  15. Because sometimes a warning or an elegant request might not be enough. ๐Ÿคฃ Can be used straight at the devTerminal, or be called with execVM as an external .SQF. Video example: https://rumble.com/v3a20un-arma-3-punishment-script.html
  16. @pierremgi, did you come to that after that nuke-module of yours, or was this Zeus' rage the inspiration for that? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฉ https://rumble.com/v3alfvs-august-22-2023.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1srTEpkHAw
  17. Hey! Until someone come up with a more elegant solution, you can use the code bellow to add a grotesque portable Flashlight attached to the player ๐Ÿ˜ If you use "rightHand" instead of "head", for instance (because that way the huge flashlight would be closer to the weapon), then change "true" for "false" in the last param, which defines whether the "flashlight" should rotate with the part it's attached to or not. _objectFrontRightLamp = "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_olive_F" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; _objectFrontRightLamp attachTo [player, [0, 0, 0], "head", true]; _objectFrontRightLamp setVariable ['QS_attached',true,!is3DEN]; _objectFrontRightLamp setDir 180; Or maybe you decide to go even further and add some robocop lights ๐Ÿ˜‚: _objectFrontRightLamp = "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_olive_F" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; _objectFrontRightLamp attachTo [player, [0, 0.02, 0.07], "rightFoot", true]; _objectFrontRightLamp setVariable ['QS_attached',true,!is3DEN]; _objectFrontRightLamp setDir 180; _objectFrontLeftLamp = "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_olive_F" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; _objectFrontLeftLamp attachTo [player, [0, 0.02, 0.07], "leftFoot", true]; _objectFrontLeftLamp setVariable ['QS_attached',true,!is3DEN]; _objectFrontLeftLamp setDir 180;
  18. Hi! First thing: in this video, he show a kind of "amateur" way to do it. It will get the job done, but it will definitely not be worthy whether you use it in multiplayer. I will search for a basic script I used a few years ago to do some similar stuff, but I am sure guys here will bring some MUCH better and cleaner codes for you ๐Ÿ˜ . In this video, he shows how to "open" some objects, like laptops and crates, by replacing the closed version of the object by its open version while using addAction. So you could do the same with your red/green lights. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. Upgrading and updating NOW! ๐Ÿ˜ Thank you!
  20. JCataclisma

    Editing help, boo boo

    I believe the quickest/easiest way to "discover" which objects are requiring such mods, other than manually searching inside the files, would be use the Arma 3 launcher, disable ALL the mods on its specific tab, and then open the game and the mission in editor. You will receive a warning, and then select to "force open" the file even without the mods. Then "save as" a different mission and it might give you a better chance to analyze stuff. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  21. JCataclisma

    Editing help, boo boo

    Maybe the first step would be to have your whole mission folder send into a gitHub, or compressed into a file (.RAR, .ZIP, etc) and make it available for download via googledrive or something like it, so others can download it ant take a closer look.
  22. Do you use Discord? Because we have a quite alive community on Quiksilver's group there, always trying to help to improve and solve stuff: https://discord.gg/u9MbXqqr I say that also providing I have learnt A LOT regarding using, modifying and upgrading our server - running QS's framework since the beginning of this year. Our server's admin has recently managed to adapt/create a new additional role, so now we have a specific slot only for attack helicopters, for instance. And we have tried and changed several stuff regarding towing and pulling vehicles, whether using external scripts or the framework itself. And honestly I don't think there's a way to "fix" the group system, because it relies on hard-coded game stuff. He's been trying to fix that from months, but the lobby/slot related aspects are themselves too darn screwed.
  23. This message was edited and already contain the changed/solved script. ================================ Hellos, guys! I have a mission setup which involves three different scripts, both called with addAction, and it all works fine whether SP or dedicated MP server. Its current flow is like this: 1.) player gets nearby a specific named workshop and executes an addAction on it; 2.) such addAction executes the first "searcher.sqf" script, which searches for nearby vehicles and providing the nearby vehicle class, will execute another specific script ("huronWorkshop.sqf", in this scenario); 3.) this new specific script will create and attach some stuff into the nearby vehicle, and also add a new addAction to it, and such action will execute a third one ("huronDoubleTrucks.sqf"). 4.) the working goal of this last action is to search the nearby vehicles for some specific classes and, providing the type of vehicle found, attach it to a specific position upon/relative to the Huron chopper, and also adds a new action that, once selected, will release those trucks and remove the action itself from the menu. Ok, all of that is working fine within the codes bellow, but the problem is that, by using things like " private _attachedTrucks = attachedObjects _currentHeli; ", the last action will detach ALL the attached objects (in this case, two portable lamps and a closed first aid kit), instead of detaching ONLY the trucks - which was my intention. Could you please point some suggestions/changes to the code so that I could achieve that? I could bet there is something to do with working upon the variables themselves, whether should they be private, public or global...? But none of my attempts have returned a sactisfactory result - you may notice in the second script, I even created some extra arrays to try and use them together the "_attachedTrucks", but no success at all. NOTE: those "setVatiable QS_logistic" stuff are necessary within the Quiksilver's Apex framework, so that such objects could be manually detached by the players. I'd rather keep them on the trucks, but if that could somehow mess with different variables required to the "specific detach" system to work, they could be completed removed from the trucks.
  24. The more I was trying, the further I was going - in the very opposite direction ๐Ÿ˜‚ . Not only solved, but gave several extra customization possibilities. Thank you! Cheers!
  25. JCataclisma

    Error using AddAction

    Are you using any other scripts besides those two? Maybe are you activating them via "description.ext" or "init.sqf"? Could it be something related to any changes made by that "RyanZM_ModuleInfected" which is shown in the SQM file? Because I would bet such "infected" stuff might be trying to create some kind of "biological-aura/cloud" effect, and that would most likely mess with textures, which are your current problem.