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About jordi771

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    Private First Class

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  1. jordi771

    [WIP] Zimnitrita

    salut casseburne, es tu Français ? j'ai vu avec un grand intérêt ta carte et moi même ,e suis en trains de faire une carte sur la cote normande. je veux bien t'aider si tu veux. je t'ai envoyé une demande d'ami sur steam. hello casseburne, are you french? I saw your map with great interest and I myself am making a map of the Normandy coast. I want to help you if you want. I sent you a friend request on steam.
  2. I haven't been able to play on reforger for a few days now. once I get to the menu, I can't do any action. Do you have any ideas to solve the problem. I uninstalled the game and checked the files but nothing happened. no errors are mentioned!! graphic card : amd rx 6600
  3. jordi771

    Exported FBX file has no texture

    en français : alors que les autres moteurs graphiques utilisent un grand nombre de jeu de textures, reforger a condensé certains éléments ensemble et c'est pour cela que vos textures sont correctes sur blender et blanc sur enfusion après de longues recherches sur le net, j'ai trouvé un preset pour faire une export correct vers enfusion mais il faut utiliser le logiciel d'abode : substance 3D painter. il faudra créer 3 textures pour l'exportation que j'ai sauvegarder sous le nom enfusion bi : le BCR, le MNO et le NHO voilà comment cela est réparti sur le logiciel : le BCR : RGB + A (rugosité) le MNO : R(normal open GL) +G (normal open GL) + B (metallic)+ A(ambiant occlusion) le NHO : R (GL ouvert normal) + G (GL ouvert normal) + B (transmissif) + A (occlusion ambiante) une fois cela fait : 1/ vous ouvrez avec le logiciel votre fbx 2/ vous importez vos textures avec les normales etc.. 3/ Appliquez les textures sur l'objet 4/ vous exportez les textures BCR ET MNO vers votre pc 5/ importer des nouvelles textures sur reforger voici un lien en Français pour vous aider
  4. jordi771

    Exported FBX file has no texture

    I use substances painter for textures and I found an export preset for enfusion that outputs the BCR texture; MNO; and NHO
  5. hello, for my project, I would like to import buildings in fbx format into enfusion. I have a factory in fbx with a mesh and 14 materials. when I import the fbx without the collision mod, I have the different LODs but if I do the collision on blender (object renamed in UTM or UBX), I no longer have access to the lods. could anyone help me? I read the post on the bohemia forum but it doesn't change much
  6. I am working on two real maps located in France. the first a small rural town near my home small card almost finished. the second the Normandy beaches 20kmx10km approximately
  7. jordi771

    Grass on road problem

    indeed when we have a road the grass is put on top that's why, I start by making the road and I put the grass around. if it exceeds I clean the grass with the "default" texture or "dirt" or "asphalt".
  8. thank you for this tutorial even if it is not very clear. anyway, it works
  9. jordi771

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    i found this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:From_SQF_to_Enforce_Script
  10. jordi771

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    indeed the benchwork can be a great tool. nevertheless for novices it seems quite complicated compared to the arma3 editor. I managed to make a first task but apparently there are errors and for the moment I stopped there. Even if it must be a great tool, it seems very complicated to handle for novices. But the first tutorials are coming.