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About Valkuran

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Valkuran

    Molotof Cocktail !

    I had offered it long before, just right before this season began... I bet others did as well, but apparently devs are busy milking the Steam players, than fixing/improving this game😒
  2. For the last month I have been experiencing high ping to the server, like 150+ ms.... I had previously ping no more than 90 ms. The ISP is as always not an issue, as they told me. Two days ago, I began experiencing another issue - constantly getting disconnected and kicked back to the main 'login' screen. 3 out of 4 times it is happening now. Does anybody else experiencing the same?
  3. Valkuran

    Broken aim assist

    Hey RoxieAtomic, I would suggest to make the aim assist configurable, within 3 levels: L1 - keep it as it was , L2 - make it less intrusive , and L3 - the way the devs tweaked it. And add a slider or switch to be able to adjust it. Thanks. You guys, doing an amazing job!
  4. Valkuran


    Hey RoxieAtomic, what about clans like ZRSB, who using and abusing the Cronus Zen emulator? I've been reporting one of them for 6 months, and that person still can be spotted on game servers. 🤦‍♂️
  5. Valkuran


    Does this system work in anyway? I have been reporting a cheater for couple months, and guess what? That cheater keeps playing and does not even hide that he cheats🤦‍♂️
  6. Valkuran

    Broken aim assist

    Hello RoxieAtomic, would you mind adding more clarification to that please? How it works now compared to previously? Some examples would be greatly appreciated. Right now, I don't see any difference, if it's on or off. it's even harder to aim, and the cheaters with Cronus Zen only benefit from that. Thanks
  7. Valkuran

    Broken aim assist

    okay, boys and girls, I can tell for sure that aim assist is officially broken.... Again... Dear devs, was it tuned off or broken??? I see, that there is no difference when it's on or off. Please fix at least this issue.
  8. Valkuran


    I would say at least an hour, just because... The punishment must be that serious that they would think 3 times before doing something stupid... 3 times quitting during the day - 3 days ban!
  9. Valkuran

    A suggestion to spot cheaters

    Yeap, and it would be based on the game engine, so it would take minimum space on the console.
  10. Here is my simple suggestion: add feature to record match replays using game engine, and ability to view them after the match. In this case players can easily review the match they played and spot cheaters by observing the replay for any player that was on that map during the match. I this case, players would report suspicious behavior of others with a proof.
  11. Valkuran

    Connectivity issues

    Here is another video I captured. https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApQ0gafxZlbd0FM2Hc5xvOcMIAMQ?e=fAibh4 As always, once you start recording, everything gets back to normal. The glitch was about a minute long. I tried to loot the cabinet in the house and got stuck there for about a minute. I could not move until I started recording. The video shows significant outgoing traffic loss.
  12. Valkuran

    Connectivity issues

    Here is another video with the same glitch. I am struggling to select weapon from inventory. As it can be seen on the video, whenever I select my weapon, nothing happens. It started at the beginnig of the match and I spent like 20 minutes running away from people, because I could not fight back.😒 https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApQ0gafxZlbd0EYbk9baetosmsnz?e=tuG9Oh This is redicilous, seriously....
  13. Valkuran

    Ready Up Feedback/Suggestion

    Agreed, it's annoying when you wait for most of the slackers...
  14. Valkuran

    Connectivity issues

    Here are the videos I captured on my Series X. https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApQ0gafxZlbd0DktXic_kXMT5i4v?e=86TJQV https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApQ0gafxZlbd0Dr1ikBRgvyrVsUD Bohemia, any comments on that??? 🤨