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Everything posted by Reticuli

  1. Not sure if any of you noticed, but in real life crouching is not as easy as standing strait up. BI needs to have crouching very slightly drain stamina, and obviously if you're crouching and moving at the same time, you've got both the crouch and movement now draining energy. This needs to be compounded by load even more than the load affects strait standing movement. BTW, I'm not talking about taking a knee. I'm a bit tired of seeing 50 dudes running around and everyone's crouched constantly.
  2. Ending other applications is a given, but doesn't seem to make a whole lot of difference, anyway, if I don't do it. Unfortunately, you can't completely shut Steam down to rule that out, though I did take BI's advice and reduce what Steam is doing as much as possible. As for the rest, re-read what I wrote, I guess. I think I covered all that.
  3. 64bit version running. HT and large paging enabled. 16GB RAM and a 24.5GB page file on RAID 0 SSD pair with over 40GB remaining after the page file even before Windows drive cleanup or Steam cache cleared. It rarely uses much over 10GB of RAM, though. No parameters changes make any difference. Moving the profiles into the Arma directory definitely helped a little. I thought maybe it was Reshade or mods causing the remaining CTDs, but 00000FF and 0000005 errors persist even stock and with no Reshade. It's strange, because after I switch to fully stock without Reshade it's stable for a few hours, then starts having issues again. If I switch to the mods again it's stable for a few hours. Temps are fine. It reminds me of HEAP emulation and input buffering problems that occurred with Janes Longbow 2 on operating systems newer than Windows 98 where it'd start stable and then get worse until you restart the computer. Restarting the computer with Arma 3 is not helping, though I do notice Stream constantly wanting to update again after restart... so maybe that's screwing something up again. I have no problems in X-Plane 11 or DCS like this with a Pimax 8kx like Arma 3 causes with just my two monitors running in landscape surround 3840x1080. I also have no problems with any version of Crysis, any other flight simulator I have in 2D landscape surround (I have tons of them), or my audio and video editing software. Elite Dangerous on the Pimax was also fine, though I got bored with it and uninstalled to make room for Arma 3. I can run Falcon BMS on a stereoscopic monitor to my heart's content without a single issue. I was previously having problems with Google Chrome doing weird stuff, but I've since moved to Edge and Firefox with everything Google removed, which got rid of the browser issue. Oh, there is one persistent other issue, and that is that Steam for some reason does not like to download files much over 1 or 2 GB size on my system. It will frequently freeze the computer, has to be restarted, download continued, and then file verification manually run in Steam. Elite Dangerous and Arma 3 both required this multiple times. The only other program I notice that has ever had a similar issue is Open Freespace 2's Knossos downloader. Freespace mods tend to mostly run fine, but certain of those mods won't completely download (maybe corrupt source files on their servers) and some of them that seem to download just won't run, but Freespace is a bit janky. So the Knossos issue slightly resembles the Steam issue, and Steam is of course running with Arma 3. I did also notice some really weird user ID permissions stuff listed in the original profiles folder security details prior to force-denying those requests and moving the profiles to the Arma 3 folder. I was suspicious some of the mods may be doing hacker stuff that Windows was attempting to block.
  4. Arma 3 apparently overrides Windows paging file settings, and Windows seems to not like to give Arma 3 permissions. I notice if I don't save the game, don't change config settings in Arma, and restart Arma after trying to change the mission I'm running, things are more stable. Do anything else, open Zeus, use SSP cheat menu, whatever, and it will start to have issues and either CTD or BSOD. Multiplayer never seems stable for me with BattlEye. For instance, I've given up running Warlords online simply because after 30min or 2hrs or some amount of time it will crap out eventually. I can't play online any length of time I want. Changing any parameters has no effect. Moving the profiles to the Arma 3 directory only helped partially.
  5. Looking at the varied solutions, it seems usually caused one of three things: the profiles folder being in a restricted spot and mods doing bad things they shouldn't be to those folders and files, for the other people it's an issue with how 64bit Arma 3 handles RAM and paging file, and for some it's just USB peripherals. Start trying to combine adding Reshade with Wirecast streaming, though, and a whole other group of error causes arise. Another weird thing, though, is usually after a CTD happens, Steam has to update again, which makes me think perhaps sometimes their setting to only do updates when you're not playing doesn't actually work and it's trying to do them while you play.
  6. Reticuli

    Broken helicopter autorotation.

    Auto rotate worked at one time?
  7. I don't have any wireless stuff connected. My 'memory' errors always occur after at least a little while of play (rather than preventing the start of the program at all) and only with Arma 3. I believe it is tied to either Arma 3's poor memory management in a poor-quality 64-bit port (it can't run without a page file available but never uses most of my physical RAM, and people using the 32-bit version on older computers don't seem to have these errors), or it's caused by mods or multiplayer stuff trying to hack my computer (I found strangely-named users for Arma 3 profile folder & file permissions and it only happens when either using mods or doing multiplayer). Another odd thing is that Arma 3 does not appear particularly changed by Nvidia settings and I've been told its PhysX is not GPU-based, yet my GPU usage will easily go up to 100% with it. What exactly is it using my GPU for, then, if it's not benefiting the graphics or PhysX?
  8. The update over Steam today appears to have wiped out all my addon settings and layout profiles. When I went into Arma 3, it was also saying nonsense about 'Welcome to..." blah blah blah or "Thank you for..." blah blah blah. Briefly it also seemed confused and for one of the times I booted it up it was using a profile from like a month ago. Next time I booted it up it was using defaults. I was able to use a two week old profile that at least recovered my video settings, but that's the best I can do. Oh, and all my custom addon keys are wiped, too. Joy. And just found out my maybe 200 or so arsenal loadouts are all gone, too.
  9. I have this problem. It's worse at higher altitudes rather than NOE and especially when Reshade is running (and hasn't yet CTD or BSOD me). I think Reshade is making certain shadows that would otherwise be hard to see instead more visible. So while Reshade causes CTD and BSOD for me, I don't think it's directly responsible for the shadows or dark areas in trees and such blinking. If I use black comic book outlines with Reshade, by the way, these also will blink with it.
  10. Anyone know of a way to remove the lame 'target detection' from the Nightstalker scope? I think it's the only scope with both NV and TI, not to mention a red dot, too, but that auto recognition garbage prevents me from using it often.
  11. Any way to cancel AI current order and get them to obey a new one? This is particularly bothersome when my player has been shot, I switch into a new character, 'become leader', and everyone in a team of 10 others remaining heads back to the helicopters and won't obey anything until they get there. Then finally I can order a dismount minutes later. Is there a 'cancel' command or any particular command that just overrides all others I can do first before giving orders to regroup or something?
  12. Weird. I wonder why it was happening then with the helos going by and JSRS not having anything to do with it. Maybe someone shooting. I will turn TPW back on and simply reduce the attenuation a little.
  13. Oh, and if there's some way you can give us the ability to change your Compress threshold value, that would also be useful. JSRS seems to radically change the overall levels of many sounds, not just gunshots and explosions, meaning that even helos flying nearby can trigger your Compress. You have the other values adjustable, so really just threshold is the one missing that would allow me to keep Compess On even when using sound mods. I can raise the threshold to whatever I want and just just dampen the loudest stuff with it. I do use the Microsoft Windows audio equal loudness feature, which seems to do it after yours and in a multi-track kind of way, it seems, but previous to JSRS I was using both together with great results with 0.15 hold and 0.15 release on yours. Neat feature you included, as it really does potentially serve as digital ear protection, especially useful with ultra-dynamic sound like JSRS. With JSRS currently, I cannot even use your Compress all by itself with adjustable threshold missing. Thanks.
  14. Are any downsides to suppressors being modeled other than mass and swing inertia? Suppressors increase rates of jamming (esp the more they're fired), have to be frequently cleaned or just replaced with another one if you don't have time for the former, can get damaged if they aren't frequently cleaned or replaced, retain & collect heat (esp the longer they've gone without cleaning/replacing), and if shielded against releasing heat (e.g. against showing on a thermal image viewer) with a wrap tend to propagate that heat back into the rest of the barrel. Anything like that modeled or can be added with existing mods? Also, what are both the positives and negatives of using the Arma 3 'stealth' suppressors over the regular ones when available?
  15. Any hacks or mods available to substantially degrade personal goggle & scope thermal imaging? I think right now the only such characteristic is the inability to see as much ground/terrain detail as NVG, but it's not by much, and it's universal to all TI in Arma 3. I'm thinking less overall capability than current small TI gear in the presence of ANY dust, smoke, fog, or rain where you might still be able to see slightly with NVG or naked eye, even lower contrast, lower resolution, blurry FOV peripheral edges, maybe even restricted FOV compared to full-screen Ace 3 & BettIR NVG that I'm using with an amber filter, and definitely an inability to differentiate small, static targets at long range in any but the best conditions (e.g. completely clear LOS of naked dude in front of snow), and even then not with the kind of detail we're currently getting that is just too ridiculously defined, high-contrast, and easy to pick out anything that's not TI-stealth. You might as well use TPW's HUD mode, which I usually put at 0min/0max range unless I'm playing a robot 🙂 I don't mean nerfing big-league vehicle or pilot integrated vision fed from the aircraft similarly, though I'm fond of A3's lower-res fusion modes for vehicles (and hopefully the pilots get feeds from the aircraft into their helmet soon). I don't want personal goggle & scope thermal imaging totally unavailable, though, just with more particular limitations than they have, reflecting the constraints of small, mobile, TI gear.
  16. The way he's currently doing it, though, you can deactivate parts of TPW. I do that with like bleeding, falling, and/or one of the others so that it doesn't interfere with PiR. And if I'm in a mission I don't want zombie versions of opfor (like Aliens' xenomorphs) or too many baddies spawning because it's already overwhelming, then I turn off those sections, too. When I played some Terminator missions, I had to go in and get rid of civilians, soap, parking, etc, because everyone's supposed to be either living in sewers or, you know, terminated.
  17. PiR's suicide is still getting me, but turning instant death for me off helps slightly. My current mod list that I'm still working out the bugs for. TPW is essential to it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rMjgj4mtEF89RvGmwwuet9RyhxO15ysE/view?usp=sharing I would love to also see walking crouched, Enhanced Movement, and injury/healing use up stamina more. And more adverse consequences to suppressors, with stealth suppressors having particular quirks.
  18. Any mods to cause Enhanced Movement to use up stamina? Some other mod I'm using required Enhanced Movement for the AI, so last night after watching a squad mate surprisingly leap over a barricade I was trying it out myself and finding useful ways of mapping it (in my case alt + X, C, Z, space, and windows key), and I think it's pretty cool and useful, but also getting into sort of goofy superhuman cartoon stuff considering it doesn't use up stamina at all. How do I get it to use up stamina, and probably substantially? Any settings or other mods available? For that matter, I'd also be interested in any way that getting injured and/or healed also uses up stamina. I think it's weird and unrealistic to get healed after a wounding and now have the energy instantly to sprint a block down the street because you've been down and resting for the last minute.
  19. Exactly what I'm talking about. So if anyone has heard of any, shoot a link here.
  20. Reticuli

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    You might try this mod collection at it improved AI driving substantially, with the only caveat that you can sometimes walk through vehicles and the enemy won't dismount and shoot you or try to run you over... yet. And I'm still working out some bugs and trying to improve the combo. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rMjgj4mtEF89RvGmwwuet9RyhxO15ysE/view?usp=sharing
  21. Still unable to find any existing mods to add that stuff. What are the downsides to the stealth suppressor? Every engineering solution has positives and negatives. So it's cooler looking under thermals; what's the adverse consequence of their hypothetical solution? Less effective sound damping? More jamming? Much heavier and more swing inertia? All of the above? How is it supposedly achieving this benefit? In other words, why not just always use the stealth suppressors and what's the point of having both options, or no suppressor on at all, for that matter? People like to blabber on about not wanting to artificially create alternatives and 'gameplay balancing' because Arma 3 is all simmy and stuff, but the real world does not have optimal solutions... everything is trade-offs. Action, reaction. Cause and effect. Even the simple exchange of information increases entropy and uses up information/energy that can never be used again in the system or by the outside observer. This is reality. Nothing is truly free. It happens to also make reality and sims more interesting, but sometimes I'm getting an almost arbitrary, non-sim feeling from Arma 3, or even worse, like you get superpowers and some special advantage from such and such... usually tied to some particular newer pay DLC. "For ten bucks you can get a BETTER suppressor with no additional downsides, and by the way, there are few downsides to suppressors, even, but ten bucks will get rid of one of them! If you wanna compete on MP Warlords, better get the new DLC, folks." Yikes.
  22. Reticuli

    I can walk through vehicles

    Interesting. Thanks. I will try and search out the mods and see which it could be. Perhaps it's one that's trying to prevent me from running over my own guys or something. Or maybe something allowing me to change seats quickly. On a side note, I just added Immerse, which is pretty cool, and am also looking for ways to use up stamina from Enhanced Movement and injury/healing, so I'm sure that will complicate things.
  23. Reticuli

    I can walk through vehicles

    RCA3, it happens randomly and in the same type of vehicles. Sometimes one Toyota will let me walk through it and the one right next to it will be normal. Sometimes it's tank. It does seem more often to be vehicles I've driven myself than ones I have not, but that doesn't seem 100%. *** I turned the logging on, but didn't get any CTDs to outright save a log file. First I tried starting Arma 3 for just Arsenal and saw a couple errors with logging turned on. The new blackhawk had an error pop up and needed another mod to work that wasn't previously mentioned, so I downloaded that one. Then I noticed there were errors listed for Realistic Boat Extraction (not sure why) and AI Hey It's A Machine Gun (needs RHS?), so I got rid of those two temporarily. I ran Neptune Spear. Walking through vehicles still happened, though. When entering the mission another error message popped up that said something about a static object having no source and to resave the mission, but it played out fine otherwise except for lower framerates at the end of the mission than with logging off. Besides logging turned off, or maybe moreso, I suspect the new blackhawk and framework mod it needed was causing slow down issues, so I dumped both of those. There was also an error notice upon exiting of OPTRE wanting Ace 3 relating to not being capable of save games. So I guess OPTRE doesn't recognize that particular Ace for PiR version or that version of Ace is missing something OPTRE needs. Here is the rpt file after the mission I just ran: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M2JX0TqdCaHhoWeqhRnSdmumezuQo8NF/view?usp=sharing My mod list is now back with RBE and the AI Hey It's A Machine Gun, but without the new Blackhawk or its Hatchet framework. Other than walking through some vehicles benignly (they avoid me, anyway) and not being able to save, it's reasonably stable and extremely fun.
  24. Reticuli

    I can walk through vehicles

    Lordy, that would bite, Jackal. Oh well, it's not that big a deal to warrant 140 times. It's not like the enemy is trying to run me over, which is unfortunate, and the AI now is tweaked to the point that civies and my own guys won't run over me finally. They're no longer backing up and driving forward into walls over and over, even, which is good. Just ironic that now I can walk through some of them, which wasn't the case back when I had more issues with their driving.
  25. Reticuli

    I can walk through vehicles

    I posted this thread because I really don't want to disable each mod individually to find which is causing this. Obviously that would be a sure-fire way to find out which is the culprit. I haven't made any missions and I realize doing so with these mods on will add dependencies. The only time I turn off these mods is for a mission that absolutely is broken if Arma 3 is not vanilla stock or if I go onto MP Warriors, but frankly the number of cheaters in MP official servers and the number of other people who are jerks or mentally ill is a bit much to handle usually. Hitler sermons. Some guy going "I don't care!" to everything said. People who are walking through walls or invulnerable. And back to the SP missions, honestly, I'm more likely to just not play a mission than play vanilla. In the less than a month that I've been playing Arma 3 it's taken me this long to finally get the right combination of mods and some semblance of stability. You should try them, it's an amazing experience this combo. I have about the same number of mods that are on the HD but just not loaded usually, like the Starship Troopers mods that change the front game screen or some that add like a 1000 new uniforms and (really dumb) ammo types and slow down getting to Arsenal. This particular glitch only happens in single player, probably because in MP all the mods are off, and happens regardless of the SP type game, though mostly I've been playing the scenarios in the last few days. There isn't some drop in frame-rate when it happens, and it's not every vehicle. I will allow logs for a session and have it generate that in case there's a crash and also do a complete rpt. Quite a few people recommended I turn it off for stability or something. Will that identify a mods conflict?