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Tory Xiao

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Everything posted by Tory Xiao

  1. I use these codes in initserver.sqf to add zeus editable objects: if (isServer) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { { _x addCuratorEditableObjects [ allPlayers, true ]; _x addCuratorEditableObjects [ vehicles, true ]; } count allCurators; sleep 30; }; }; }; But 'vehicles' also returned stuff that I didn't want like empty boxes. How do I add only driveable vehicles?
  2. Thanks buddy you just saved my day
  3. Im trying to edit the a3wasteland mission to make planes bought from vehicle store spawn mid-air with some velocity. Here is part of the SQF handling it: in spawnStoreObject.sqf: if (_player getVariable ["cmoney", 0] >= _itemPrice) then { private _markerPos = markerPos _marker; private _npcPos = getPosASL _storeNPC; private _canFloat = (round getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "canFloat") > 0); private _waterNonBoat = false; private "_spawnPosAGL"; // non-boat spawn over water (e.g. aircraft carrier) if (!isNull _storeNPC && surfaceIsWater _npcPos && !_seaSpawn) then { _markerPos set [2, _npcPos select 2]; _spawnPosAGL = ASLtoAGL _markerPos; _safePos = if (_canFloat) then { _spawnPosAGL } else { ASLtoATL _markerPos }; _waterNonBoat = true; } else // normal spawn { _safePos = _markerPos findEmptyPosition [0, 50, [_class, "B_Truck_01_transport_F"] select (!surfaceIsWater _markerPos && _seaSpawn)]; // use HEMTT in findEmptyPosition for boats on lands if (count _safePos == 0) then { _safePos = _markerPos }; _spawnPosAGL = _safePos; if (_seaSpawn) then { _safePos vectorAdd [0,0,0.05] }; }; // delete wrecks near spawn { if (!alive _x) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } forEach nearestObjects [_spawnPosAGL, ["LandVehicle","Air","Ship"], 25 max sizeOf _class]; if (_player getVariable [_timeoutKey, true]) then { breakOut "spawnStoreObject" }; // Timeout _results1 = (call planesArray) select {_x select [1,999] isEqualTo _itemEntrySent}; //飞机空中出生 if (count _results1 > 0) then { _object = createVehicle [_class, [_markerPos select 0, _markerPos select 1, 800], [], 50, "FLY"]; //_object setVelocity [300,0,0]; _player moveInDriver _object; }else{ _object = createVehicle [_class, _safePos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; if (_waterNonBoat && _object isKindOf "plane") then { private _posSurf = getPos _object; private _posASL = getPosASL _object; if (_posSurf select 2 < 0) then { _object setVelocity [300,0,0]; _object setPosASL [_posSurf select 0, _posSurf select 1, (_posASL select 2) - (_posSurf select 2) + 800]; }; }; if (_waterNonBoat && _object isKindOf "helicopter") then { private _posSurf = getPos _object; private _posASL = getPosASL _object; if (_posSurf select 2 < 0) then { _object setPosASL [_posSurf select 0, _posSurf select 1, (_posASL select 2) - (_posSurf select 2) + 0.05]; }; }; You can see here I spawned the vehicle that is plane with _object = createVehicle [_class, [_markerPos select 0, _markerPos select 1, 800], [], 50, "FLY"]; and set it's position and velocity with _object setVelocity [300,0,0]; _object setPosASL [_posSurf select 0, _posSurf select 1, (_posASL select 2) - (_posSurf select 2) + 800]; But in game the plane spawn at only 100m high and with 0 speed, crashed immediately. WHY???
  4. Tory Xiao

    Help - Detecting Kill Assist

    How do I use this script?
  5. I found this script to avoid players from flying too high initPlayerlocal.sqf: areaTimer = 0; #define DTIME 30 // Time until death while { true } do { _p = getpos player; _hightplayer = _p select 2; if( _hightplayer > 2000 ) then { areaTimer = time; hintSilent ""; } else { _t = time - areaTimer; if(_t >= DTIME) then { player setDamage 1; } else { hintSilent format["Please fly below 2km or you will died in %1 seconds!", DTIME - _t]; playSound "FD_CP_Not_Clear_F"; }; }; sleep 1; }; When I stand on the ground the warning kept showing up, and _hightplayer returns 0.000134. WHY???? Never mind Im an idiot
  6. Tory Xiao

    Hight restriction script

    Oh I tried something similar but players said it was so stupid stuck mid-air while dogfighting with others 🤣🤣
  7. And you can be immune to the gas by wearing gas masks (in Contact DLC) or inside certain kinds of vehicles
  8. ToxicGas.sqf: /* Author: AryX (noaim) Description: Toxic Gas (Green Smoke + GL Green Smoke) Version: 0.5 Updated: 02.11.2019 */ _gasMask = ["H_CrewHelmetHeli_B", "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O", "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I", "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I_E"]; _gasMaskGog = ["G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F", "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_olive_F", "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_sand_F", "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F", "G_RegulatorMask_F"]; _exemptVehicles = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "B_MRAP_01_F", "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F", "O_MRAP_02_F", "O_MRAP_02_gmg_F", "O_T_MRAP_02_ghex_F", "O_T_MRAP_02_gmg_ghex_F", "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F", "I_MRAP_03_F", "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F", "I_MRAP_03_gmg_F", "B_MBT_01_cannon_F", "O_MBT_02_cannon_F", "I_MBT_03_cannon_F", "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F", "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F", "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F", "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F", "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F", "B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F", "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F", "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F", "O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F", "I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F"]; _AAPositions = ["B_SAM_System_02_F","B_AAA_System_01_F"]; while {true} do { "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; // enables ppeffect "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0]; // enables normal vision "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 15; // time it takes to normal resetCamShake; // resets the shake 20 fadeSound 1; //fades the sound back to normal waitUntil{ ((nearestObject [getPosATL player, "SmokeShellOrange"]) distance player < 10) and (getPosATL (nearestObject [getPosATL player, "SmokeShellGreen"]) select 2 < 0.5) or ((nearestObject [getPosATL player, "G_40mm_SmokeOrange"]) distance player < 10) and (getPosATL (nearestObject [getPosATL player, "G_40mm_SmokeGreen"]) select 2 < 0.5) }; if (((((headgear player) in _gasMask) || (goggles player in _gasMaskGog)) && !((typeOf (vehicle player)) in _AAPositions)) || ((typeOf vehicle player) in _exemptVehicles)) then { "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; // enables ppeffect "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0]; // intensity of blur "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 3; // time till vision is fully blurred enableCamShake false; // enables camera shake 5 fadeSound 0.1; // fades the sound to 10% in 5 seconds } else { "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; // enables ppeffect "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6]; // enables normal vision "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 15; // time it takes to normal enableCamShake true; // enables camera shake addCamShake [10, 45, 10]; resetCamShake; // resets the shake 20 fadeSound 1; //fades the sound back to normal player setDamage (damage player + 0.15); //damage per tick sleep 3; _Choke_Sounds = [ "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_choke_02.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_choke_03.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_choke_04.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person1\P1_choke_04.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person2\P2_choke_04.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person2\P2_choke_05.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person3\P3_choke_02.wss"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound3D [_Choke_Sounds, player, false, getPosASL player, 1, 1, 0]; }; uiSleep 0.5; }; init.sqf: [] execVM "ToxicGas.sqf"; This script makes players' screen blur and lose health and choke within 10m near an orange smoke grenade
  9. When you replace the original 6.5mm minigun with a 20mm minigun of a minigun Qilin, the firing effect looks so fake! Is it possible to fire the 20mm minigun with the effect of the original 6.5mm minigun?
  10. Hi 7erra, about your VASS, Im wondering if there is a way to let players access the store via script without actually spawn a unit as the store owner?
  11. Hey 7erra. Is it possible to access the store without adding a real trader? Like in A3Wasteland you can access the gun store with [] call loadGunStore;
  12. I would like to use BIS_fnc_textTiles as my killfeed text, the question is how do I add victim name (%1) and reward money (%2) into the text? [parseText "<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.5'>You killed %1</t><br />And gain $%2 bonus", true, nil, 2, 0.7, 0] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_textTiles", _killer];
  13. Is it possible to add an icon attached to any friendly laser designator target to make it visible for all friendly players?
  14. Where should I put this script? In initServer or what?? if isServer then { [] spawn { while {true} do { { _x addCuratorEditableObjects [ entities [[],["Logic"], true /* Include vehicle crew */,true /* Exclude dead bodies */], true ]; } count allPlayers; sleep 60; // Change to whatever fits your needs }; }; };
  15. Im an idiot, I just figured out that I should replace entities [[],["Logic"], true ,true] with allPlayers instead of allCurators
  16. Is it possible to run scripts like skiptime or end mission via server raw command?
  17. What should I do to run certain scripts on new players like add starting money or welcome intro when they connected to the server for the first time? I tried this but it seems not working.
  18. Sorry about that..... Im running an A3Wasteland server, I just want to know is there a script that can identify if a player is the first time in the server
  19. These tips work just fine when testing on local LAN server, but all missing when uploaded to my dedicated server (the rest part of these scripts are still functional) Any idea why??
  20. It works, thanks alot guys
  21. Im editing my own bulwark defending mission, but all fire support won't add score to the caller so these expensive supports became totally unaffordable. How do I add fire support kills to the caller? Thanks for answering!