Hi Everyone,
I'm new to modding and I made a custom explosive mod and most things are working fine but I have a couple of questions.
I have something like a bomb satchel that's a remote bomb, and I'm wondering what the different options on certain commands do.
Is there a list of the different explosions that can be used in the ExplosionEffects field I've found some obviously, but is there a reference list anywhere?
triggerWhenDestroyed is something I've seen in the CUP mods but can't find anything out about it. I assume enabling it causes the bomb to trigger when destroyed but doesn't seem to do anything.
My bombs show up under Magazines, instead of explosives how do I setup my cfg weapons so they appear under explosives.
class CfgWeapons
class Default;
class Put: Default
class PutMuzzle;
class PipeBombMuzzle: PutMuzzle
magazines[] = {"SuitcaseBombMag","SuitcasePipeBomb_Mag"};
Figured that part out
Thanks for any help.