[104TH] Timberwolves
Server requirements
- The [104th] Timberwolves Modpack: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/587094903834804245/757185447737819237/Arma_3_Preset_Timberwolves_104th_Standard.html
- Discord
- Teamspeak 3
General Description
The 104th Timberwolves is a Semi-realism Arma 3 unit. It was made by a close-knit group of friends spanning over a decade. Our aim is to provide an interactive story in a militaristic environment. Campaigns and scenarios written by the players themselves and the choices made by squads in the heat of battle.
We run a few mods to make Arma 3 more immersive and enjoyable to play. Several of which are aimed at promoting the idea of Semi-Realism. Such as things like ACE Medical, slightly altered to make it much more tolerant and forgiving. ACE Ballistics, to put more depth and enjoyment into sniping/marksman and add the fundamentals of actual spotters. TFAR, for the use of functional radios through Teamspeak 3.
Occasionally we use Discord voice for our non-primary operations. But, TFAR is used more often than not. Our goal is to make our operations as immersive as possible without impeding on the stress-free environment we strive so hard to maintain.
We do expect every player to think of a primary role in a unit, as well as a secondary role to be played consistently. We do however promote the idea of people learning to focus on as many roles as they’d like, so that roles can be filled at any point depending on what is needed for any operation run on the server. Although, anything other than the two is completely up to the player themselves.
Campaign events are generally held every Sunday afternoon at 5 PM Eastern Time. As well as several events throughout the week at 9 PM Eastern Time such as, but not limited to: combat patrols, unit training, individual training, custom events, et cetera. Our aim is to have a wide array of options on varying days of the week to ensure that we can fit most if not all of everyone’s schedules. Attendance is never mandatory, but is always appreciated.
We put as much thought into how we get into the AO as we do in the operations themselves. Generally believing the fun is just as much in the journey we take together as the destination we reach.
Our goal is to simply play a game with a bunch of friends, enjoy the story and develop a growing community of close friends to enjoy it together with us. Because the goal of a game at the end of the day is to always have fun. If you aren’t having fun, then it’s not a game.
So please, come join us on The 104th Timberwolves server and have fun with us. We would love to have you.
Photographs from the [104th] Timberwolves server
Contact Information
Discord link: https://discord.gg/NA7Q27z