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About 1stGLI_Rio

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  1. 1stGLI_Rio

    [GLOBAL] 1stGLI is recruiting

    bump also if anybody want to also see our NW FSE page here you go https://www.fsegames.eu/forum/index.php?topic=44312.msg1952310#msg1952310
  2. Our clan started as a Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars clan. For people who played it you know the stuff(linebattles etc). We decided that we should expand our clan. While we still do NW we decided to also play Arma 3 amongst other things( HOI4 War thunder Total war). I myself have a duty of recruiting so the job of recruiting for Arma 3 came on my head(because thats what happens when you are an NCO in the recruiting team). But enough with the background. We want to start our Arma 3 branch of the clan so im pretty new in the Arma 3 recruitment department so some stuff may be out of place. We currently have 12 people amongst our ranks that have Arma 3 and participate in Arma 3 events or as we call them "expeditions". Now i dont really know how many people we get per every Arma 3 event(somewhere between 5 to 10 maybe) but we obviously will start slow in Arma.(our clan has more people but obviously for Mount and Blade) In terms of clan rules we allow: -any type of language because our guys like jokes and really dont get offended -we are semi-milsim but depending on the guys attending we may step up a notch and use a realism mode(like Ace 3 etc). -we accept anyone no matter the experience or in how many clans they were before we are all learning togheter -we dont do required attendence events like other clans may do so its imposible for you to get kicked for not attending regularly -even if you joined for Arma you can always go to our other events without any formalities(enlisting again for other games by talking with a CO or NCO)- -obviously the game is much better when you have friends to play with so you can recruit any of your friends to join What do we exactly do in Arma you ask? Well we play custom missions for now but we are obviously open to experimenting on other things. We also do escape from Altis since its much harder to escape with a 8 man team then with a duo.We are thinking of doing Insurgency mode but that is a tiring mode which takes more than one event(our events usually lasting between 1 hour on paper or 2 depending if people want to extend the event period) Do I need any DLCs or other mods? We never really ask people to buy DLCs(screw you bohemia we keepin our money) but you may be asked to get some mods from the workshop like the one for our teamspeak server so you can hear people in teamspeak only when you are close(i think its called Task Force Arrowhead) but other then some few modes no. How do I join? Now that I basiclly wrote a short novel I probably should tell you how to join. Its simple with no other complications.You can join via our website https://1stgreeklightinfan.wixsite.com/1stgli (where you can see more detailed info about our ranks and games we play) or just add me https://steamcommunity.com/id/rio1stgli/ and send a message stating that you want to join our clan for Arma 3 and I will gladly guide you. Also our steam group link https://steamcommunity.com/groups/1st_GLI Best regards, 1stGLI_Sgt_Rio