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Everything posted by Mastership

  1. So I asked a question much earlier last week I believe... ? Either way it helped me a ton and allowed me to go back to other missions and continue where I left off but I need a picture. I have a whiteboard that is supposed to display a map, but I chose the empty one as none of the provided are of the map I am on. I know of the Strategic Map function as I am using it in the same mission, and am wondering what files I would have to view through to find the directory to the map image itself. Basically, I'm trying to yoink the image used in the Eden Editor map selector preview slot or whatever that's called. If someone could poke me with a general idea on how to do this for not only for this mission(Zargabad) and possibly others, you'd be doing me wonders! Thanks all!
  2. I have been going over all the various wiki charts explaining each and every function I have seen used for other missions. Remote Exec is the only one I seem to have problems with... I may just not understand it, or I'm attempting to do something I cannot, but I haven't learned that. To give background to what I am attempting to do, I have built a small convoy mission and programmed a data terminal to open and close with several administrator options bound to it. This is not the problem, as those functions have worked well, each and every one of them. HOWEVER, instead of having the start of the scenario run on the init.sqf file, it is the Terminal that allows the "Start Mission" prompt (addaction). This runs a short script, labelled as "startscenario.sqf". I have had problems with remote exec in the past, and its ultimately been the cause of me stopping my mission making because I cannot find a way around it. Simply put, I am trying to execute "startscenario.sqf" on all clients, so the effects are ran through with every player AND the server. My coding is sloppy compared to most mission makers, and I do enjoy the copy and paste method from the wiki so I can still understand the code when not on their page. I need this file to run for this mission to even remotely feel built. Included is my 3 or four general scripts built around the terminal, but what I really need is that "startscenario.sqf" prompt to work. If someone can help me understand how to execute a execVM through to all players connected on the server I would be very grateful. [Below is my OpenDataTerminal.sqf that runs all of these prompts, because I can't include the file for some reason.]
  3. I've recently undertaking a bit of a challenge(I'm new to scripting, but getting the hang of it as I practice), and I have been wanting to script an SCP 096 like scenario. I'm sitting in the Virtual Reality world to set up an SCP 096 character, and am having trouble with some scripts. I'd much rather see if the player has seen this unit's(in this case my poor example of 096's) face/head. I would like the detection(script: player distance SCP > 10; player targetKnowledge SCP select 2 > 0; ) to reset faster as well. Just need a bit of a nudge in the right direction, or perhaps alternative ways of accomplishing this goal.
  4. I'm having an issue with players doing the dumbest things while I am "setting the mood". It's a simple helo insertion, and I don't want them to be able to get out of this helicopter in any way shape or form until it lands and ejects them out. Some scripts only manage to prevent them from getting out of the helicopter, but the eject function works just fine. I'm fairly new to scripting and it is likely an error on my side, but I haven't been able to stop them. I figured a way to solve this would to set them all as hostages to be released until the transport unload waypoint is complete, but I don't have the scripting knowledge to do it. How would I do this? If it's a really simple fix, I apologize for my stupidity. I like ambiance, but players doing suicidal things like this I want to desperately avoid.