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Everything posted by Spriterfight

  1. So my problem is when i create a unit via createUnit the side of those units arent the side of the group in what i spawn them. ex: _gunnerGrp = createGroup [east, true]; _gunner = _gunnerGrp createUnit ["I_NORTH_FIN_Rifleman", getPos player, [], 10, "NONE"]; _assistantgunner = _gunnerGrp createUnit ["I_NORTH_FIN_Submachinegunner_SGT", getPos _gunner, [], 0, "NONE"]; they should be east but when i spawn them the circle is green and they are firing at me. I dont understand,it supposed to be on the side of the group thah i already created.The unit type is independent btw but should the side of the unit type influence its side when it is spawned?
  2. _gunner = mortar_gunner; _assistantgunner = mortar_assistant_gunner; _gunnerGrp = group mortar_gunner; while {alive _gunnerGrp} do { _totEnemy = {alive _x && side _x == EAST} count allUnits; if ( _totEnemy > 0) then { _list = nearestObjects [_gunner,["Man"],500]; _listfiltered = _list select {side _x == west}; _target1 = sleectRandom _listfiltered; }; 23:02:08 Error in expression <nemy > 0) then { _listoftargets = _list = nearestObjects [_myUnit,["Man"],500]; > 23:02:08 Error position: <= nearestObjects [_myUnit,["Man"],500]; > 23:02:08 Error Missing ; 23:02:08 File C:\Users\tibcs_000\Documents\Arma 3\missions\weapondeployment%20script.tem_ihantalaww\weapondeployment.sqf..., line 12
  3. Spriterfight

    HELP With script

    Thank you very much!
  4. How can i select an already spawned unit? So i have a unit in the editor and i want to select it with select command because i dont want to use global variable _unit = _this select 0; _playerGrp = group _unit; _pos1 = getMarkerPos "tankwest1"; _wp = _newGrp addWaypoint [_pos1,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; I put this in his init but the unit doesnt move.So how can i use select command to select the current unit without give it a globalvariable?
  5. Spriterfight

    Help with _this select 0;

    Thank you for your observation i didnt notice it
  6. Spriterfight

    Help with _this select 0;

    Ohhh, yess
  7. Spriterfight

    Help with _this select 0;

    the unit is assigned to a group
  8. Spriterfight

    Help with _this select 0;

    _playerGrp = group this; _pos1 = getMarkerPos "tankwest1"; _wp = _newGrp addWaypoint [_pos1,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; still dosn't move
  9. I have been making a surrender script but i am stuck with this part _groups = allgroups select { count (units _x) < 3 ;}; _groupsselect = _groups select 0;//this is the part where i am stuck because i can select only one gorup,how can i sleect all groups form my array? { if (side _groupsselect == east) then { { _x setCaptive true; _x action ["Surrender", _x]; } forEach units _groupsselect; }; } forEach allGroups; So i want that every group surrender if their unit count drops below 3 but i cant get the allgroup working correctly and i dont understand it.How can i loop the allgroup array to make the units surrender?
  10. Spriterfight

    HELP With surrender script

    Thank you very much!
  11. _crew = crew t1; unassignVehicle t2; {doGetOut _x} forEach _crew; this is my script the ai moves back,there are two groups one who drive the vehicle and the infantry. i set a waypoint for the infantry but they are not move there ,they are move back to the vehicle.
  12. I want that any unit from a specified group is in the area and activates trigger, but i need 5 units from 5 groups to be there because i want them to wait eachoter but if i set a trigger only for the leaders with a variable name ,if they got killed in action the trigger dosent activates
  13. So i want a dead body(t4) to be spawned after the vehicle(t1) is destroyed.My code is this: _pos = getPos [t1,0]; _unit = [t4,0]; _unit setPos [_pos,0]; _unit setDamage 1; its says getpos:string expected object,location
  14. Thank you guys!I solved it with this _pos = position t1; _unit = t4; _unit setDamage 1; _unit setPos _pos; it works
  15. I want to put a wallet on a plane s wing and i tried this attachTo [plane1] but the wallet isnt on the wings what can i do to define where i want to attach an object
  16. Spriterfight


    Thank you very mutch!
  17. I usually make separate script file with waypoints for the ai to move there every time if they respawn so their waypoint dosent get disapeared but are there an easier method to do this than make every individual group a script.sqf?
  18. i make them playable and via multiplayer respawn markers and add them eventhadnler when respawn thats gives them waypoint
  19. Thank you guys!Usually i dont use spawn module because its limited and it's a lot of work to configure it.
  20. So there are 4 one seated planes and i want my 4 men squad to get in those vehicles and fly to the destination.I tried get in nearest but just one men gets in the vehicle the others go by foot to the location what should i do?I dont want them to spawn in the vehicle immediately because the planes are synced to the vehicle respawn module. thx for your help guys!
  21. Spriterfight


    Hi!The ai spawn nodule can be connected to sector tactics?
  22. I heard that i can sync units to spawnpoint and make them play sectors but what should i set in the ai spaen because i use custom units and i want to just the group to respawn
  23. I just wondering if there is
  24. So i want to put two different music to play if one side wins then their music will be played but everytime if my tickets reaches 0 then the it ends the mission.How can i change the bis_fnc_respawnticket's endmission to play my music?