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About napalm161

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Duuuuuuuude, you're my hero. Thank you.
  2. Hey, where can I find the original pictures displayed in the gallary? (Yes, I paid for the dlc) I am looking speciffically for the Artwork called "End Times", by Kiko Mazar. I plan on using is as a wallpaper because it's fantastic
  3. Hello, I am trying to create an AUG_A1. I did make clothing mods before, but never weapon mods...so i am really lost. The biggest problem I currently have is that I don't know how to create those LODs. Is there a p3d file with pre existing LODs that I can just mix into my weapon? (Yes I am aware of the sample rifle, but it does not have any of the axis/eye LODs that are needed) Thank you in advance. Edit: I am NOT going to steal anything accept for the LODs.
  4. Hello, I am trying to retexture a standard nato rebreather and make it have space and armor. It is doing everything i want it to, accept for having the new textures. Its textures still are the base ones. Please help me and also ignore the wierd file names...So what i called it "Nippel" and "Fucking exerything" The following is said code: class Breath: V_RebreatherB { scope=2; displayName = "Ballistic Rebreather"; author = "Napalm"; class ItemInfo : VestItem { uniformModel = "Nippel\data\equip_rebreather.p3d"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "\Nippel\data\Fucking_everything\Breath.paa", "\Nippel\data\Fucking_everything\Breath.paa", "\A3\characters_f\data\visors_ca.paa" }; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 25; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Neck { hitpointName="HitNeck"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; class Arms { hitpointName="HitArms"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; class Chest { hitpointName="HitChest"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName="HitDiaphragm"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName="HitAbdomen"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; class Body { hitpointName="HitBody"; armor=10; passthrough=0.2; }; }; }; };
  5. napalm161

    I/o error Wrong MDL version

    Thanks....Guess I can burry that project XD
  6. napalm161

    I/o error Wrong MDL version

    Oh...So i can't use original helmets from the game itself and change them into something different? I guess that explains all the problems I was having......thanks About that head template, there is a tool for arma 3 called arma 3 samples...this contains some p3d models...including a head. But is there really no possibillity of me using and changing the p3d files from the original game itself? Sorry about posting this in the wrong section
  7. Hi, I am trying to make a helmet model for arma 3 with some stuff hanging off it. I can add the head template fine, but when I try to add the helmet p3d file to it, it said "I/O error wrong MDL version" Both are P3d files but I am unable for some reason to import the second one. As a matter of fact I am unable to add any p3d file that is not in the sample tool from arma 3.
  8. You have to know, at that point in time i already spent two weekends trying to figure shit out......... And by two weekends i mean two weekends....Stand up-eat-try to get it to work-eat-go to bed-repeat. Btw, I managed to get it to....."work"......It's the worst piece of garbage you have ever seen.
  9. The thing that doesn't make sense is the 14 lines of code the config file has. I have no idea how this mod is able to exist. I figured that the texheaders.bin had to be where the magic's at. I already did, he hasn't answered yet and it has been almost half a year. Don't worry, I don't plan to upload it or act like it's mine. All I want to do is use it on a private server with a cuple of friends...noone else is ever going tp see this anyways. And btw, I somehow managed to get a kindof basic understanding of how to do....stuff. Well.....I still am suffering from severe trial and error, but that's it. Thanks anyways.
  10. Hi, I am trying to access a TexHeaders.bin file because I am trying to kindof reverse engineer a mod that adds retextured uniform, vests, backpacks and helmets. I tried to make it readable with the cfgconvert tool from the arma 3 tools, but it always gave me some error messages about it being unable to find the drive. Please help me, I am new at modding and all that. If you want me to send you the file in question, please contact me and I will send it to you via email. You can contact me trough this email: eric.juen123@gmail.com Thank you for reading, I am open for suggestions and help.
  11. Hi, I tried to do a mod with some retextured skins. The mod I used as a base worked bine, but the stats of the plate carriers were way off. They had no ballistic protection what soever. I tried to access the files but nothing would work. Even my friend who knows how to mod was unable to access it. (he's a map developer not an addon developer) Now comes the part where noone is going to help me: Could anyone please make this "mod" work? All I need is the config files because I failed miseabely at writing them myself. I am on the edge of just throwing everything into the bin and calling it a day. In the case anyone actually is going to help me, please write me and email and i will send you the files that I have. Have a great day neither way. E-mail: i123want123to123123die@gmail.com (Just so you know, that's a throwaway email adress)