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About TheLegendaryMX

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  1. TheLegendaryMX

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    Hey Bohemia Interactive Team! First of all: Thanks for that; it's great! I like the opportunity to have a SP mission which isn't only war-based; and it's also a great story (so far I've played yet). Please make missions like this on every map and please bring the mechanics and functions into the mission/ Eden Editor to allow us to make story missions by ourselfes! (Like sleeping, Time-skipping, money, better Intel, ...) Please make the following points (better): - more Auto-Save-points or saving after waiting - (we'll se, for the moment no more) I love you all! Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Sincerely TheLegendaryMX
  2. TheLegendaryMX

    Black Powder

    Hey ;D can you please upload the mod someday on steam? Me and my squad we're playing custom MP missions so it'll work 1000 times better on compatibility if you'd make a steam-based version! Thank you so much and keep going!