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Everything posted by Kuljack

  1. Kuljack

    Daily Challenges

    I continue to get ‘Kill X players with melee’ which does give a nice reward, but it is a part of the game that is honestly comical. We have 4 different knives, all of which take 4 hits to kill someone. There’s no difference in the white knives and the blue I thought did more damage but after testing several times it does not. I just cheese this one with a friend. It’s a free game though, I don’t mind not always getting a crate or resource everyday. Warframe has a daily login reward system that also doesn’t always give something great, but it’s still free.
  2. Nerf originates from the reference of the kids toy. To nerf something, is to reduce it to power level of a child’s foam weapon.
  3. Kuljack

    people camping at exit spots

    Just think, for every one they get there are 3 or more they don’t, or maybe they camp an exit and never get anything. They're taking a risk each time they camp one exit, just as much as you are taking a risk with the exit you choose. The whole game is about risk & gamble. You can’t like it for certain situations and not others.
  4. Kuljack

    Nerfed antenna.

    I personally think something like this doesn’t need to be at the top of list for things they need to worry about. There are some major mechanical issues that need fixed first. I constantly get this glitch where I am loading into the mission with the map pulled up, and the game freezes. I know it isn’t everyone affected because my team mate will be taking to me on where to go and not realize I’m glitched at first. This has happened many times when others pitch into the loot %. I want to buy coins, honestly considering the starter pack just to contribute to the game but I won’t spend any coins until I am confident I’ll stay in a match to enjoy it.
  5. It would be cool to get a chance to solo a map to really explore things untouched. Hard to know if an area provides or not, it it’s been looted, Any suggestions for wire though? I’m trying to build up my turbine.
  6. Honestly, sharing wisdom is a sign of a healthy community. Withholding knowledge is a sign of an individuals insecureness. I welcome a fight while I am looting. I can share what I know, but given you’re a king this may still come off as obvious. For fertilizer, (and apologies, I haven’t remember the maps names) the map with the church on the far left and the downed copter in the middle, has a house with a fenced in area on the far right. It’s the house that usually has the safe. Around that house there is almost always 2-3 fertilizer and if you follow the fence line up the west side toward the snowy hills there is a bag that from my experience contains the same amount of what a normal 2-3 bags will have depending on your loot booster. Follow that up the hill to the wait station, covered bench, and there’s usually a bag or two there as well. I usually net 100-200 fertilizer when I run that map. The place I go for Gas is the map with the sea docks on the right with the two factories. All along the bottom right to top right there are cars usually loaded with gas, and I follow that road untilI get to the underground passage. There’s i find more cars and gas cans lying all around. Follow that to extraction and you should net around. 50-100 easily.
  7. Kuljack

    Game economy is horrible now

    I agree totally with the cost:crowns ratio. $10 USD for a hat or 2-3 boosts is not an enticing sale. I play Warframe, so I understand that a FTP game needs these purchases to survive, and I do buy many of their packs. The thing that keeps me from spending money on this game right now is, if I buy these crowns and then use them for an upgraded match, there’s a high chance I’ll freeze up at the start of the match, the game will suddenly crash or I’ll get some aim/shot glitch in the middle of a fight and die. In any case, loosing out on my crowns for nothing gained. Cosmetics are a big thing that incentivizes sales on warframe but it has a lot of customization that comes with that. This game gives you only a handful of options and they’re just frankly overpriced. I’m not paying $20+ for a jacket or some mysterious mask. I do still find the game fun though, hunting basic crates is only part of the game for me. I love the looting feel. I still have many upgrades left to go for, maybe I’ll feel different when I am maxed. At least we do get crates from the daily missions, I know that takes longer but it’s something.
  8. Kuljack

    Doctors mask?

    Did anyone else see this weird thing in the market the other day? https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/kuljack/video/79739553 it was crazy expensive and invisible apparently.
  9. Kuljack

    Reimbursement for glitched terrain?

    Nobody in this thread said they didn’t like the game.
  10. Do the developers offer any compensation for glitches within the game that impact progress? https://xboxclips.com/Kuljack/aa78cde0-2836-4436-8a87-0d7fb2040c03 I was playing teams, and my bud and I were doing well in this game. It was down to one other team, who I marked on the map for my guy to hunt down. I think he got one, but then died. I was coming down the side of the mountain and slid into this spot. I spent the whole match stuck here and would have gotten the double blue crates if I could have gotten out, because you can see it was still a crate on the map right until my death from the radiation.
  11. Kuljack

    Safe contents

    I feel the same. I only loot the safe for challenges and if I feel very confident that I won’t be struggling to protect it.
  12. Fertilizer can be found in toilets and around crates outside houses and milestone areas. Gas can be collected from cars and by cars, the blue crates with locks and the safe usually give lots as well.
  13. https://xboxclips.com/Kuljack/22c18554-7d52-4e1c-a989-a8baaee95485 I confirmed at least 10 successful hits but this guy didn’t go down? I read somewhere it should only take 4... I am trying to finish this 10 Melee kill and have yet to get one kill. I snuck up on one guy and got six hits in while he was opening a safe door, all backstabs and he didn’t die. I snuck up on a guy opening a combination locker and I was right behind him swinging but none of my swings hit. He finished looting the crate and turned around to headshot me... finished looting... while I was swinging... Then this fight. I did everything right, jumped and dodge most his shots and got in several good hits. Is there any melee strategy I am missing?