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Lysergic Aldent

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Everything posted by Lysergic Aldent

  1. Lysergic Aldent

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    woprkbench is just way too complex to make missions for the average mission maker I'm trying don't get me wrong but missions making specific documentation is pretty hard to find. i don't want to edit maps move or remove buildings or build assets from scratch. i don't want to dig threw 1000 subfolders to find a player spawn. workbench looks awesome and id love to explore it and maybe one day do some modding. but on the surface, it looks like it would take months to years to master. we don't have that kind of time. MODs are the lifeblood of arma but fresh new missions are the heartbeat. a lot of hardcore Arma communities are just unwilling to put out money for a pretty Arma with no content. I'm sure Modders can make some missions with workbench and I bet they would be pretty good , but mission makers are not Modders for the most part anyway. MOdders need mission makers to use their Mods to give them the incentive to make Mods. Mission makers Need the Mods to give them something to make Missions with and they need a fast streamlined easy to use and understand the way of doing that. Players need mission makers for the content and that content needs to evolve in a timely manner. i know this is not a game it's a demo I get that. but it's also a testbed for the development of ArmA 4. It's going to need Players, Mission Makers, and Modders to take off all three are vital to the success or failure of this novel approach. and mission makers are a missing link. so please get something out that allows for easy mission making.
  2. Lysergic Aldent

    How to use UnitCapture in Arma 3.

    you could set up an event handler to check for _unit !alive and if true exit the script. not 100% sure on how this would be done. im pretty sure there is an EH that will fire when a unit dies. maybe use a global var as a flag set in the EH. then check the flag in your script and if true then Exitwith { };
  3. Lysergic Aldent

    Make all DLC Maps Free

    or...... you could just buy the DLC instead of trying to get someone else to pay for it for you, as someone who pays for a server for others to play on at no cost to them, I think that is a ridiculous idea. for real each game we have has at least 15 players, thats $75 on top of the $17 im paying already PER Month. notr to mention the complexity of having to set all that up. BI is not in the server rental business so that would involve getting 3rd partys to keep track of all that at even more cost. so it would pretty much kill the game for everyone just so you don't have to pay a one time price $20 for a DLC. no thank you
  4. Lysergic Aldent

    Make all DLC Maps Free

    ARMA is not made for free, there are 100s of free maps out there and MODs are easy to install and use. DLC content keeps the game alive. BI is very generous with a lot of the DLC content as-is, your request is really RUDE and ill-informed.
  5. Lysergic Aldent

    New guys in love with arma3

    find a group to join would be a good start