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Smart Games

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Everything posted by Smart Games

  1. As I have mentioned, I shared a picture with all the settings with you in the past. From what I can remember, 3866Cl14 was unstable.
  2. 4000Cl15, i think i shared a picture with you in the past. You`re right, my room temp is @20 - 25 °C most of time. Nonetheless i never had a single problem with my RAM, even @room temps of 30+ °C. But i have to admit, that i never checked my RAM-temps before.+
  3. Never had a problem with RAM-Temps, even though mine is running @1,5V
  4. I am very impressed. looks like you made the right decision back in the day. Do you want to upgrade your GPU as well?
  5. Your advice is to not upgrade to next gen Intel or AMD CPUs. That's right?
  6. My plan was to upgrade to a custom loop and a stronger graphics card like a 6800xt or a 3080. Well, the loop is easy to upgrade later on, that's not the probem. But I am not sure about the bottleneck in 4k. It's a high end gpu paired with an old I3 9350kf.
  7. I heard that both DDR4 and DDR5 will be supported. I plan to upgrade to 12th Gen and to keep my 4000cl15 RAM. But the final decision I will make only after the first reviews.
  8. That's what I tried to say. I just wanted to give him an example on how to set up a remote execution. For example the caller could remoteExec a text on a other players pc.
  9. It`s always different, I guess. correct me if there are better options. trigger: (thisList select 0) setDamage 1 talking about the addAction. I don't think it's necessary to remoteExec it, as the code is executed locally. But anyway, if you want to do it with something else: //description.ext class CfgFunctions { class JF { class Scripts { class cutText {file = "cutText.sqf"}; }; }; }; //cutText.sqf params ["_text"]; cutText [format ["<t color='#ff0000' size='5'>%1</t><br/>***********", _text], "PLAIN", -1, true, true]; //objects init this addAction [ "cutText", { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; [name _caller] remoteExec ["JF_fnc_cutText", _caller]; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 5, false, "", "" ];
  10. Do you use the vehicle respawn module?
  11. yeah, you're right! Checked it and if you use it's working
  12. if Wave1Group1 is a group, then: ((units Wave1Group1) select {alive _x}) isEqualTo [] if it's a unit: ((units (group Wave1Group1)) select {alive _x}) isEqualTo []
  13. I had the same idea but it wasn't working. Probably because dead units remain for some time in their group until they are removed.
  14. ((units (group Leader1)) select {alive _x}) isEqualTo [] I gave the leader of group1 the name Leader1.
  15. Updated it a few times in the meantime. I never heard of getFriend, but it seems to be useful.
  16. That's a faster and shortion Option: no need to spawn it! If you spawn enemy units dynamically, make _allUnits a global Variable and update it every time you have spawned enemys! Update _allUnits every time the player changes his side. private _allUnits = allUnits select {side _x != side player && side _x != civilian}; while {alive player} do { private _danger = false; private _cautious = false; private _textdetecta = ""; private _layer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 1.50) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 200) exitWith {_danger = true}; }; } forEach _allUnits; { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 0.70) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 2500) exitWith {_cautious = true}; }; } forEach _allUnits; if (stance player == "CROUCH" || stance player == "PRONE") then { if (_cautious == false && _danger == false) then { _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[HIDDEN]</t>"]; }; if (_cautious == true && _danger == false) then { _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ff432D' shadow='2'>[CAUTION]</t>"]; }; if (_danger == true) then { _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ff432D' shadow='2'>[DANGER]</t>"]; }; } else { _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[DEBUG]</t>"]; }; [_textdetecta, 0.0,-.25,300,0,0, _layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep .5; };
  17. Should you have a problem with this, you can simply write to me, I'll be happy to help you!
  18. All of them are going to conflict with each other at some point. Looks like you have to rewrite some of your code and add some exceptions. The easiest way to solve the problem would be to add all of them into one loop.
  19. Double check everything. There must no be any more triggers or scripts that call BIS_fnc_dynamicText. Let me know if it's working for you!
  20. The problem is (most likely), that some loops are conflicting with each other. Loop A says: hide the text Loop B says: show the text
  21. Whatever... that should be the solution you are looking for: [] spawn { while {alive player} do { _knowledge = east knowsAbout player; _stance = stance player; if (_stance == "CROUCH" || _stance == "PRONE") then { if (_knowledge > 0) then { private _text = parseText "<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[DANGER]</t>"; [_text, 0,0,1,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; } else { private _text = parseText "<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[HIDDEN]</t>"; [_text, 0,0,1,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; } else { ["", 0,0,1,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; sleep .5; }; }; 1) Remove your triggers! 2) Put the code above in your players init 3) modify the code: _knowledge = east knowsAbout player; the side can be changed to west, east, civilian, independent
  22. nothing should be "blinking". Where do you put the code in? Remove the triggers when using my code!
  23. As simple as that: create the file "initPlayerLocal.sqf" in your mission folder and put this code in it: while {alive player} do { private _text = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>%1</t>", stance player]; [_text, 0,0,5,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep .5; }; or the simpler version: put this code in your players init: [] spawn { while {alive player} do { private _text = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>%1</t>", stance player]; [_text, 0,0,5,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep .5; }; }; remove your triggers. Edit: looks like I didn't read well. Yeah, that`s not the solution your looking for, sorry! ^^