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Andrej Kos

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About Andrej Kos

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  1. Andrej Kos

    Immersion Cigs

    Hello gentleman! This is absolutely amazing... Nothing like lighting one up in a difficult op! Little question tho... Is it possible to add Pack and Lighter via script? tried adding it to respawnInventory... No luck, regardless if in items or magazines. Nothing happens even through addItem.... Any help? Thanks alot! You rock! _x addItem "murshun_cigs_lighterItem"; _x addItem "murshun_cigs_cigpackItem"; not working... displayName = "Blah"; icon = "Blah"; role = "Blah"; show = "True"; uniformClass = "Blahs"; backpack = "Blah"; weapons[] = {Blah}; magazines[] = {"Blah","Blah","Blah" ,"murshun_cigs_lighterItem","murshun_cigs_cigpackItem"}; items[] = {"Blah","Blah","murshun_cigs_lighterItem","murshun_cigs_cigpackItem"}; linkedItems[] = {"blah"}; not working as well...
  2. You sir... just saved two years of my life. Thank you, I didn´t know how this stuff worked. Works perfect now.
  3. UPDATE: Thing is ALLMOST fixed. Soldier now respawns with backpack.. only the default one, with stuff still missing...
  4. Hello gentlemen! Thanks to this awesome forum and dedication of its members, I was able to find answers to most of my questions. But one: Im dealing with Respawn Loadouts... Thing is... All the roles are working... All the loadouts assigned to them via description.ext ALMOST work... Only, my guys spawn WITHOUT BACKPACKS and equipment thats supposed to be in them... Any clue? One of my clases look like this: (two roles for a medic unit) class medic1 { displayName = "Combat Lifesaver"; icon = "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\support_ca.paa"; }; class medic2 { displayName = "Doctor"; icon = "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\support_ca.paa"; }; and the loaduouts for this: class medicloadout1 //Class of the respawn inventory, used by BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory { displayName = "Combat Lifesaver";//Name of the respawn inventory role = "medic1"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\VehicleIcons\support_ca.paa";//Icon shown next to the role show = "side group _this == west";//Condition used to make specific respawn inventories only avaiable for specfic sides, must return [[Boolean]] weapons[] = {//Weapons "arifle_Mk20_F", "Rangefinder", "hgun_P07_khk_F" }; magazines[] = {//Magazines "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "MiniGrenade", "MiniGrenade" }; items[] = {//Useable items "FirstAidKit" }; linkedItems[] = {//Linked items, also weapon items, helmet etc. "V_Chestrig_rgr", "optic_Aco", "H_HelmetB_light", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_adenosine", "ACE_adenosine", "ACE_atropine", "ACE_atropine", "ACE_bloodIV", "ACE_bloodIV", "NVGoggles_tna_F", "muzzle_snds_M", "ACE_Flashlight_MX991", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio" }; uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt";//uniform backpack = "B_AssaultPack_rgr_ReconMedic"; }; class medicloadout2 //Class of the respawn inventory, used by BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory { displayName = "Field Doctor";//Name of the respawn inventory role = "medic2"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\VehicleIcons\support_ca.paa";//Icon shown next to the role show = "side group _this == west";//Condition used to make specific respawn inventories only avaiable for specfic sides, must return [[Boolean]] weapons[] = {//Weapons "arifle_Mk20_F", "Rangefinder", "hgun_P07_khk_F" }; magazines[] = {//Magazines "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", }; items[] = {//Useable items }; linkedItems[] = {//Linked items, also weapon items, helmet etc. "V_Chestrig_rgr", "optic_Aco", "H_HelmetB_light", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_500", "ACE_bloodIV_250", "ACE_bloodIV_250", "ACE_bloodIV_250", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_personalAidKit", "ACE_plasmaIV_250", "ACE_plasmaIV_250", "ACE_surgicalKit", "ACE_tourniquet", "ACE_adenosine", "ACE_adenosine", "ACE_atropine", "ACE_atropine", "ACE_bloodIV", "ACE_bloodIV", "ACE_bloodIV", "NVGoggles_tna_F", "muzzle_snds_M", "ACE_Flashlight_MX991", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio" }; uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt";//uniform backpack = "B_AssaultPack_rgr_ReconMedic"; }; Any ideas? Thanks Alot! Love, SKS
  5. Andrej Kos

    [SP] Wolves And Sheep Campaign

    Thats actually a really nice idea... gonna work on that 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion! Have a great day!
  6. Andrej Kos

    [SP] Wolves And Sheep Campaign

    I would sure love to do so.... gotta find out how tho 😄 Thanks alot! Cheers!
  7. Wolves and Sheep Campaign on Steam Workshop 20 years after operation Harvest Red, the CHDKz are back. But so is NAPA. Take your stand against the Chedaki oppression and make them feel the power of guerilla warfare. Take down enemy officers, sabotage Chedaki equipment, ambush their convoys a fight for freedom! Immerse yourself in a long story! Stroll once again through the streets of Chernogorsk and venture deep to Chernarussian forrests. The Chedaki are back. And this time, it seems, they plan to finnish, what they started back in 2008. What happens, when no mighty allies come to aid, like in operation Harvest Red? Or do they come? Lots of custom voice acting to hear, lots of cutscenes to watch and lots of seemingly hopeless fights to fight! For everyone, who left a piece of himself in deep dark Chernarussian forrests. Play as a brave NAPA fighter, a special forces team member of the Czech Army, lead British and German teams trhrough tough engagements! This is my first Campaign ever, so any feedback would be highly appreciated. Shall you find a problem, a typo or just wanna share your feelings, let me know! The biggest thanks goes to Lou Montana, a BiWiki wizzard, who turned all the strange files and uncomprehansable scripts into something, that might actually be playable. Any Feedback would be most wellcome! Cheers! SKS