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About Shylo132

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  1. Shylo132

    AFRF Core Mod - Access Violation Crash

    AFRF seems to be the mod that is causing the issues. Problem does not persist without mods. Problem does not persist with "-malloc=system" command I have verified the integrity of the game files through steam. I have also reinstalled the game and all mods. For some reason AFRF is still being messed up even after redownloading fully from steam workshop. All my other clan mates are working fine on the server with the current mod setup. I have also done all the following listed as well. Posting here is my last resort.
  2. RPT > https://pastebin.com/2a5VLKRL Hello all, Currently having trouble with AFRF causing "Access Violation" type crashes. I have uninstalled/reinstalled ARMA3 3+ times as well as removed and redownloaded the mods the same amount along with making sure all my drivers are up to date. I have also given the folder full control permissions and I have run out of road on troubleshooting. Please assist, thanks in advance. -Shy