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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    people camping at exit spots

    Annoying it may be, but it's a game of tactics. Adapt.
  2. Oldninja

    Playing Naked

    I am aware this has been raised in another thread, but I just wondered if any other outlanders had a view on this topic. I love the fact that as well as the quick game option you can chose a map. This has given me the opportunity to 'play naked' on certain maps. By this I mean going into an encounter with no weapons, and amassing as much loot as I dare before exiting. Each time I play my risk level increases and although I get killed, maybe 1 in 7 encounters, I gain a great deal of loot for no risk. I noticed at the start of encounters that there are always a couple of outlanders apparently using this approach. Any views or tactics relating to this would be interesting.
  3. Oldninja

    Do something about teamkilling

    I'm a confirmed solo player, therefore I have no idea what this thread is discussing. However as a long time player of this very fine game, I would like to understand the issue. Could one of you gentlemen outlanders please explain the issue in a little more detail. This may allow outlanders who have not experienced the issue, to provide helpful input.
  4. Oldninja

    Record Stats

    I would also tend to agree. I personally wouldn't want to see the stats (kills, air drops, successful escapes etc) of other outlanders at the start of an encounter, as that could dramatically change outlanders tactics during the current encounter. Some may disagree, but that's my view. But I do think some kind of table for the above stats, as there is for donated food, accessible at the shooting range maybe, would be a good feature.
  5. Oldninja

    Losing ammo picked up in matches

    Hi CG, this has been a issue since day one. It seems that there is no separate inventory for ammo or prioritisation for ammo associated with carried weapons. Understandable as you can pick up ammo during the encounter. As you fill your inventory with loot and picked up ammo it displaces everything except the ammo loaded (during the encounter). Once you leave the encounter the mechanics unfortunately remove the ammo loaded in your weapon if your inventory has no space for it. I accept it as a small price to pay for a good loot run.
  6. Oldninja

    Grontheim Parkour

    Hi Airforce, Agree, it can be frustrating and risky. I have used encounters just to practise getting out from that exit. I think it adds a little more risk and anxiety to the game. As you say, it can be risky climbing, but I've only been taken out once on the first ladder and never on the second in many months of play.
  7. Oldninja

    Shoots Whole Clip [GLITCH]

    Same here, usually happens after a lag. I try to fire, nothing happens for a split second, then the whole clip emptys into thin air as the target has moved away.
  8. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    Hi Silver, I tend to avoid PvP unless it's 70/30 in my favour. If ambushed I try to get away unless I have eyes on. Then a quick risk assessment. For example, how much loot can I lose, what my best chance of taking the attacker out, how close am I to an exit etc. Again if it doesn't give me the 70/30 feeling then I'm off.
  9. Oldninja

    Map glitch

    I'll go in naked, hope it's Fiske and take some screen shots.
  10. Oldninja


    Interesting experience you report. I shall see if this happens to me at any point. Was your experience map specific?
  11. Oldninja

    Insurance Needs To Go!

    I have no comment re the cost of insurance other than it shouldn't be too cheap or everyone could use it all the time. For me that's a matter for the Devs. But I do think it has a place in the game as a tactic. Read the thread in General Discussion regarding weapon blueprints. It is in my opinion an option outlanders can use in certain situations, when for instance you have 3 outstanding items for a particular crate and one is a weapon plan you want. Insurance can give you a little more determination and confidence camping and going after it knowing you won't lose your weapons and ammo.
  12. Oldninja

    Win by playing naked

    As I've mentioned in other threads. The more the variety of tactics, the better the overall experience for everyone.
  13. Oldninja

    Health needs to be lowered

    Just to add. I didn't mention the aiming mechanics because aiming shouldn't be easy under gunfight conditions.
  14. Oldninja

    Health needs to be lowered

    Hi Bobby, I'm afraid I disagree. Let me explain. Most gunfights start with one outlander having an advantage. By this I mean that one outlander may see another looting or simply traversing the map. That outlander is then likely to get the first rounds off before the target can even respond. On one occasion on the Grontheim map I had a full inventory and was caught off guard by an outlander with a pigeon. Two hits left me with minimal health but I managed to outrun him. Unfortunately I died by making an unnecessary jump which took the rest of my health. My point is that I don't want to be killed too easily in this situation, and I want the opportunity to either run or locate the attacking outlander and return fire. You don't have to engage in time and ammo consuming shoot outs with other outlanders if you don't want to. In every encounter with other outlanders I personally assess the likelihood of winning the shootout, and if I feel I don't have the advantage I try to get away and fight another day.
  15. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    Hi Silver, nothing wrong with your opinion or your tactics re insurance. Everyone develops their own tactics to suit their playing style. For me the more variations in tactics the better the overall experience. I actually didn't consider the value of insurance in the scenario you mentioned. Well worth considering if you down to your last 3 crate items and one is a plan you want. And I agree, they all come around eventually.
  16. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Latest update seems to be a bit of a let down. Cloud service failed, servers might be unavailable. Your not kiddin'
  17. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    And we're off. Back to it at Viktorsen.
  18. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Whilst waiting to see if the 'Waiting for server' message gets me into an encounter, I took the opportunity to look at crafting a few things. Have to say, pleasantly surprised.... Some nice new weapons. Good stuff Devs.
  19. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Slight difference after restarting the game. Waiting for server message appears, and then no progress. Will cancel out and try again.
  20. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    Fairpoint. Now that scenario is annoying!
  21. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Oops, spoke too soon. Just tried to enter 2 encounters and as soon as preparing server finished, game crashes back to 'connection to Xbox live has been lost' page. Some progress at least.
  22. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    As we're back up and running I just checked, and the only available blueprint I can get currently, is in a special issue crate! And it's for a weapon I've never used and don't want!
  23. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Looks like we're back up and running. Good work Devs.... How about updating the changelog.
  24. Oldninja

    Having Proper Vigor Etiquette

    Agreed. If you enter the encounter unarmed, I'm afraid your fair game. Shoot first ask questions later.
  25. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    I rest my case. Thanks for the feedback JollyColt.