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About flint500

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  1. @TeTeTyou were right. i need different ils for a terrain runway to make it work! now i have a working config. i used the example runway from the dynamic airport document. class CfgPatches { class Dyn_Airport_22 { author = "flint500"; name = "Arma 3 - DynamicAirport22"; url = "xxx"; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F_Jets"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class DynamicAirport_01_F; class DynamicAirport_22_F : DynamicAirport_01_F { scope = 1; displayName = "Dynamic Airport 22"; // 22 just for using an unused name DLC = "Jets"; simulation = "airport"; ilsPosition[] = { -270, 0 }; ilsDirection[] = { -1, 0.08, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = { 40, -38, -212, -38, -218, -32, -218, -10, -200, 0 }; ilsTaxiOff[] = { 20, 0, 240, 0, 250, -10, 250, -30, 245, -35, 240, -38, 40, -38 }; isCarrier = 0; drawTaxiway = 1; }; };
  2. argh :D ... found the error: missing "CfgPatches" ! so it was ignored. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches now it works like a charm in VR terrain... but sadly doesn't work on terrain with other airports ... more research on that...
  3. layout is fine for me at the moment. i'm using DynamicAirport_01_F in some big terrains with the carrier layout for autoland landinghook planes. no problems with that. i build a fake runway with runway lights , which is longer than the dyn runway. so the autoland planes can roll a bit longer at the end. i just want an exact copy, but auto-landable for all planes. i will try out . thanks for your answer !!
  4. hi there i'm lost trying to do my first addon. could anybody help me, to make it work? short: i would like to create a dynamic airport addon, which i described in this post: now i would like to copy the original class "DynamicAirport_01_F" from "Jets DLC" which is the carrier runway for planes with landing hook. but i want a runway with value "isCarrier = 0;" for all planes landable without landing hook. i've read some config threads, read the guides, viewed some other configs... but my addon will not work and i can't find it in arma3 config viewer. i've written the config.cpp , packed it in my "DynamicAirport22.pbo", into an "addon" folder inside an "@DynamicAirport22" folder. aktivated in the Launcher. my config.cpp: class CfgVehicles { class All; class Static; class Building; class NonStrategic; class AirportBase; class DynamicAirport_01_F; class DynamicAirport_22_F : DynamicAirport_01_F { scope = 1; displayName = "Dynamic Airport 22"; // 22 just for using an unused name DLC = "Jets"; isCarrier = 0; }; }; a gamelogic with init > "dynamicAirport1 = "DynamicAirport_01_F" createVehicle position this;" works fine and an f/a-181 land lands there with init > "this landAt dynamicAirport1;" ...also the runway is visible in map view. same testmission with my "DynamicAirport_22_F" doesn't work. no plane landing and no visible runway in map view. i have no idea, what i'm doing wrong. sorry for being a noob. thanks for any help!!!
  5. firewill, your work is excellent! i love to fly your jets in the big "pmc tactical" realworld terrains! would you like to tell us, how you did the terrain following autopilot while the i-tgt display is open? thanks a lot! hope you go on with your work for a long time! :)
  6. ...some more info: default direction of the carrier airport is -8 deg. using this code, the airport is perfectly rotated to starting to south, landing to south: _dynamicAirport1 = "DynamicAirport_01_F" createVehicle position this; _dynamicAirport1 setdir 8; gamelogic or invisible helipad works fine. but this only works for tailhook planes ! exactly what i was looking for! :)
  7. thanks mate! so i will ask in the addon wishlist for it ;)
  8. hi everybody i found the doc about the possibility of placing custom airports on maps since the jets dlc > https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dynamic_Airport_Configuration is it possible to do this via script? i.e. adding this functionality to a invisible helipad? i would like to add an airport in one of the realworld pmc-terrains somewhere on flat ground and add some base and airport structures for some jet missions. or is ist only possible with building an addon? sorry for the noob questions and thanx for any clearence! !!! UPDATE: Yes, it is possible to place a dynamic airport using a gamelogic as airport center. the one, that is used for the carrier is predefined in arma3 config! "DynamicAirport_01_F" example howto in editor: 1. place a gamelogic at an empty place 2. copypaste this into the gamelogic init field : _dynamicAirport1 = DynamicAirport_01_F" createVehicle position this; plane01 landAt _dynamicAirport1; 3. place plane with ki-pilot 500m above terrain and name it plane01 now watch the plane landing at your airport. i found the info here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/landAt have fun with testing and building your own landable airports ;)