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Everything posted by Gilian

  1. Actual Version is (October 14th 2018) 0.0.2 "Fai avans" In Memory of the player Faiavan: Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/armamodfrance_build/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Full Pack: https://mega.nz/#!yFlnDYob!HFzhBZXNpc2f1SEl8JcvDtlLopWEKnaS49bE6q8WiaI Hi everyone, Introducing Arma Mod France (AMF), a french army mod for Arma 3: - Légion étrangère ; - Chasse embarquée / Armée de l'air. Work In Progress #1 is out! What we do now: https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/09/06/wip-1-we-love-french-army-arma-mod-france/ What we initiated for Squad (now managed by Tactical Collective): https://mod.squadfrance.fr/all-recent-updates/ Arma Mod France is a free mod (non commercial) to play with Arma 3. It is an artistic view (interpretation) of the real world. Arma Mod France is not linked to Bohemia Interactive.
  2. Version 0.0.2 is out: https://steamcommunity.com/id/armamodfrance_build/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  3. Work In Progress #12 and the v_0.0.2 release this weekend Sunday around 5/6pm UTC. https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/10/12/work-in-progress-12-vous-jouerez-avec-les-gilets-ce-dimanche/ CIRAS by OMA, texture by DerniersJours and coded by Lyy Amao
  4. Hi! We are a team of 53 guys doing the French Faction mod A to Z. We have so much 3D models going on that we need more integrators. It is an international team with a good spirit and we are fast to release! A lot of players are waiting for each build to be published - let's please them asap! Our discord Server: https://discord.gg/jam9wTq Check our work on: https://mod.arma3france.fr We also initiated that baby now managed by TC: https://mod.squadfrance.fr
  5. WARMACHINE Missions makers and Arma Mod France are now Partners! https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/10/10/warmachine-est-desormais-partenaire-darma-mod-france/
  6. Hi, we are a team of 47 modders doing the French Faction Mod. We have a lot of 3D models ready to be integrated in game. We need more guys to handle the flow. If you feel you can help to code & to script and you are happy to join an international team of kind and talented people, then contact us. https://mod.arma3france.fr
  7. Hi all - I'm glad to tell you that we are now 47 modders and 68 with the testers, but here it is: we need more scripters / devs to integrate the 3D models, cause we have so much models to put in the game already. If you are, or know some talented guys experienced in scripting for Arma 3, let us know, we are open. It's an international team, so we mainly talk in English and help each others. It is a great group and as you can, we are numerous, so we are fast, very fast. Join us! You won't regret it! Your work will be played for years to come.
  8. Absolutely nothing to do with ofrp. It is a different team of 43 guys. By the way the next release V_0.0.2 will be October 14th 2018 end of the week!
  9. Thanks, it's the result of a partnership built with our Brazilian friends! (we will soon detail the partnership on a web page)
  10. Hi, V_0.0.1 has been released September 30th as planned. Check the video here: https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/10/01/mise-a-jour-v_0-0-1-patriote/ The link is in the description of the video. We will provide the link to Steam and Armaholic later during the day.
  11. Hi, thank you for your interest in Arma Mod France - a non-commercial and free mod for all. 1. Yes! Probably before Christmas 2. Yes - all year long we will add more stuff to play. We are doing the FORAD as an OPFOR, so it will be equipped with some 90's assets, weapons, vehicles, etc. 3. All our models, including the VBCI are not frozen. Depending on request, we will add more options and versions. Don't forget that we are numerous this time ; more than 40 and people are still joining.
  12. Artist interpretation based on public documents.
  13. Please find the WIP #5 ! https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/09/22/work-in-progress-5-pgm-hecate-ii-vab/
  14. Hi! Salut! This one is in french sorry :) Une interview de quelques modders par RackBoy sur sa chaîne. (FR)
  15. Thank you - I will tell the modeler! Models requirements are very close to say the least so you could use the models for both games, weapons or vehicles. It's quicker and easier to mod for Squad - no doubt - UE/Squad SDK are doing a huge part of the job. Would you join us :)? Thanks Korda! Thank you for your support Chicken and Kerozen! We could, but we decided to redo everything for technical reasons, rights management and because 3D Artists wanted to do their own beautiful models. We couldn't stop them! Yes Christian - it will be in the mod! As it now replaces the P4 and instructors in the army are dealing with the baby already.
  16. Hello again! More friends = More WIPs WIP#4: We are now a team of 28. https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/09/19/work-in-progress-4-vbl-vbci-and-some-new-friends-joining-the-party/
  17. Hey guys, thank you for your support, we are working fast and we will soon give you some news. In the meantime please find a WIP regarding our Extraction Basket : https://mod.arma3france.fr/2018/09/16/work-in-progress-3-extraction-basket/
  18. Bonjour à tous, Hi all, Nous organisons un PvP régulier francophone à 136 joueurs chaque dimanche à 17h00 sur le serveur Arma3France.fr La mission est codée avec amour par Pokertour, que vous connaissez sans doute bien - gage de sérieux et de fluidité. Check out our event PvP 136 players / french spoken every sunday at 5.00 (FR, Paris Time) - english speakers are welcome in infantry squads. Aucun mod n'est nécessaire, aucun téléchargement. No required mod, no ad-don. Fast Rop ; SAI Revive system ; Pas de mort instantanée, vous tombez inconscients et saignez potentiellement 300s > un médecin peut vous relever durant ce temps, sinon respawn pour un coût de 10 tickets et 5 nouvelles minutes d'attente. Restez donc près de vos médics ; No instant death > could bleed for 300s > Revive by medics only > or respawn after bleeding (cost: 10 tickets). Stay close to your medics ; Contrôle de secteurs avec perte de tickets en fonction de la géographie occupée ou perdue ; Sectors control with ticket bleeding ; Guerre totale - Air, sol, mer, sous-marin ; Total War - Air, ground, sea, submarine ; Jeu sérieux avec joueurs motivés et formés ; Serious game played by educated and motivated guys ; Vous pouvez réserver un slot spécifique (pilote, servant de pièce, etc.) durant plusieurs dimanches si vous vous montrez réguliers et sérieux ; You could get a booked / reserved slot with your favorite role if you proved yourself loyal to the event and serious in game ; DLC autorisés mais pas obligatoire (nous vous avons posé quelques véhicules et aéronefs) ; You can use DLC (we spawned some nice planes, helis and other stuffs), they are not mandatory anyway ; Si aucun pilote en jeu, nous disposons du CAS et du drop de munition sur ordre et automatisé ; If no one available to play pilote roles, we give you a CAS and ammo drop control (limited on time). See you around. Discord : https://discord.gg/akXgYuf Website : https://www.arma3france.fr ******************************************** Hi all, We organize a regular PvP francophone to 136 players every Sunday at 17:00 on the server Arma3France.fr The mission is coded with love by Pokertour, whom you probably know well of seriousness and fluidity. Check out our event PvP 136 players / english spoken every sunday at 5.00 (EN, Paris Time) - english speakers are welcome in infantry squads. No mod is necessary, no download. No required mod, no ad-don. Fast Rop; SAI Revive system; No instant death, you fall unconscious and potentially bleed 300s> a doctor can pick you up during this time, otherwise respawn for a cost of 10 tickets and 5 new minutes of waiting. Stay close to your medics; No instant death> gold respawn after bleeding (cost: 10 tickets). Stay close to your medics; Sector control with loss of tickets based on geography occupied or lost; Sectors control with ticket bleeding; Total war - Air, ground, sea, submarine; Serious game with motivated and trained players; Serious game played by educated and motivated guys; You can reserve a specific slot (driver, room service, etc.) during several Sundays if you show regular and serious; You could have a reserved / reserved slot with your favorite role if you are proven to be loyal to the event and serious in game; DLC authorized but not required (we have put some vehicles and aircraft); You can use DLC (we have some nice planes, helis and other stuffs), they are not mandatory anyway; If no pilot in play, we have CAS and ammunition drop on order and automated; If no one available to play pilot roles, we give you CAS and ammo drop control (limited on time). See you around. Discord: https://discord.gg/akXgYuf Website: https://www.arma3france.fr