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Blaq G-Sus

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About Blaq G-Sus

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    Private First Class

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  1. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Works great! 🙂 I've got some RPT-errors for you: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.stratis\HALs\Addons\store\dialog\defines.hpp, line 336: '/RscItemButtonClose.text': Missing ';' at the end of line File mpmissions\__cur_mp.stratis\HALs\Addons\store\dialog\dialog.hpp, line 95: '/RscDisplayStore/controls/HelpButton.tooltip': Missing ';' at the end of line File mpmissions\__cur_mp.stratis\HALs\Addons\core\functions.cpp, line 3: '/CfgFunctions/HALs/Common/log.headerType': Missing ';' prior '}' These errors does not seem to affect the gameplay.
  2. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Nice work!
  3. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    I love your work man! I just found a bug: 1: Buy grenades. 2: Select vest or uniform as container. 3: Try to throw the grenade. Nothing happens. 4: Drop the grenades on the ground and pick them up again. 5: Try to throw the grenades. Works. And: There's a typo in the addaction that opens the store. "Hold enter to store".
  4. Question: What is the best way to check if the ooPdw database exists? I haven't figured out a good way to do this yet. My current workaround: 1: On the first launch I run the server with a script that creates the vehicle DB and save all the editor placed vehicles. (Createdatabase.sqf). 2: Replace 'createdatabase.sqf' with 'Getdata.sqf' (A script that loads and overwrites the db file with new data) and create a new .pbo. This method lets me save all the editor placed vehicles and the vehicles that are created during the mission. I'ts not optimal, but it works until I find a better solution.
  5. Solved! Vehicles and player data are now being saved in separate databases in my mission. Vehicles are saved by oopdw scripts. (Made by code34). Here's a URL to my files if anybody wants to use this for vehicle saving on their mission/server: http://www.mediafire.com/file/angr3or82t5xuyd/carRC.stratis.pbo/file
  6. Thanks for oopdw, Code34. Really nice work! I finally got vehicle saving/loading to work on my mission. Vehicles and player data are saved in separate databases with this method. Here's the URL to my files if anyone wants to use this method. http://www.mediafire.com/file/angr3or82t5xuyd/carRC.stratis.pbo/file
  7. Hello! Lots of good stuff in this thread! This thread got me started and helped me save & load player data on my server. Thanks! Did anyone manage to save and load vehicle position & state for all vehicles on the map? I've been trying for a week now, but haven't figured it out yet. I have been looking at this and have tried to convert it from inidbi to inidbi2: "Here is another brief example of how you could use iniDBi to save vehicle stats: _vehicleArray = nearestObjects [[0,0,0], ["Car"], 5000]; dataArray = []; { _classname = typeOf _x; _position = getPos _x; _direction = getDir _x; _damage = damage _x; _fuel = fuel _x; dataArray pushBack [_classname, _position, _direction, _damage, _fuel]; } forEach _vehicleArray; ["Vehicles", "Data", "Cars", dataArray] call iniDB_write; And this is how you would load the stats of each vehicle: _dataArray = ["Vehicles", "Data", "Cars", "ARRAY"] call iniDB_read; { _classname = _x select 0; _position = _x select 1; _direction = _x select 2; _damage = _x select 3; _fuel = _x select 4; _vehicle = _classname createVehicle _position; _vehicle setDir _direction; _vehicle setDamage _damage; _vehicle setFuel _fuel; sleep 0.01; } forEach _dataArray;" Source: Any constructive feedback is appreciated. Have a nice day!
  8. Blaq G-Sus

    Eden editor Ruler

    Solved. Just use the trigger as a ruler and multiply with 2. 1: Put a trigger between the 2 points you want to meter distance from. (The start of the trigger zone on point 1 and the end of the trigger zone on point 2. ) 2: Convert distance to meters by multiplying the trigger length/width with 2.
  9. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    22:39:12 Error in expression <count _weapons > 0) then { { _container addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x,> 22:39:12 Error position: <addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x,> 22:39:12 Error Type String, expected Array 22:39:12 File HALs\Addons\store\functions\system\cargo\fn_addContainerCargo.sqf [HALs_store_fnc_addContainerCargo]..., line 36
  10. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Server feedback: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\HALs\Addons\store\dialog\defines.hpp, line 329: '/RscItemButtonClose.text': Missing ';' at the end of line File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\HALs\Addons\store\dialog\dialog.hpp, line 180: '/RscDisplayStore/controls/HALs_store_dialog/controls/TitleFunds/Attributes.valign': Missing ';' prior '}' File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\HALs\Addons\core\functions.cpp, line 3: '/CfgFunctions/HALs/Common/log.headerType': Missing ';' prior '}' Error in expression <count _weapons > 0) then { { _container addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x,> Error position: <addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x,> Error Type String, expected Array File HALs\Addons\store\functions\system\cargo\fn_addContainerCargo.sqf [HALs_store_fnc_addContainerCargo]..., line 36
  11. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Thanks 🙂 Will update the older post with a new one ^^
  12. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

  13. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    The files on armaholic needs to be updated. That version does not contain the same files as the one on github, and are not compatible with dedicated servers.
  14. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Updated: Make enemies drop cash on death, that players can pick up: Init.sqf: if (isServer) then { { _unit = _x; addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { _this spawn { params ["_unit"]; _suitcase = "Land_Money_F" createVehicle (getpos _unit); [_suitcase,["<t color='#FF0000'>Pick up money</t>","addons\PlayerEvents\Tasks\cash\cashdrop.sqf",[],1,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 3"]] remoteExec ["addAction",0]; } } ]; } forEach (allUnits select {side _x == EAST}); }; cashdrop.sqf: params ["_suitcase","_caller","_id"]; [_caller, 250] call HALs_money_fnc_addFunds; hint "+250$"; [_suitcase,_id] remoteExec ["removeAction"]; deleteVehicle _suitcase; _suitcase removeAction 0; sleep 5; hintSilent ""; I'm still learning.. To be able to limit the addaction distance i had to split the scripts into two parts. If anyone knows how to run all of it from init.sqf + add target distance on the addaction, please drop a hint.
  15. Blaq G-Sus

    [RELEASE] HALs Store v1.5

    Check out the post from ghost sniper: I used the script from ghost sniper, but modified it a little bit. I created an evenhandler to save money when a player presses 'ESC', instead of saving with mouse scroll and click. How to: 1: Add this script to initplayerlocal.sqf: [] execVM "savedb.sqf"; private ["_player"]; _player =_this select 0; waitUntil {!isNull _player}; if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "HALs_money_funds"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", 0]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "HALs_money_funds"); _player setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", _profile]; 2: Save this script as savedb.sqf: [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if(_this select 1 == 1) //number 5 then { [] execVM "autosave.sqf"; }; }]; }; 3: Save this script as autosave.sqf: _moneys = (player getVariable "HALs_money_funds"); profileNamespace setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", _moneys]; // Each time a player press 'Esc' money will be saved. Saved money is loaded when a player connects to the server.