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Posts posted by Grim5667

  1. On 3/8/2019 at 11:06 AM, aussie battler said:

    You have mixed up your commandline. Try this:

    --mod=@co10_Escape_RHS;@Esseker;@CUP Terrains - Core;@RHS_AFRF;@RHS_USAF;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@CBA_A3" "servermod="

    You dont need ;@CUP Terrains - Maps Esseker is only dependent on Cup Terrains Core.

    thanks not sure what the problem was since the server is hosted by hosthavoc but a quick reset of server fixed it.

  2. Hey so I seem to be unable to load an Esseker map for your framework since apperently I'm missing mods yet i think i have all the mods. Heres the output 


    "-servermod=@co10_Escape_RHS;@Esseker;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@RHS_AFRF;@RHS_USAF;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@CBA_A3" "-mod=" -malloc=tbb4 -enableHT -world=empty -autoinit -maxMem=6144


    Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server

    Exe timestamp: 2019/02/25 11:24:12

    Current time: 2019/03/07 13:37:30


    Type: Public

    Build: Stable

    Version: 1.90.145381


    Allocator: Dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll [2017.0.0.0] [2017.0.0.0]

    PhysMem: 64 GiB, VirtMem : 4.0 GiB, AvailPhys : 40 GiB, AvailVirt : 3.9 GiB, AvailPage : 41 GiB



    13:37:30 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible!

    13:37:30 Cannot register unknown string STR_3DEN_CAMERA_NAME

    13:37:30 Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_SCENE_ONLY

    13:37:30 Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_SCENE_AND_MAP

    13:37:31 Initializing stats manager.

    13:37:31 Stats config disabled.

    13:37:31 sessionID: d79fc2cb1e463ed27d89fe03d53f98ea9bfaadb5

    13:37:58 Item str_a3_to_c01_m02_036_ta_mechanized_briefing_SOLDIERC_0 listed twice

    13:38:00 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:00 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:00 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:01 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:01 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_2b14 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_mn_pg9 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_mn_og9 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_mn_igla listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_ags30 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_mn_at13 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_mn_9k32 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_at13 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_at13launchersingle listed twice

    13:38:01 Item STR_DN_D30 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_dshkm listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_dshkm_minitripod listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_m2_mg listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_m119 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_kord listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_dshkm listed twice

    13:38:01 Item STR_LIB_D30 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_ags30 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_igla_aa_pod_east listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_igla_twice listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_kord listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_kord_low listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_m119 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_tow_tripod listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_tow listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_spg9 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_m252 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_m2hd_minitripod listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_m2_mg listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_mk19_tripod listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_dn_zu23 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_2b14 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_at13 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_m252 listed twice

    13:38:01 Item str_lib_spg9 listed twice

    13:38:01 Unsupported language English in stringtable

    13:38:11 Warning Message: Addon 'CUP_Editor_Plants_Config' requires addon 'CUP_CA_Plants_PMC'


  3. 19 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

    You can add knowsAbout to the _nearby selection, as posted earlier in this thread.

    No still doesn't work.

    GRM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal = {
    	params ["_mortar"];
    	while {alive _mortar AND canFire _mortar AND count crew _mortar > 0} do {
    		_enemySides = side _mortar call BIS_fnc_enemySides;
    		_mag = currentMagazine _mortar;
    		 _nearby = (getposatl _mortar nearEntities 4000) select {side _mortar knowsAbout _x > 3 AND side _x in _enemySides AND _mortar getArtilleryETA [getposatl _x,_mag] > 0 AND getPosATL _x inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _mag]};
    		//no enemies found which are in range and have a firing solution, skip and wait
    		if (count _nearby > 0) then {
    			_rounds = 4;
    			_rndTarget = selectRandom _nearby;
    			_targetPos = getPosATL _rndTarget;
    			(effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];
    			systemchat format ["%1 targets: %2",effectivecommander _mortar,count _nearby];
    			sleep _rounds * 6;//give enough time to fire all rounds, then start over
    		sleep (3 + random 3);

    now targetKnowledge select 1; Would be great because it is either true or false and I could use that in a if statement like, 

    GRM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal = {
    	params ["_mortar"];
    	while {alive _mortar AND canFire _mortar AND count crew _mortar > 0} do {
    		_enemySides = side _mortar call BIS_fnc_enemySides;
    		_mag = currentMagazine _mortar;
    		_nearby = (getposatl _mortar nearEntities 4000) select {side _mortar knowsAbout _x > 3 AND side _x in _enemySides AND _mortar getArtilleryETA [getposatl _x,_mag] > 0 AND getPosATL _x inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _mag]};
    		//no enemies found which are in range and have a firing solution, skip and wait
    		if (count _nearby > 0) then {
    			_rndTarget = selectRandom _nearby;
    			_targetPos = getPosATL _rndTarget;
    			_targetKnowledge = (_east targetKnowledge _rndTarget) select 1;
    			if (_targetKnowledge isEqualTo true) then {
    			_rounds = 1;
    			(effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];
    			systemchat format ["%1 targets: %2",effectivecommander _mortar,count _nearby];
    			sleep 15;  //give enough time to fire all rounds, then start over
    		sleep (3 + random 3);

    because this is all in a while statement too but for it to work I would need to get the whole of the EAST side as an object for targetKnowledge to work. If that is possible then it might work as as soon as it turns false it stops working or would that then need to be a while statement? What are your thoughts on this? The knowAbout doesn't seem to work. If it's 1,2 or 3 it always knows where I am but if it's 4 it never knows where i am and therefore will never fire and hence why the targetKnowledge is best for this. But I could make this a little smaller  so instead of an if statement I could replace the "Side _mortar knowsAbout _x > 3" with "(_east targetKnowledge _x) select 1 AND..."  and _east equals to the east side as an object.

  4. @Grumpy Old Man Now that just fires on me and i havent even been seen by enemies. As soon as code execute it starts firing on me and i'm going to guess is that it selects random from the _nearby and doesnt have anything stopping it from choosing me.  Maybe an if statement checking if _nearby is known by _mortor and if so fire upon but as soon as it doesnt know about the player it stops firing?

    Something like this 

    	while {alive _mortar AND canFire _mortar AND count crew _mortar > 0} do {
    		_enemySides = side _mortar call BIS_fnc_enemySides;
    		_mag = currentMagazine _mortar;
    		_nearby = (getposatl _mortar nearEntities 4000) select {side _x in _enemySides AND _mortar getArtilleryETA [getposatl _x,_mag] > 0 AND getPosATL _x inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _mag]};
    		_targetKnowledge = (_mortar targetKnowledge _nearby) select 3;
    		// No enemies found which are in range and have a firing solution, skip and wait
    		if (count _nearby > 0) then {
    			_rounds = 2;
    			_rndTarget = selectRandom _nearby;
    			if (_targetKnowledge > 20 && _targetKnowledge < 66.148) then {
    				_targetPos = getPosATL _rndTarget;
    				(effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];
    			[west, "HQ"] sidechat "Mortors Inbound!! Get to Cover!";
    			sleep _rounds * 6;		// Give enough time to fire all rounds, then start over
    		sleep (3 + random 3);

    But this doesnt work as it expecting a bool on line 9 which is "_targetKnowledge = ..."

  5. On 29/09/2018 at 4:21 AM, Grumpy Old Man said:

    Your example shouldn't run in the first place, the function definitions have the prefix GOM, then later down the line you changed it to GRM, so there's that.


    The # command is greedy or whatever's the term, so an additional bracket is needed:

    _targetPos = (effectiveCommander _mortar targetKnowledge (selectRandom _nearby))#6;
    (effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];


    But wouldnt that still be overridden by the knowsabout from earlier?

    also tt still wont stop firing at me even when ive moved posiotion about 1km and now that the little bit of code was added it fires no where near my character is.

  6. 3 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

    What do you mean with "almost"? Your question was:

    Yeah sorry i meant "this works but is there a way to make it so it doesnt constantly fire on me even when im out of sight?"

    3 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

    //replace this line: (effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [(getPosATL (selectRandom _nearby)),_mag,_rounds]; //with the following: _targetPos = (effectiveCommander _mortar targetKnowledge (selectRandom _nearby)#6); (effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];

    There is an error showing up with that code saying "Error #: Type Object, expected Array" any reason why? This is what i have currently:



    //place markers and name them after which mortars you want there:

    //a marker named "spawnmortar01_east" will spawn an east side mortar at the marker position


    //init.sqf or wherever you seem fit

    GOM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal = {


        params ["_mortar"];


        while {alive _mortar AND canFire _mortar AND count crew _mortar > 0} do {

            _enemySides = side _mortar call BIS_fnc_enemySides;

            _mag = currentMagazine _mortar;

            _nearby = (getposatl _mortar nearEntities 4000) select {side _mortar knowsAbout _x > 4 AND side _x in _enemySides AND _mortar getArtilleryETA [getposatl _x,_mag] > 0 AND getPosATL _x inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _mag]};


            //no enemies found which are in range and have a firing solution, skip and wait

            if (count _nearby > 0) then {


                //it's not really needed to reveal enemies to the mortar if you want the mortar to only fire an exact number of rounds, otherwise they will keep firing until the target is dead



                effectiveCommander _mortar reveal [_x,4];

                } forEach _nearby;


                //fire on a random target then look again


                _rounds = 1;

                _targetPos = (effectiveCommander _mortar targetKnowledge (selectRandom _nearby)#6);

                (effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [_targetPos,_mag,_rounds];

                systemchat format ["%1 targets: %2",effectivecommander _mortar,count _nearby];

                sleep 60;//give enough time to fire all rounds, then start over



            sleep (3 + random 3);






    GOM_fnc_spawnMortars = {


        params ["_side",["_debug",true]];


        _sides = [west,east,resistance];

        if !(_side in _sides) exitWith {systemChat "Wrong side parameter"};

        _mortarTypes = ["B_Mortar_01_F","O_Mortar_01_F","I_Mortar_01_F"];

        _mortar = _mortarTypes select (_sides find _side);

        _markers = allMapMarkers select {toUpper _x find toUpper str _side >= 0};//for east this returns all markers containing "east" in the name

        _mortars = [];

        if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Spawning %1 mortars: %2",_side,_markers]};




            _mortarSpawn = _mortar createVehicle getMarkerPos _x;

            createVehicleCrew _mortarSpawn;

            _mortars pushBack _mortarSpawn;


        } forEach _markers;


        {[_x] spawn GRM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal} forEach _mortars;


        if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Spawn finished: %1",_mortars]};




    //now when you want to spawn the mortars simply do this:

    //_spawn = [east] call GRM_fnc_spawnMortars;


  7. On 18/09/2018 at 9:51 AM, Grumpy Old Man said:

    Here's a quick mortar snippet that's pretty versatile:


    //place markers and name them after which mortars you want there:
    //a marker named "spawnmortar01_east" will spawn an east side mortar at the marker position
    //init.sqf or wherever you seem fit
    GOM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal = {
    	params ["_mortar"];
    	while {alive _mortar AND canFire _mortar AND count crew _mortar > 0} do {
    		_enemySides = side _mortar call BIS_fnc_enemySides;
    		_mag = currentMagazine _mortar;
    		_nearby = (getposatl _mortar nearEntities 4000) select {side _mortar knowsAbout _x > 0 AND side _x in _enemySides AND _mortar getArtilleryETA [getposatl _x,_mag] > 0 AND getPosATL _x inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _mag]};
    		//no enemies found which are in range and have a firing solution, skip and wait
    		if (count _nearby > 0) then {
    			//it's not really needed to reveal enemies to the mortar if you want the mortar to only fire an exact number of rounds, otherwise they will keep firing until the target is dead
    			effectiveCommander _mortar reveal [_x,4];
    			} forEach _nearby;
    			//fire on a random target then look again
    			_rounds = 4;
    			(effectiveCommander _mortar) commandArtilleryFire [(getPosATL (selectRandom _nearby)),_mag,_rounds];
    			systemchat format ["%1 targets: %2",effectivecommander _mortar,count _nearby];
    			sleep _rounds * 6;//give enough time to fire all rounds, then start over
    		sleep (3 + random 3);
    GOM_fnc_spawnMortars = {
    	params ["_side",["_debug",true]];
    	_sides = [west,east,resistance];
    	if !(_side in _sides) exitWith {systemChat "Wrong side parameter"};
    	_mortarTypes = ["B_Mortar_01_F","O_Mortar_01_F","I_Mortar_01_F"];
    	_mortar = _mortarTypes select (_sides find _side);
    	_markers = allMapMarkers select {toUpper _x find toUpper str _side >= 0};//for east this returns all markers containing "east" in the name
    	_mortars = [];
    	if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Spawning %1 mortars: %2",_side,_markers]};
    		_mortarSpawn = _mortar createVehicle getMarkerPos _x;
    		createVehicleCrew _mortarSpawn;
    		_mortars pushBack _mortarSpawn;
    	} forEach _markers;
    	{[_x] spawn GOM_fnc_mortarAutoReveal} forEach _mortars;
    	if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Spawn finished: %1",_mortars]};
    //now when you want to spawn the mortars simply do this:
    _spawn = [east] call GOM_fnc_spawnMortars;

    Simply place markers on the map where you want mortars to spawn, name them mortarMarker_east01, mortarMarker_east02, etc.

    Then call the function as shown above, this will automatically spawn one mortar per marker and make it fire at random targets that are within range and hostile.

    Works simultaneously for all three main sides.



    This almost works except it constantly fires upon me even if im somewhat hidden. Any way to fix this?

  8. On 28/08/2018 at 7:22 AM, fn_Quiksilver said:

    standard method for this sort of thing is to add the action to the player object, and use the condition to hide/show it (such as when aiming at an enemy)


    heres an example


    my_condition = {
    	private _return = false;
    	_cursortarget = cursortarget;
    	if (!isnull _cursortarget) then {
    		if (_cursortarget iskindof 'camanbase') then {
    			if ((side (group _cursortarget)) in (playerside call bis_fnc_enemysides)) then {
    				if ((tolower (lifestate _cursortarget)) in ['healthy','injured']) then {
    					_return = true;
    player addAction ['Enemy!',{hint (format ["Enemy! %1",diag_ticktime]);},nil,0,true,true,'','call my_condition',-1,false,'',''];
    player addEventHandler [
    		player addAction ['Enemy!',{hint (format ["Enemy! %1",diag_ticktime]);},nil,0,true,true,'','call my_condition',-1,false,'',''];


    Hey is there a way to have the action show up on AAF too? 

  9. 13 hours ago, fn_Quiksilver said:

    standard method for this sort of thing is to add the action to the player object, and use the condition to hide/show it (such as when aiming at an enemy)


    heres an example


    my_condition = {
    	private _return = false;
    	_cursortarget = cursortarget;
    	if (!isnull _cursortarget) then {
    		if (_cursortarget iskindof 'camanbase') then {
    			if ((side (group _cursortarget)) in (playerside call bis_fnc_enemysides)) then {
    				if ((tolower (lifestate _cursortarget)) in ['healthy','injured']) then {
    					_return = true;
    player addAction ['Enemy!',{hint (format ["Enemy! %1",diag_ticktime]);},nil,0,true,true,'','call my_condition',-1,false,'',''];
    player addEventHandler [
    		player addAction ['Enemy!',{hint (format ["Enemy! %1",diag_ticktime]);},nil,0,true,true,'','call my_condition',-1,false,'',''];


    Ahh thank you so much. This is just what I wanted.

    • Like 3

  10. 1 hour ago, HazJ said:

    If OPFOR are spawned throughout the mission and you can't directly create the addAction on them. You can add the action to the player and have some conditions there. If you can create addAction when they are spawning after createUnit then:

    object addAction [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, radius, unconscious, selection, memoryPoint]


    What exactly do you want the action to do? You didn't say and not guessing so just customise it yourself. If you get stuck, just ask. All arguments are explained on the Wiki, see link above. Future tip: Please descriptive as possible when making post/thread. The first reply was @stanhope who was asking a basic question which should of been mentioned really in the first place. You don't have to show anything fancy or code. Plain words can go a long way. It just makes it easier for us people trying to help.

    Ahh ok will be more descriptive next time. The script is to "search" the OPFOR units for possibly intel and it can return with No Intel found or Intel found. 


    1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

    0 = [] spawn {

      while {true} do {
    { _x addAction ["bla bla", {code},etc]; _x setVariable ["actionAdded",true] } forEach allUnits select {isNil {_x getVariable "actionAdded"} && side _x == EAST  }; // as you said east are enemies.

    sleep 3



    Ok ty will check if this works.

    Edit: After a couple minutes with the code it works but it constantly shows the Search which i dont want and it would just stack up and if you did removeAllActions Player; It would still stack up on the enemies so I put it removeAllActions allUnits; . Which did work but would always show a search and would also show search twice when looking at the OPFOR unit.

  11. Spoiler


    20:13:13 Error in expression <rivate _player = selectRandom _players;
    20:13:13 Error position: <_player;>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _player
    20:13:13 File functions\Common\fn_GetRandomPlayer.sqf [A3E_fnc_GetRandomPlayer], line 3
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 Error in expression <random 360;
    private _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance>
    20:13:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit
    20:13:13 File functions\Server\fn_FindSpawnRoad.sqf [A3E_fnc_FindSpawnRoad], line 15
    20:13:13 "Unable to find spawn road for initial Motorized Searchgroup"
    soldier[I_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    soldier[I_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 "fn_CrashSite: Camp created at [9079.22,6971.72,-3.00407e-05]"
    20:13:17 Error in expression < _minSpawnDistance));
    _spawnX = (getPos _referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_referenceUnit select 0) + ((sin _direct>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _referenceunit
    20:13:17 File functions\Common\fn_RandomSpawnPos.sqf [A3E_fnc_RandomSpawnPos], line 14
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < count _possibleInfantryTypes);
    _group createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error position: <createUnit [_infantryType, _spawnPos, []>
    20:13:17 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number
    20:13:17 File functions\DRN\fn_AmbientInfantry.sqf [drn_fnc_AmbientInfantry], line 129
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Error in expression < units _this select 0;
    while {!(isNull _unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error position: <_unit)} do {
    _enemyUnit = _unit findNear>
    20:13:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    20:13:17 File functions\Server\fn_initServer.sqf [A3E_fnc_initServer], line 323
    20:13:17 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
    20:13:17 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.

    Hey I'm getting a problem when I load up the mission file on my linux dedicated server I get a error.

    Not really sure how to fix it. I am using build-10-12-05-2018.

    I have load @co10_Escape_Apex as both a server mod and mod.
