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Everything posted by stanhope

  1. stanhope

    Simple BeLog reader

    Updated to version 0.7 Some general tweaks & fixes combined the 2 buttons on the welcome screen into 1 and added a progress tracker to it. (The progress tracker shows how many files have already been read, useful for when opening 10+ files)
  2. stanhope

    Module Creation

    You start by reading the license to see if you're allowed to or not :) And yes after that dePBO the PBOs containing the module. How to turn them into a standalone I wouldn't know, you'll have to ask someone else But seeing how you've insulted some of the most active and knowledgeable people around here ...
  3. Right, I'll give you the code I think you need for this for now, don't currently have time to write it myself. If you can't figure it out on your own let me know. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed (for detecting when someone got killed) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle (for creating the weapon holder, look at "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted") https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/items (to get the items in the players inventory) (a thread about something similar but for one unit)
  4. No people don't have to port forward ports on their machine to connect to your server. I don't know if it matters but from what I know most servers that are running more than 1 virtual arma server on them use ports like: 1: 2302, 2: 2402, 3: 2502, ... or 1: 2302, 2: 2312, 3: 2322, ... If it's not that then I don't know enough to help you :) But you should really ask in the right subforum.
  5. Do you want all the items to drop directly around them? Or spread out over a larger area? If you want them to drop right next to the body why do you want that? Is the body going to be deleted or something? Which items are you talking about? Magazines & rifles or everything including vest, backpack, map, radio, ... or something in between?
  6. I've been using gitlab for a while now, it should be pretty much the same as github. I've used the web interface for a long time, but when I recently started a new project I noticed the following in the project when it was empty: For the basics that's all the commands you need. (You'll first need to set up an SSH key/connection/thingy, it's best to find a YT video for that.) Right now I just make projects the way I used to, then drag all the files into a folder that's been synced with a repo and run: git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master Once you've done the setup that's basically the only 3 commands you need when you're working solo and on one branch. (What I'm doing) (Oh, this is what you need to run those commands: https://git-scm.com/downloads)
  7. 1st: wrong subforum 2nd: did you port forward all the correct ports? 3rd: did you put exceptions on your firewall(s) for all the correct ports?
  8. stanhope

    Multiarray question

    I figured as much yes, but wanted to be sure. Because I didn't know about that command :)
  9. This might help: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI
  10. stanhope

    Multiarray question

    What output are you talking about?
  11. stanhope

    Multiarray question

    _newArray = []; _fruitarray = [["apple",1],["banana",4],["pear",32]]; { _newArray pushBack (_x select 0); } foreach _fruitarray; I didn't test and i literally just woke up so no guarantees :). _newArray should contain apple, banana, ...
  12. stanhope

    List row height

    I don't often do GUIs so i don't know by hard, but if you just follow the path of the error you should get to the place where the error is happening and thus where you'll need to define something.
  13. stanhope

    List row height

    The error is in all likelihood gonna be in this file: #include "config\Config_SpawnPoints.hpp". And as gc8 said you'll need to define rowheight.
  14. stanhope

    List row height

    Can you pastebin your description.ext?
  15. stanhope

    while loop inside forEach

    waitUnil is a loop on it's own, so you could do this: waitUntil { _unit PlayMoveNow"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Salute"; !s2};
  16. I've taken out the redundant lines, should make it run ever so slightly faster: https://pastebin.com/NeaC1aNT, everything else looks fine to me. Didn't test it tho.
  17. Yep, I take you want the new launchers in there?
  18. Yea, just click on my name (left of this post), and find the message button on the page you're taken to. It'll be right of my profile picture.
  19. Could you pastebin your arsenal.sqf & va_west.sqf, I'll have a look at what's redundant. The mission comes with a few redundant arrays, removing them might decrease loading time.
  20. Limited weapons & equipment should take less long to add to the arsenal because everything is added to the arsenal. The entire arsenal is based upon whitelisting. Nothing gets removed, there is only 1 blacklist in the original mission and it's basically redundant.
  21. To add new weapons to certain roles you should look at these 2 files: (scripts/arsenal) arsenal.sqf va_west.sqf In arsenal.sqf a bunch of arrays of items/ammo/weapons are defined, in va_west some of these arrays (depending on your role) are added to an arsenal local to the player.
  22. arsenalArray is defined in Local/localInit.sqf (line 31) which is called from initserver.sqf (line 12).
  23. Have you tried asking whoever made that script? They probably know best.