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Everything posted by pSiKO

  1. I look to the respawn loadout the virtual garage is useful for protecting your vehicle (when you leave a public server) or for moving vehicles between FOBs you need the corporal level and the menu will appear on your vehicle
  2. i will (re)install ace to test ๐Ÿ˜‰ edit: I fixed some problems with ace ACE Arsenal Menu Virtual Garage and PaintShop small fixes please update your pbo from github tell me if anything else is missing/broken ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Haa, sorry ๐Ÿ™‚ you can define this list of loadout yourself: - Open Arsenal Menu - Select Edit Arsenal here you have a "Save" button, that where the list is build. you can use it with or without ACE.
  4. Hi, frankly, I don't know how to do this !! (I don't use ACE) at least you found the right file; "open_arsenal.sqf" you have to change the call below (Vanilla A3 Arsenal) by the call used by ACE (which i don't know). ['Open',[nil,_box]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; alike, I use default loadout preset for the arsenal box, you have to "cleanup the box" and the refill with ACE preset, in my opinion, the best place is "\scripts\client\build\do_build.sqf" around lines 290 (see code below) you have to add the code to manage ACE preset not so easy but doable ๐Ÿ™‚ if (!(_classname in GRLIB_Ammobox)) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle; }; I hope I helped
  5. Hi go to file "core.liberation\scripts\client\actions\do_recycle.sqf" near lines 29 comment (add //) in front of these lines [player, 10] remoteExec ["addScore", 2]; hint format ["%1\nBonus Score + 10 Pts!", name player]; I'm pleased you have fun !!!
  6. yes, as many as you want, (take a look on the others map) not here (it's harcoded) only the ammo reward that why you can use github to work on my project (we can share the code on different branch) take a look at https://github.com/tbox1911/Liberation-RX if you're interested, I can create a contributors account for you
  7. Hi Komaros, good idea !! to port the mission on a new map, you have to change these files: fixed_position.sqf <-- used for static marker (fuel, sell, ...) gameplay_constants.sqf <-- Important file for Savename and constant for the map mission.sqm <-- mission map (with markers) whitelist.sqf <-- used for commander white list you have to copy each markers on the new map, you can have as many markers as you want (capture_, military_, etc) to change the reward for ammobox go to "core.liberation\scripts\shared\classnames.sqf" lines ~230 [ammobox_b_typename,0,round(300 / GRLIB_recycling_percentage),0,99999], [ammobox_o_typename,0,round(300 / GRLIB_recycling_percentage),0,99999], [ammobox_i_typename,0,round(300 / GRLIB_recycling_percentage),0,99999], you can change the value for each box here. in the last version, the XP reward is limited to the the rank "Corporal" and "Sergeant". keep me informed ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Hi, you are on wrong topic, here is about RX Liberation mission and not the KP Liberation version btw, the errors you report is harmless and do not prevent to play the mission
  9. hi, because the mission was originally designed for blue force, it's deeply hard coded in the game. to make a working "RedForce" version, I have to rewrite a lot of code internals (spawning IA/manage IA/manage sector/lots of utility functions and so) this idea, is on my plan for L-RX, but I need time. I'll keep you informed when I start to write it ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. what can be done (without rewriting everything) is a redforce version, but I already know that there will be a lot of code modification! if I have time this winter when it rains and the evenings are long !! I'll keep you informed here
  11. yep, I already think of it, but it need complete rewrite of the code ๐Ÿ˜ž because everything is based on Blue force. maybe if I got enough time ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. ok , good to ear ! sometimes Arma behave ... strangly ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Hi Komaros, - to disable repair off-road, go to file "core.liberation\scripts\server\game\init_marker.sqf" comment lines from 79 to 89 - to change the bot skill you have a server parameter "Difficulty" (that is used in set_skill) range in "0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 4, 10" the lower is the easier. - to increase AI group size, you have another server parameter "Unitcap" range in 0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2 the lower is the smaller group (it's an ratio multiplier) 50%, 75% 100% 150% etc.. you better change theses value in server parameter rather than directly in the code, because theses values can be used in multiple place. have fun ! note: all server parameters can be found here: https://github.com/tbox1911/Liberation-RX/blob/master/mission_param.cfg
  14. Hi, I test with box loaded into vehicle (load in..) (R3F) and with box transported on truck (RP style) wait for more than 4 hours, but I cannot reproduce the issue ๐Ÿ˜ž it is happening all the time ? do you have some error in RPT file ?
  15. hi, 1) the earplug system actually work all the time ๐Ÿ™‚ it's just autmatic when you enter vehicle, but you can plug in/out anytime, be sure to configure the user action key. on the main map look at the shortcut menu. 2) Ammo boxes should never disappear ! (maybe it's a bug) this only occure when the box is transported ? I'll take a look on issue 2 Thx
  16. Hi, yep opfor can capture our FOB, when they counter attack. only commander has the right to pack/unpack FOB. at this rank, the player should knows what he does !!
  17. about PedagneMod, I test with this Mod and it's more than just units/weapon modification. as you can see it also enable (force ) stamina/fatigue and change something on player damage system. player is wounded but never died ! I dont know if I can do anything about this. project seem stoped on 19-01-2018 ! if you know the dev behind this project, we can find a solution.. ------------------------------------------ edit: Ok: I found the root cause ! The Mod change the respawn system (erasing my previous respawn code) for example : in the file "ASZ_Weapons_A3/AT/data/script/disposable/ammo_player.sqf:" player removeAllEventHandlers "InventoryOpened"; player removeAllEventHandlers "InventoryClosed"; player removeAllEventHandlers "Take"; player removeAllEventHandlers "Put"; player removeAllEventHandlers "Respawn"; <<--- here !! there is no switch to enable/disable this ๐Ÿ˜ž the mod don't have any parametrisable options ๐Ÿ˜ž there is not much i can do, you need to speak with the author (Aspide) to update the mod.
  18. no problem mate ! Its not clear to me, (The bug also occurs without modifications / the mod that causes the problem is the PedagneMod) ?? I run two public server with this mission and without any mod, the respawn system seem to work properly. I'll download PedagneMod to see if I can do something ๐Ÿ™‚ I keep you informed
  19. 2 info you must know, - as a player you can 'Abandon' a locked vehicle so everyone can use it. (Saved on server) - as a commander you can build many object (walls / flags ) with the Build Menu, everywhere on the map (but close to a FOB) (Saved on server)
  20. you're welcome there is no 'easy' way to deactivate vehicle permission. but you can 'hack' the file : "core.liberation\scripts\client\misc\vehicle_permissions.sqf" by commenting the code between lines 42 - 52, like this: (no guarantee ๐Ÿ™‚ ) /* if (!([_unit, _vehicle] call is_owner)) then { _msg = "Wrong Vehicle Owner.\nAccess is Denied !!"; if (isPlayer _unit) then { { if ((_x distance2D _vehicle) <= 500) then { [["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarmcar.wss", _vehicle, false, getPosASL _vehicle, 1, 1, 500]] remoteExec ["playSound3D", owner _x]; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; _doeject = true; }; */ Zeus is only for ephemeral, in-game modification, to add permanent objects (building, walls, etc..) to the mission, you have to: unpack mission pbo, in your arma3 profile, use the Eden editor and open mission , and put desired object, then save. copy back the "mission.sqm" file into your Liberation-RX folder repack the pbo, and put it in your server mpmission folder feel free to ask if you need more info !
  21. yes, this want I want to do ๐Ÿ™‚ I tell you when its done
  22. Hi, I've just tested with the last build on Altis, on it seem to work properly. the last version is from 26/04/2020 (yesterday), could you update your mission and retry ? if you send me your .pbo and the mod list, I can check on my PC (I remember one thing, in old version , if you wear the VR suit, that activate the godmode, designed for testing purpose, removed now)
  23. the Liberation-RX autoban is not permanent, restarting the server clear the list of banned player. otherwise, the banned player must be connected to lobby to be unbanned. (I need his STEAM ID to do so) I can think about ubanning from ID directly, I keep you informed
  24. hi, wow ! strange bug indeed ! on what map (island) does it occur ? did you test with the last version on github ? anyway, I take a look at code ! thanks
  25. Hi, I'll made here a global answer, because I already receive this kind of request. I don't want to handle by myself a "modded' version of Liberation RX, (with CUP Vehicles, RHSUSAF, FFAA, OPTRE, and much others ! ) it's too much specific works and must be maintained, taking too much of my time. I'll keep focus on Vanilla Arma3. But as you know, L-RX is mod friendly, you can easily change the units/vehicles in 'core.liberation\scripts\shared\classnames.sqf'. the core design allow you to overwrite any file of the mission by making a folder with the name of the map for exemple , take a look in "Liberation_RX.vt7" folder for Virolahti 7 map. There are only few files to change to adapt L-RX on other map with others Mod if you send me the customized folder (Liberation_RX.Lythium) , I can include it in the main dev branch. Porting the L-RX to another map is not hard but it take time to place all markers and test, look at https://greuh-liberation.fandom.com/wiki/How_to_port_liberation_to_a_new_map it's old but contain the most important part. btw, I take a look at Lythium Map, it looks great !! worth the work to port L-RX on this map ๐Ÿ™‚ I'll be glad to help you if you need. Regards,