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Everything posted by pSiKO

  1. Hi friends ! prepare yourself for a big surprise ! the first LRX-Red (OPFor Edition) version is about to be released ! stay tuned 🙂
  2. I merge your change. option can be configured here: "core.liberation/GREUH/GREUH_config.sqf" thx
  3. ha, sorry I don't understand! gears / weapons are a little harder to change. due to the number of these items, I cannot use the same system as for vehicles. then look at "scripts\shared\functions\F_loadoutPrice.sqf" you found a script that calculates a price for inventory based on object class and free/basic/ expensive logic. for sure it works with CUP (Terrain / Weapons), RHS not tested (please repport if working) for the sound, it's a matter of taste, I like Jsrs, not try the others
  4. yes, you need to edit "scripts\shared\classnames.sqf" example: ["B_MRAP_01_F",2,25,2,0], [CLASSNAME, MANPOWER, AMMO, FUEL, RANK]
  5. hi, the LRX ban does not write anything. it is only in the server's memory. (that's why it is reset when restarting the server) in the 'profile.vars.Arma3Profile' there is the save of the game (with player information, but not the ban list) btw: you can use ban.txt without BE
  6. hi ! @varrkan_ua: I need you to test the DALE system ! 🙂 I've almost finish the integration, check latest build @Sgt. Dennenboom, you made a real good job, was a pleasure to deal with your code ! The Menu appears when you're in an aircraft and close to fob. works for some drones too !
  7. sorry for that, There was a bug in the version you use, please update your pbo revive settings are in "PAR revive" param
  8. Hi, I push an update, I improved the arsenal now it work with cup weapons. 🙂 there is nothing to edit, (apart if you want to black list some weapons)
  9. New TeamKill system Mode : - strict GRLIB_tk_count (4) warnings then the killer is ban by server - relax The player decide to forgive or punish the killer at GRLIB_tk_count (4) the killer is ban by server - disabled No TK managment GRLIB_tk_count is configured via server Parameters + add strings in stringtable.xml
  10. hi, you're welcome ! I'll take a look to how LRX can support CUPs Weapons (never tried !) I keep you in touch
  11. Hi, I barely see you want to equip an AR-15/M-16 riffle ? this come from CUP weapons ? in the file 'addons\LARs\liberationBlacklist.sqf' you have two parts: blacklisted_weapon == weapons that are not allowed in the game (and removed if loaded from loadout) GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal == items that are forcefully enabled in the game (if not found by weapons side) so, i you want a gun to be in the game be sure, the classname is not in blacklisted_weapon , and if it doesn't show in arsenal, put it in GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal if you can give me the classname of the gun, I can retry here.
  12. I've got the permission from @Sgt. Dennenboom, use his SDB_DALE module. now I have to read,understand and merge this code into LRX
  13. Yes, there is ! in the file : "addons\LARs\liberationBlacklist.sqf" you'll found all blacklisted items.
  14. an update is out. - AI rank manager (unit level up) - Time to live for counter Attack units - Pay fine when TK - Rewrite spawn Defenders - better Garbage Collector - Add Toggle HUD on/off (useraction 14) - Add parameter to enable/disable Wild Life - Add rename unit feature (squad management) - Admin tool: Uban Offline players - various fix / update and a good news, I've got the permission from "Sgt. Dennenboom" to use his SDB_DALE module to dynamically change an aircrafts pylons. lot of work in line 🙂
  15. it works, look at for more info about How Auto Support system works
  16. quite strange cannot reproduce, anyway i'll rewrite a call, that may solve your issue can you retry with the latest version ?
  17. btw, how do you start the server ? it is dedicated or hosted ? btw: i rewrite a bit the remotexec call, that may solve your issue
  18. hi, I'll think about this, others players ask for same things. I see how I can do this ! edit: function added to squad management. 🙂
  19. it is always 3 actions, during game , after multiple revive ? did it happen for all player / AI ? " If the players redeploy after death, they will disappear." and then it reappears when its wounded again ?
  20. btw, did you remember how many player was connected at this time ? I'll try on my public server, and I can't reproduce (maybe it's already fixed ?) could you test with the latest pbo from github please ?
  21. hi, you know, the Mag Repack key can be configured, via the dialog (Ctrl+R) -> Options -> keybinding I'll look how to change default key Drag action should be unique (a bug somewhere !) Thanks for feedback
  22. there are two 'kind' of side mission: 1) Original Liberation side mission (Hunt FOB, Convoy, Pilot) wait 60 min auto start if no mission actually running (except FOB hunting that can only be started by player) never end by itself when finished, the cycle begins again. 2) LRX Side missions: (Aicraf wreck, Delivery, Town invasion, etc) wait 5-10 minutes pick random mission (only one type at time) the mission will run for 60min, unless completed for "Special Delivery" and "The Resistance" speaking with npc increase timer by 20 min for other missions killing enemy add 15min wait 30 minutes between side mission when finished, completed or not, the cycle begins again. because of the nature of timed mission there are cases where you are too late !
  23. hi dude, you more than welcome with all your test and feedback ! I'll really appreciate. continue 🙂 feel free to suggest game improvement if you want to all readers, we need prettier cammo textures for vehicles, that fit when used with "setObjectTextureGlobal" function if you have the soul of an artist or if you already have this kind of texture I would be happy to integrate them. textures used are located in "addons\RPT\textures\" paa format
  24. if you speak about the object Ammobox (in chimera) it should never be used ! always use the arsenal menu (mouse wheel) I have to remove the action menu on this box (was for debuging purpose) edit: Arsenal box action removed.
  25. that intended, abandoned vehicle is reset to default i made it to prevent use of vip colour, and to clean awful colours ! tell me if you have other feelings