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Everything posted by 0Y0

  1. Posted the current version of steam. Link in the first post.
  2. Hi everyone again) I now started working on an extended grenade throwing. Steam link Here is a video of the first developments. Already implemented: Extraction of the grenade Change grenades Grenade initiation Swing with a grenade Grenade throw Also implemented inertia when throwing. That is, when throwing a grenade from a running start, the grenade will fly further. There are plans to implement several types of throws. There is also a lot of work to be done with animations, for the prone position, for the unarmed unit, and so on.
  3. High throw mod and at the end of the video, an example of inertia is shown when throwing a grenade from a running.
  4. Made effects for grenade initiation:
  5. No) if ((!isServer) or (((agltoasl _this) select 2) < 0) or (PiR_frags_on == 0)) exitWith {}; params ["_position","_frag", "_count", "_speed", "_xv", "_yv", "_zv"]; _count = round ((10 + (random 10)) * PiR_frags_on); _position = [(_this select 0), (_this select 1), ((_this select 2))]; IF ((_position select 2) > 2) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_count) do { _speed = 100 + (random 100); _xv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1]; _yv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1]; _zv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1]; IF ( str (lineIntersectsSurfaces [agltoasl _position, agltoasl [((_position) select 0) + (_xv * 5),((_position) select 1) + (_yv * 5),((_position) select 2) + 0.05 + (_zv * 5)]]) == "[]") Then { _frag = "PIR_frags_light" createVehicle _position; _frag setpos [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), ((_position select 2) + 0.05)];; _frag setvelocity [(_xv * _speed), (_yv * _speed), (_zv * _speed)]; }; }; } ELSE { for "_i" from 1 to (_count / 2) do { _speed = 100 + (random 100); _xv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1]; _yv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1]; _zv = abs ((sqrt ( _xv ^ 2 + _yv ^ 2)) * (tan (selectrandom [random 45, 180 - (random 45)]))); IF ( str (lineIntersectsSurfaces [agltoasl _position, agltoasl [((_position) select 0) + (_xv * 5),((_position) select 1) + (_yv * 5),((_position) select 2) + 0.05 + (_zv * 5)]]) == "[]") Then { _frag = "PIR_frags_light" createVehicle _position; _frag setpos [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), ((_position select 2) + 0.05)];; _frag setvelocity [(_xv * _speed), (_yv * _speed), (_zv * _speed)]; }; }; };
  6. Hi all. Such a question... We have a 3D vector. Which is located on a perfectly flat surface. Through the "surfaceNormal" command, we can find out the vector perpendicular to the surface. And with a perfectly flat surface, it is "[0,0,1]". The angle between our vector and the perpendicular vector to the surface must be constant. And the question itself .. what to do if our surface is at an angle to the horizon? Let me explain what I do. Here is a video where the fragments of the explosion are made of fish, for clarity. The scattering of fragments has a certain structure. And I want that during explosions on an inclined surface, the scattering of fragments would remain in the same structure, but the whole structure should be parallel to the slope of the surface.
  7. 0Y0

    Error with \config.ccp

    This bug is not in the mod. This is a config error. Looks like you screwed something up when you changed it.
  8. Thanks a lot) The setting is now displayed)
  9. Hi people. A question... Is it possible to somehow get the RTM motion vector parameter for animation in blender 2.92 and higher? I read the previous page... but I can't get this parameter.
  10. Hi guys. This project adds different types of reaction on getting hit. As well as the ability to first aid and dragging the wounded. All this works for AI and players. Types of reaction: Knocking out weapon Knocking down helmet Cramps Crawls Loss of consciousness Explosion shell shock Wound fast Animations Also possible transitions from one state to another. Description of the mods mechanics for the player: If you are wounded and you can crawl, or if your weapon has been knocked out, then you need to move a certain distance, or wait a certain time to go to the next state. Help can be provided only when the player is in a state of unconscious. This condition is the end for any injury. If you want to turn off injuries for a specific unit, then before the start of the mission, write the following line to the unit’s init: this setVariable ["dam_ignore_hit0",true,true]; If in the mission to include a standard extended wound system in basic mode. Then you will get an instant death switch off when injured. All setting you can find in CBA mod menu. Explanation video: Extended medical system explanation: Wound to hand reaction: Wound to the legs and body reaction option: Head injury reaction. Unconscious state and dragging. Unconsciousness and AI dragging is based on this script. But, at this moment, completely redesigned. And from the original code, only an idea remains) Grenade. Effects on the player. Shell shock Wound fast Animations Different treatment options. New treatment system: Extended medical system: Full treatment cycle in extended medical system: Prone with launcher. "Shift + S" buttons. 🚧 Steam link 🚧 To work requires CBA.
  11. Theoretically, here is the code to hurt a unit: params ["_unit", "_shooter","_selection"]; _unit = unit name; _selection = "head" _shooter = _unit; _unit setDamage 0.9; IF ((!(PiR_DamageAllow_on) && (str (isDamageAllowed _unit) == "true")) or (PiR_DamageAllow_on)) then{ IF (isplayer _unit) then { [_unit, _selection, _shooter] remoteExecCall [ "PiR0", 2 ]; } ELSE { [_unit, _selection, _shooter] remoteExecCall [ "PiR", 2 ]; }; }; And this is the code to completely heal the unit: _unit setVariable ["dam_dihanie_statys",1,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_puls_statys",1,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_krov_statys",5,true]; switch (gestureState _unit) do { case "pir_medic_uncondition_1": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_1_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_2": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_2_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_3": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_3_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_4": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_4_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_5": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_5_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_6": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_6_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; }; _unit setVariable ["dam_player_krovstoit0",true,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_uncondition_injured0",true,true]; [ _unit, false ] remoteExecCall [ "setUnconscious", _unit ]; _unit setVariable ["dam_conec_istorii0",true,true]; [_unit,"UnconsciousOutProne"] remoteExecCall ["switchMove", 0]; [{ params ["_unit"]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountTimeEffect0", 0 ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_HealEffect0", (24 - round ((damage _unit) * 24)) ,true]; }, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerList0", [] ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerEffect0", 0 ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_Apteka0", 0,true]; [{ params ["_unit"]; _unit setVariable ["dam_player_lecit0",false,true]; }, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; That is, the first part of the code gives the usual injury. It will be the same if you just shot a unit.
  12. Do you have the latest version of ARMA 3 installed? Because the gesturestate command was introduced in one of the latest versions of the game. If so, in what situation does the error occur?
  13. _unit setVariable ["dam_dihanie_statys",1,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_puls_statys",1,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_krov_statys",5,true]; switch (gestureState _unit) do { case "pir_medic_uncondition_1": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_1_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_2": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_2_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_3": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_3_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_4": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_4_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_5": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_5_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; case "pir_medic_uncondition_6": {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_6_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];}; }; _unit setVariable ["dam_player_krovstoit0",true,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_uncondition_injured0",true,true]; [ _unit, false ] remoteExecCall [ "setUnconscious", _unit ]; _unit setVariable ["dam_conec_istorii0",true,true]; [_unit,"UnconsciousOutProne"] remoteExecCall ["switchMove", 0]; [{ params ["_unit"]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountTimeEffect0", 0 ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_HealEffect0", (24 - round ((damage _unit) * 24)) ,true]; }, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerList0", [] ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerEffect0", 0 ,true]; _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_Apteka0", 0,true]; [{ params ["_unit"]; _unit setVariable ["dam_player_lecit0",false,true]; }, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; Already answered you in Steam, but here I will duplicate the same, maybe it will be useful to someone)
  14. The possibility of dragging the wounded is in the mod from the very beginning of its creation)) I do not plan to add new features. Now only fixing bugs if they are found.
  15. No, there is only a general adjustment for all units. Theoretically, when you make a mission, you can try, in the unit settings, turn off damage for available units. Then the available units will not die immediately after hit. But this is far from the best solution, because there will be no damage from any explosives, grenades and so on. Carrying the wounded and loading them into vehicles is not planned. The mod has the ability to drag the wounded.
  16. As I already answered in Steam)) There is nothing in mod that could affect time)
  17. The CBA settings correctly display which settings require a restart and which do not. I guess turn off injuries for the blue side.
  18. Video explaining the new system, but in Russian.
  19. The mod will be updated today.
  20. I think I still need about a week or so.