Hello! The problem is that I registered in the Layers.cfg texture, but they are not displayed. And not one. There is only one texture throughout the map. I ask for help from the knowledgeable. And I'm sorry for making mistakes.
class Layers
class coastal_rock
texture = "TestMap\data\gdt_soil_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\gdt_concrete.rvmat";
class Underwater rock
texture = "TestMap\data\os_valouny_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_valouny.rvmat";
class sand
texture = "TestMap\data\beach_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\beach.rvmat";
class hlina2
texture = "TestMap\data\os_hlina2.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_hlina2.rvmat";
class os_trava2
texture = "TestMap\data\os_trava2_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_trava2.rvmat";
class dry_grass
texture = "TestMap\data\grass_green_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\grass_green.rvmat";
class gruntglina
texture = "TestMap\data\os_hlina2_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_hlina2.rvmat";
class gruntpustyna
texture = "TestMap\data\os_valouny_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_valouny.rvmat";
class steep_dry_grass
texture = "TestMap\data\os_skala_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_skala.rvmat";
class steep_cliffs
texture = "TestMap\data\os_forest_co.paa";
material = "TestMap\data\os_forest.rvmat";
class Legend
picture = "TestMap\source\mapLegend.png";
class Colors
// color names should correspond to surface layer names
sand[]={{230, 230, 120}};
os_hlina2[]={{175, 161, 131}};
underwater_rock[]={{120, 121, 120}};
Coastal rock[]={{120, 122, 122}};
os_trava2[]={{140, 195, 80}};
steep_dry_grass[]={{170, 180, 70}};
steep_cliffs[]={{80, 80, 80}};