197th Special Task and Recon [197STAR]
197STAR is a fictional semi-real style Arma 3 unit, focusing on infantry combat. We are a multinational unit with members from Europe and the USA, running operations at 1900BST on Sunday nights, with mini ops and other games throughout the week.
197STAR is a NATO styled infantry based unit. We run with the principles of being Nationless and Role-less, meaning that we do not force anyone to play as a particular nation, and we do not restrict ourselves to just doing Infantry style ops, or just doing Special Forces style ops, as an example.
We run a medium sized modpack of ~50 mods, including ADV - ACE Medical and RHS/Project OPFOR. There is a large selection of uniform and kit mods for you to customise your character to what you see fit.
We are a semi-real unit. This means that we follow NATO tactics and have a NATO styled ORBAT, but don't enforce the more milsim things such as rank seniority or mandatory training. We only ask that you complete a simple basic training run by one of our instructors, and communicate with us in the case of having to take leave of absence. We expect you to attend the main operation each week, but if you can't, just let us know and it's not an issue.
Operation wise, we run campaigns of 4-6 weeks each, with main operations running at 1900BST every Sunday, and another large event every Saturday at 1900BST. We run mini ops and training sessions throughout the week, and encourage the community to play other games as well.
Arma 3 Units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/197star
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/WnzmM5k
Or send me a PM!