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Bean Bonder

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About Bean Bonder

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  1. Bean Bonder

    co10 Escape

    Oh, okay, thanks for this information What i like about VCOM are: flanking/taking cover/spreading around system, the thing that they're not shooting through bushes aka there is no foliage, the thing that they use explosives if you're capturing the building for long time and rpg usage against infantry. They do much more, but those are options which i found pretty decent change of our escape experience I see those flanking/building check/destroy/covering etc sqf files in vcomai.pbo, so maybe just importing some of those and connecting to the mission will do the trick, but i guess things are much more complicated Anyways, this mission is badass, just wanted to try different ai, because got a bit tired of them mostly just going forward to you and having x-ray vision if there are some foliage between them and you Thank you for the respond
  2. Bean Bonder

    co10 Escape

    As i can see, this mission doesnt support HC Maybe im doing something wrong, but well... Thank you for the tip
  3. Bean Bonder

    co10 Escape

    Uhm, it might be a wrong place to ask, but well im pretty much of noob in arma 3 coding and logs seems fine Here is the thing: Hosting own dedicated server, mods are ACE, CBA, bunch of RHS and VCOM Launching Escape RHS Tanoa mission by NeoArmageddon and Scruffy Everything works fine, but later in 20-40 minutes or so server is freezing. It doesnt give me No message received or something, i can run around, my mates can do the same, but for each of us everybody else are staying still. Cant interact with inventory, units are standing still, cant log in as an admin etc. I mean, server just not responding. Might give 1 tick in 10-15 minutes and then hanging again I guess some scenario is happening, which is loading server. Without VCOM everything is working fine People seems playing VCOM fine so i beilive its working fine, but maybe somehow it has a conflict with Escape. Need to try VCOM at other missions to make sure Anyways any ideas what might it be?
  4. Bean Bonder

    BMR Insurgency

    Every dead unit disappears in ~3 minutes at my dedicated. Headed to init_server.sqf, found there // Clean up Maintenance // paragraph, changed those settings - didn't worked Headed to scripts\repetitive_cleanup.sqf, but eeeeh, im far away from coding, so that was like a dark forest as for me Any tips, how to make those bodies/items/vehicles/etc stay for a longer time? Thanks UPD: At the "INSfncs\server_fncs.sqf" lines: if (not (_unit isKindOf "Man")) then { {_x setPos position _unit} forEach crew _unit; sleep 1800; <- Amount of seconds before dead bodies will disappear if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then { if(not ((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Man")) then {_unit setPos (position vehicle _unit)}; sleep 1800; <- Amount of seconds before vehicles will disappear Default ones were different, so i've picked 1800 aka 30 minutes Phew