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Everything posted by AndyB1580

  1. AndyB1580

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I would love to get this mod working but I don't seem to be getting the same behavior as other people. When I tested the Steam demo mission, the team leader just gives an order to move left or right 100 or 200 meters, pauses for 30 seconds, and then orders the squad in the opposite direction and then pauses 30 seconds again and repeats zig-zagging to the first objective. Once reaching the first objective, the squad leader just moves back and forth 5 meters at a time in random directions, and never proceeds to the next objective. Could this mod have been affected by the recent CBA update or something? Thanks.
  2. Can you offer any guidelines on getting your foundation to work with IFA3? East, West and Independent default to the vanilla unit types when using your spawn functions. Thanks.
  3. Have you tested the framework with CUP terrains? It seems like there may be something funky with the CUP terrains that is affecting the framework's ground position functions and placing Ifrits and mortar emplacements under the sea for CUP islands. Thanks.
  4. Hi. I'm just getting started with your Foundation. I fixed a few function renames in the init.sqf for the AltisPatrol tutorial, however, the provided ReinforceGroups.sqf script is failing. Maybe I should try the foundation version that the tutorials were originally developed for until I get more familiar with the system. I checked the InfantryPatrol sample mission and it does not use the same script. Do you recall the foundation version that the tutorials were developed with? Thanks! EDIT: Hmmm. Or, is only the tutorial PDF outdated? I am not at home, but I see now that that the Solution.sqf appear to have the updated fcn names. EDIT: After testing more, I'm pretty sure that ReinforceGroups.sqf is buggy. Using the provided init solution file I get this: 0 = [_reinforceGroup, _group, [#]_h_insert, _reinforceHeli] spawn f_sy... Error undefined variable in expression: _h_insertion ...\ReinforceGroups.sqf, line 83 -Zen_CheckArguments Error - Argument 6 is the wrong type 1505.08 [B Alpha 2-1:1,[[6080.766,15577.2,0]],[0,0,0]], B Alpha 2-3,"normal",30,true] EDIT - Made this correction in ReinforceGroups.sqf - missing argument "fastrope". // fastrope insertion and retreat, recall that _h_insertion is finished when heli is at [0,0,0] _h_insertion = [_reinforceHeli, [_landPos, [0,0,0]], _reinforceGroup, "normal", 30, "fastrope", true] call Zen_OrderInsertion; Now replacements are inserted but do not join the existing group and own the mission until they die.
  5. Many Steam single-player scenarios such as DRO include randomization features which have started inserting Rules DLC "Village People" costumes, ambulances, tour vans and DLC tanks into missions and prompting me to purchase them. I'm not asking how to use them for free. I just want that content gone because it often ruins the flavor of the mission. The SP randomization outfits the AI as Village People and uses the DLC without me having a choice. In contrast, I don't get RHS weapons unless I intentionally load an RHS Mod. Why can't Rules and Tanks DLC be the same and leave me alone?
  6. Great. Can't wait for the next DLC.
  7. That's it. Y-M-C-A.... They break content, for example, by causing an assigned task such as "Steal vehicle" to be attached to a DLC tour van instead of a military vehicle. Then 45 minutes into the mission, if you don't buy the DLC then you cannot enter the vehicle to steal it. Also it seems kind of silly to be trying to steal a commercial touring bus from a military installation.
  8. Thanks Gunter. I own Marksman DLC and Apex DLC and they are great. But I have absolutely no interest in the Village People DLC (AKA Rules) or Tanks DLC. I only play infantry and I don't want that junk. If the idea is try it before you buy it, it seems there should be an option to say no and opt out. Actually, I might buy them if they included an option to disable them and make them go away. LOL They are a huge annoyance in dynamic SP missions. It seems like they should have tested and realized that the way they added those DLCs breaks so much content.
  9. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately this seems to be an issue with MANY missions and mission makers - the entire RCO series, for example.
  10. Many Steam single-player scenarios such as DRO include randomization features which have started inserting Rules DLC "Village People" costumes, ambulances, tour vans and DLC tanks into missions and prompting me to purchase them. I'm not asking how to use them for free. I just want that content gone because it often ruins the flavor of the mission. The SP randomization outfits the AI as Village People and uses the DLC without me having a choice. In contrast, I don't get RHS weapons unless I intentionally load an RHS Mod. Why can't Rules and Tanks DLC be the same and leave me alone? Thanks.
  11. AndyB1580

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Thanks. I will try it some more. I couldn't command any of the friendly AI and quickly got surrounded and killed in crossfire by the enemy, so I wondered if it was not meant to be played by 1 person.
  12. AndyB1580

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I tried it out and this mission looks really cool. But is is really playable as single-player?
  13. AndyB1580

    KP Support Missions

    Awesome, Wyqer. I'm really enjoying the scenario. Thanks for your hard work.