Hi. I want to add a custom action to a player that, when triggered, will play a custom sound "sound1.ogg" inside my mission file\music\ folder.
My description.ext works properly, here it is:
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {01,02};
class 01
name = "01";
sound[] = {"music\sound1.ogg", db+10, 1.0};
titles[] = {0,""};
class 02
name = "02";
sound[] = {"music\sound2.ogg", db+10, 1.0};
titles[] = {0,""};
Note that sound2.ogg is not used yet.
In the init field of the player that can play the sound, I have tried to make the custom action:
this addAction ["Play Sound", this say3D "01"]
but here's the problem:
when I run the scenario, the sound is played at the beginning, right after the players spawn in, and there is no custom action on the player.
If I forgot to add anything, please ask, this is my first post so I might have missed something...