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Everything posted by Moonman_Au

  1. Moonman_Au

    VTOL handling after Jets DLC...?

    Hello all, I too was fliping confused when it came to flying the blackfish after the jets dlc but it is able to be done. After some practice and setting controls how i find it easy this is how i do it. To start the landing from forward flight to landing as a VTOL 1-I first lower my throttle to 0 (using z or my rebound LAlt+mouse wheel down) and use the X key to use my speed brake till I am doing around 180km/h. 2- at this point i use LCtrl+ mouse up to bring the engine nacells up to 90 degrees for landing 3-then I use the speed brake again to continue slowing while i also nose up slightly 4- this is the tricky stage. once you get to a certain speed you will start decending because your throttle is at 0 which means you will have to increase your throttle to slow your decent. to do this easier i bound my Lalt+mouse up&down respectively to give me finer control over my throttle 5- to control your decent you will have to feather the throttle to find a sweet spot 6- once your speed is zero or your are where you want to stop/land you should hopefully have found a sweet spot with the throttle or at least be able to manage the ascent/decent speed which will now enable you to land. Please note This is for sure a balancing act and it is no different to the collective in a real life heli. The best way i found to learn is to hover and see how different throttle settings affect my ascent/decent speed FYI Facts liftoff throttle is about 66% perfect hover is about 64% or so The only way to fly these is to practice and to make good use of and be able to balance your speed brake (x key), manual vectoring (LCtrl+mousewheel up&down respectively) and your throttle (shift and Z or in my case Lalt+mouse up&down respectively) Lastly i would recommend getting used to a running landing (landing on a runway with forward speed) or practicing on the salt flat where it is nice and open first and then easing into a hover landing. Hope this helps as i was feeling your pain. Cheers Moonman