Hi, long time reader, first time poster.
I've been getting into scripting a lot lately, I was always in and around it but recently trying to step it up a bit.
I'm trying to write an IED script myself (i know there's a million out there) that searches for roads and places IEDs, IF there's x distance between this point and the last IED placed.
This script has taken several forms as I try get it working properly, but this is my latest:
Currently it will place IEDs (VR blocks) at very odd distanced from each other, some as little as 20m away.
I also made up a script that will place IEDs on markers chosen at random and randomly choose the IED type - ultimately I want to merge these 2 together, but for now it's getting the spacing constraints to work that's my issue.
Random marker + IED type script for anyone interested:
Thanks for any input on this, I've been staring at it so long its becoming a blur of words :P